


Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
• PLANTS AT VOL. XXX HA.Mlt TON" OHIO •• ;:; ' ·: ·: .. ;· ' ' • . - • • - ~ .. .. CANTON. N·ORTH CAROLINA : HOUSTON, TEXAS : SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA NIA RCH 1947 NO.3 . T hirty-tlzird Year of Publication G. W. Phillips, Editor Emeritus . . CAL SKILLMAN, Ma.,.aqinq Editor RAY GARRETT, HamUton Division Ed'ito;ri JAMES DEATON, Canton Division Editor; A. M. KO'URY. Houston Division Editor Editorial Advisor-s, REUBEN B. ROBERTSQN, JR, • . DWIGHT J. THOMSON I N THIS ISSUE Flood and. Fire Destroys Hamilton Champion----- --- ---- ~- - 2 New Dies.el Electric Locomotive------~-------------------- 5 Editorial _______________________ -~- _ _ _ _ _____ __ _____ __ 6 The Blmv Tower ____ __ _____ ___________________ -___ _______ 6 The Quiet C01:ner -------- - ------~------ ~-- - ------------- 7 . . Ou-r Cover Pict-uTe -------'------ ------------------------- 7 Emerson Robin on ----------- -------------- -- -·--------- 7 Proudly We Present---------------- ----~ ------------- 7, 12 \Vorld's Lar-gest Paper Machine ------:- --- - ---:-------- ----- 9 Credit Unions -- --------------'--~---------- ---- ---------- 13 Hamilton Personal ----- - --------- ---------.--~---~------- 14 Canton PersQnals -- ----~------------- --- ----------·- ---- 28 Houston Personals _____ ----.! ___ ____________ ..,.. __ .,. _ -------... 35 Sandersville Personals ------------------------------~---- 40 ' . . . .. Two CltaJnpr.'on 's Hamz'lton Division plant was t!estroyt!d by the ternble Mia;ni f/ alley Flood and the fire which followed the flood waters. Above are the remains of the Coating Mill tfS it appeared at the end of March, 1913 . ' • ,. ·- ' 0 • ----~--· 7 r r - l) t .... & I ! . t I 7 IS b - • ' SF . It , HIP Cha1npion came tlerough the tei! of fire and water to rebuild and t:o11tinue her leaderJhip in the manufacture of quality papers. A/Jove iJ a view of today's Har11zilton Di ision Mills. Powntown Hamilton before water reached its crest. ·. - c. • \. GENEBAl. VIEW OF WRECK1lGE at the approxhnate loc.aijon of the present Machine .Shop and Power House. · The words "the flood" nte1ztioned in .Hatnilton, Ohio mean !the jlnod of Ma.rc/z 1913, but to Hamilton ChampiiJns it still anotlzer horror· f ire. . Thirty-four years ago, m~ontlz, Hamilton Clza111 pion was DES TR 0 Y .ED !Jy · Va again in its bank . h th · Co tin The mill w t -r \ er t their hciO'ht a fir _1i ll of h an1pi on and bu rued f ras '( mpl ( ·l.' de tr d. t rt d in r lO da ys. P r perty dama in tl rer 0 die of c1 tizen w it XC' d d $15 000000. r r c v r d} but tl e actua l. 1 ",' f lif wa, nen~r a ura I y dete mined. hampio . H mil n and th nti r ~{i ami · a lley are toda prot ted by the 1 Iia1ni n er ancy plan, a pr j ct vo d or nd pa1 by the citizens of the Miami Valley. • T 0 A E XTRA! ···- HAMilTON · iiW ~ NEW ~-- ...;.-- To All Hannlt ;n WorkinP . ·· . ' St:~d. 1o H .. rnilton. · i Your o~rtum l1i> m ~t¢r b'ere .than ve:r belont and ~ .r- thall ir> any Othel cit • < Dtb'le y'll to- • ._.,.,_('ll e Md ..-fu-.nillh ~'OUT t.or-. We <.u t .,..ldt~ heip fr'lln Uliifi.Y iiOI:Il'~llS Mil we lai&.v tL.t J we 8!" gointr to_J~ abk- 1111 "v.11 ou importar~t aieL 11111 addiMu lJu. 13wl a new. hal• aacl batl~f Champion bcrby. . ' ROM HE EDITORS B . n . Phillips h piri f )1 r i inh rent in b th man ~ nd t · t - r little · rk, nd a littl . pl r To ch r u ~ I ng lif ~ hi hw - . i a ood anti ot f r bodil ~ r m n al 'hau tion. The old ada ! ''All t · rk and no pla«· mak s J a dull boy,' j~ an e tabli 'h d rin i 1 of u;utl1. nythmcr w 1 ·e to do IS a ame ~nvthin '"e haY to do i v ork th refore, we should make a ame out of our \ . rk. Ba eball, a y u kno ,,, i a gr at merican game. ~Jillion of people crowd th o-rand tand and b l ea~h ers d~r­in th · sea on to ee th crames and r ot for theu favonte "-' team. Did it ever occur to you that bu iness is the greatest game of all? Son1.e men make a bu iness of playing baseball­other prefer to make a crame of business.-In the game of baseball the manager and player are always on the same side-always together-they are never playing against each o her. The player are aware of the fact that no man can win if hi team lose , tl1erefore, each player enters the game with the purpose of putting his very best into it-playing to­gether under the direction of t he Captain-to win-to ucceed . . In the game of business; the company and its employees make one team, and to be success ful they must all be on 'the same side. In order to meet competition the rules of the game must be observed or the umpire-the customer . may de~ide against you. In baseball, whatever your part m the game, whether you are at bat, running bases, in the fi eld, pitching or catching, you are expected to play the game well -so, in the game of business-whatever your job, in t he factory, or in the office, the success of the team-the business you are engaged in, is depending n you to put your very best effort into it. As in baseball, so it is in the business you are engaged in-:-you cannot be careless or indifferent or off your guard without risking the reputation or success of the t a.m or company you are working for. The reputation of Champion for producing fine paper and pleasing the customer may be injured by a carelc , indifferent workman. In basebalt, three outs put the batting team out, so,. in bu in~ ss too many mistak will be counted against the standing of the corr;t any you a e orking for. Therefore, remember I(The reput ation of the t am attracts curtomers and judges the wages of the players." . In baseball or in business, 1 t' 1 Jay th g~ 1 well- 1 t put or best eff rt into it. The sprrit d co p ·r i n in ba b 11 or in bu iness will win the gam . Re mb r, th ~ ucc s f the team-the business you are enga<}' d in m y b dr.pend­ing on you, ther fore, let's all work t eth r under th dire - tion of the Captain-the managemcn of Champion, to maintain the Spirit of Cooperation and ood FelLowship throughout the organization. u'fhe reputation of the team attracts customers at~rd judges the wages of the players.11 Six HE 1'he article (] anuary Loc) which unfolded the story a Clopay was su perbly defined in ever·y detail. In addition 1 HE Lo itself represents a very fine company house organ. and you and y our organiaztimz are to be commefzded on this publication. f ohn S . S tark, Vice-President Clopay Corporation We appreciate your commendations. Many readers e ­pressed favorable reactions to the article. We are encour .. aged to try another and similar feature. Your January title page picture of HT he Old Rail Fence J made me so homesick for my home that I would like to have an enlargement to hang in my office. Many admired this has been sent to him. • Dick Brown, E ditor The Southwestern Purchaser • picture. 1\tfr. Brown's en largement In looking through the February Log, I notice the uneven allotment of space to different departments and also between Divisions. How come?- A Houston Reader. Space is not allotted to reporters or Divisions. All copy is used as submitted with only slight edito6al deletion when text is a repeti tion of copy u ed in other storie or when a fe·.v lines must be cut to eliminate carry-over to ano her column or page. At some time in the future a definite pace budget wi:ll be set up for reporters and Divisions. Like all budgets it will proba bly be difficult to administer. I sure u•as happy to receive the last two copies of the Log at home by mail. My husband usually forgot to bring a cop 1 home. I read evny word in the magazin . and then the children take it to school. T hanles.-A Cha-m pion (1! a mil­ton) fVi/e. ur thank o you, but t 11 u , do the hildren tak th magazine to chool for reader interest or f r th , ld pap r drive? I used to be able to pi /;:. up the L g and fi nd all the news f our Division at a glan , nozo it is aU 1n£x d m·mmd in the /1' nt part and then more in the r m· of th boo!?. Yo1t may h ve a 1' ()Jon fo1· this, but why not expla·in it to ymtr 1· aders. - A Canton Old T£nur. 1 h re is a rctts n and we hot that · ou agree that it i a g od one. We plan to carry news in the fr nt or en ral sc tiou f Th Log that m.ay be of inte rest t all employee or heir families, r gardless of the Division at which bey work. The Divisi nal sections will carry pers nal items such a weddings, children's pi_ctures, vacation news of indivi~ u a l s and other items that possibly have news value only to fnends and immediate ac.q uaintanccs. THE HO\V ~IUCH DO YOU READ? Or to put it another ~ay. is your reading limited to the sports page and the unnie,? If that' the ca e, you are among the many who 1ave allowed themselve to b ecome intellectually lazy which s indeed a seriou thing. \\"e haYe no idea of condemnincr the sports page and unnie as we enjoy them too but we do feel th at if your .. eading stop the re, then you are wrong. It hould ca r ry on hrough the rest of the paper-the news storie , the editorials, c. But let's dig a bit d eeper into this matter a nd see if there 'sn·t a real reason why we hould read in the right way. The onth ahead are of vital import ance to every American! 1111.·,'-'Ur country i one of the few remaining in which free enter­' ri e i the way of life. \Ve must a ll do our sh a re to see that ·t remains this way. ,.\nd if we are to do thi ~ , isn 't it logical to say that we must eet: ourselve fully informed on wh at 1 · happening in our o munity ou r state and ou r nation ? If this is an acceptable a ement doesn't it follow that to be fully informed we must read constantly from the various sources that are at our . ~ _ nger q:: s. One of the mai n sources of informa ti on is our local news­paper. R ega rdless of the beliefs of its editors, it will carry accurate news accounts as it receives t hem from the national e en.·ice . F rom the editori a ls, you can learn much of ho he particular paper feels about matters of interest ·of a orts civic, political, national, etc. Ot~er fine source . a re the well-established weekly news man-azmes such as Ttme or Newsweek. These give broad co ·era~e to nation al and international affairs. In addition through their special section on cience, art, religion and o her . we can keep up to date on the new trends and dis­cm ·erie in the e fi eld s. Finally, each new day sees new non-fiction books placed o . he helve of our book stores. Of cou rse, it is impossible for any. one per on to read them all but t here are a lways a \ w~1 ~ten by the real authoriti es, with whi ch we should all e. f.am1tiar. l\lany ne :vsl?apers, particul a rly i_n th eir Sunday e ltl~ns. have a book rev1ew sect1on from wb1ch you ca n get e Q1&t of uch new books and an opinion of t heir value. .\Ye mean .in no way to say that you should abandon all .cuonal re dmg. \Ve feel however, that every American _ou d pl ce. above reading for pleasur that reading which ·1l1 _enab!<: h1m t,o lay his part as a citizen to the very best O c hi a th~y . 1 here can be no doubt that our country not . need ~ mtell ctually alert citizens for tbe next few month. , for always. What do you think? OUR CO VER PICTURE On the front cover of our magazine this month, is a re­production of a kodachrome of the Rainbow Natural Bridge in Utah. It i the largest bridge of its kind in the world. From the bed of the stream to the top of the arch it is 309 feet, ha a span of 27 feet, and the a rch a t the t p is 40 feet thick. It i said, the Capitol building in W ashington could be slipped und r the arch with room t o spare. The bridge is of beautiful varicolored sand tone and is shaped by ages of wind and water and sanded to a glass-like surface that glistens in the sun. Its name-''Rainbow Bridge"-is taken from both its sh ape and color. It is located in a remote spot difficult to re ac h~onc can reach it from the Arizona side over a very strenuo us t ra il. The a rea immedi a tely su rrounding it has been made a national monument. EMERSON DIVISION ROBINSON RESIGNS EDITOR OF "THE • AS HAMILTON LOG" On January 15, Emerson Robinson checked his last copy f?r Tr-rE Loc and ended nearly 14 years of service to Cham­p! On. In the year 1933 he started with Champion as the Editor of a new Hamilton Division publication known a CHAMPIO• AcTlVITIES. Many ·Hamilton employ s sti ll ref r to the his­tory of Champion that ran for many m nths in this magazin . I-r: Nov mber, 1939, the CHAMPION TtVJTTES was merg-ed With TH · LoG and Robin s n carried on a th Divisi nal E~ito~ fo: Hamilt Jn. Th e v r incr a sing lemands for ed1t nal t~me ~nall y ~ ec J c .too gr at. He decided to carry on nly w1th h1 s full tim dut1 ·s as H.on ilt n r pr sentative for a Cin innati n wspap r. His he rful , mil will b missed by ev ry on of his Cham i•n. fri ~ nds, "nd they ar 1 gion. H i known by som<.: of 1:1s fn ends as ' I. ~ k" and by th rs as 'Rob", but ~o all he L a r •a] ~ru fnend. They air ady mi s hi daily Jaunts · bout th mtll. He and hi s wife, Emm. resid at 3219 rie m ·r A cnu , Hamilton, Ohio. ' Seven : 0 I I c I R •bt' , . . 1· t , Ch Ill ic t'll .' I ' ' 1 1 () 1 ; h r )I'.' It" 1.':-l '·- ltlll t·r iittht ll nil '1 l ;,ii 1. 1'1 ~~lh in• · 1 l n• ·I . hcdul-ill' 1' · nmcn .t H 1111 < 1 nl dt<-n in 11 ,, I n lt•\\ ,·'-illth }lnl. P1j)I\'•U1l. . ' ' W1L t 1!1 '1 ' U t c·r'' Jthc \ i1 1Ht in\ In I l• · I _ 1l tt1.' ·r c I hi. ' ntn i i,·n , -. ' · r t t I i cur ( 11 11 i 1 I 1 d l 14 .' , 1 ·t' 1 111 lt' i tt .t~h·, n • hi t nl un il I :- ~1·-- 1 t. n . • 1 t'm! ·r 20. l l)~t) \\ ith Tll' I Ilk ,f \J t. ll. 1 urinL. hi. f~._• lr Y ', r uf lllilit·11 • • ~ n i .. : le . ~._· H nH ~t t>f hi: tinH' in 1 ' · ~ • n c \' n 1 k. i t"l at t h c llt.• i vi icm EJit ur. llc n · ·d 110 intt,,dllllt<•ll to H amil un ·mrloyt.:e ha vin~ W<>tk ·J n Di· i 1cn L . t.tff. . ·r, r · i · ''• -Ha ~ Mrs. Norma Hac ·cer iltc.uian. 1 ft l'rad · i••o Loq R porter, Hamilton Dlv. frr m Han ilt n Hi v s \.Wloed and wed by L . Bob H it ·k r nJ a t · h id · · j den ·e in L('"' ng lc F . \\'or hand. l r,nt'!(,m '.'·can" li )LISt n in S ·pt ~mber of 1 CJ45. Ina much as hubby, Bob, and b roth ·r-in-la ', J ohn, c members of the Ho 1s on Di vi ion, . or rna 1 ned c n r October and ha graced the P ers0nnel Office incc h' da . She began writing for the Loc in J unc and ha been a re_ ul r contribut r t these pages. Mrs. H acker spends her pare ime in a endin h U nivers ity o f H ou ton evening cia ~cs in B u ine - d ini - tration; or knitting oaudy ock for H ubb , Bob. he a ,_ her other evening are spent spectator-wi e '·atchinl'l' B 'b play basketball, softball and other ports in ea~(JD . Norma is an exceptionally good cook, o::.pecializinO' in T ol l­H o use cookies and " Chili Soup". he attend the .\1ethoJi- t Church each Sunday in P a ·adena ( pecially to hear ).1r. Smathers golden tenor in the church choir) . Norma is an enthusiastic reporter and like to writ her "Mill l\1eanderings" about the act i\'itie of our Champi 1 Folk, but j ever amazed a t the amount of her copy we ar called upon to censor. By A. J/. k t tr SAM OLSEN lS FETED BY FRIENDS. Upper left: Hom r H. La . . er mak s presentation lo Sam. Upper riqht: Guy Randall, Andy Anderson and Jim Hoern r voice their qood·byea. Lower left: Sam than'rs his fri nda for their qift. tower riqhl: Part of the crowd with Joe Piqqott and Walter Hobb rqer 1D th• limeliqht. ' . ..... i~ ., · IT IS NOT ALWAYS ROSY on paperma''in!'J m<:lchin~.- A11hO'¢CJh &tent-up wa:s considered phenomenal, ''))reeks" did occur oecasione~1ly. V'Dy-4 Fetid •. third hqnd, reachea iQr "t«i.l" fro= buckteccler, lUchatd ,JOl:lem to. ttuow lt lato ttac:k1. n 1 • ' • -· . . Above Photo by G. W. Phillips New Paper Jvfachine at Canton Divt".sion' started operatz'on on January 31. First start-up was remarkably srhooth. Chanzpi.on officials offer praise and cotnplinzents· to supervision and employees. • FIRSt REEL c:o:me trGlT.l. new No. ll Macthine. Bill Be~inq ta shown. "l•ellnllJ our' the Ut~tt l'eel of whtte pape:r to c;oUl.e fr:c:urt new mctchh•.~:e~ A. M. (luck) Falrl1rotlier, Aasiatant Ge.ner(j]. Svssennlea.dtill ef :Poper caucl locltcl raC~rswactwbaq. lookt o.a. l'l:lllEAO.NG WINDERS Voyd Ford. third hand, ·a't le ft. and Sc.tm Wilson. fourth h.and. threading the ne machine winders. FIRST WINDER REEL of White Radian1 EnveJope from No. 11 Machine u :ready to come olf winders. "Break'' conveyor is shown at left. ''Hoi Rock'' Owen. sWt foreman. and Tom Hyat.t. third hand. ate shown in ri9'l1t fore.grourtd. . GUY' HEMPHILL. of Stock and Storage Department. ta~es £irst roll from No. 11 mac.hine winders. ROLLS GOING UP-Lee v.i il:is. crane oper· ator; is shown taHnq the first rolls of White Radiant Env.elope t~ finishing area cutters. ON THESE CUTTERS are these . s-ix r.olls of Ra~iant Envelope in the Finishing area. They are first reUs to reach cutters from new machine. Cutte:r Op~rator, Pet~ Ch.ambets. is loo:.ing over 1he situation at right. CUTTER DUET-[s formed by Nellie Blalock. lett and Ethel Howell, as pc:rper comes over Finlshinq (!rea cutter$. ' ' Helen COGDitt la aboWD &'or~ bs9 Brat Ivory Ne'er. Ttn • • WORLD'S lARCES.T PAPER_ MACHINE ' By.]. 1\J. Deaton With a start-up which excelled anything in Champion's h.istory from a 'tandpoint of smoothness and efficiency, the world's Ia rgest white papermaking machin · rolled into solid production in the Canton plam January 31 , at l 0:45 P. M. Even Divi sion Ivbn::;ger H A. Helder was startled by th · sm othne , with which the new N . 11 machine swung into a tion. Not only was Mr. H Icier surprised \~ith the ori . inal operations, but plant superintendents, for m n, matZhine men and ntractors, alike, were virtually verwh 1m d \Vith th e u c s of the "ftrst start-up". . Electronic Controlled Driv n by El ctr nic Amplidyne control, th new .ma" hine st rte i up n Ivory Ne'er Tear Wrapper (subs tance 24 . 36-4,./100) n which it r m ine 1 f r v r I shifts without interru ti n. Since 'going off" N cr T ar \Vrapper, the new · machine has b n turnin out 2 -. and 2+ pound \ ,hite R diant Envel pe 'V ith lmo ~t ph 'D meoal ffl iency, with quality and producti n m u h bi h)1 r than \ as rp · ct d fr m. a new ma hine. Th ·re was little, if ny xcit me t n t h 1 art of sup r i ors, up >rint nd ·nt , t re­m en or machin men · s th tim dr w near f r th riginaJ . tart up. Th y s em d to tak things f r gr nt d; th) evidently .knew that an had d n a go d job ~md that the rnammor;h ie.-ce of pap r-rnaking machinery \ ould 'tra el" in a n ast rful fa ' lion. Sorrells Makes First Move On the capable hOtllcr f \Veavcr Sorrells, · 'uperintendcnt of Paper 1\1anufac­turing, fell the honored resj)on...ibi lity of taking he "tail" from the wir . "Ibis was done hurr.ie lly but ur ly by this left-ha nded !'\l perintend~nt . " . , Throut;h the presscst dryers and stacks went thts same tall' which Sorrells had NE'ER TEAR WRAPPED. Frank E:arley, Champion tier. is shown in action as he hastily wraps one amonq first bundles of I:vory. ' WRAPS FIRST ROLL-A. M. Evans of . Rewinder Room, wraps the first roll of paper from Cham­pion's new machine. rig1nally ta rted. Onto the reel it went ju t ~ if the rna­rhine had been in operation for months. \V1tne es were astounded at the performance of the new machine. T he fir t vreio-h sheet was almo t on " the mone " and a little later the weight wa "in there" and Champion's new No. 11 aper machine wa actualJy makin o- paper that would not only atisfy, but plea e the cu tamer. Robertsan Is Delighted Reuben B. Robertson. Pre ident of The Champion Paper and Fibre Company, delighted with the u.nu uaHy uccessful tart-up of the new machine addre ~ ed the followi ng letter to Jin my Hall General Superi ntendent of P aper and Board • lan ufacturing Departrnenl : I am de11 o-hted with the' ay our new 1 To. 11 sta rted up. he fi ne sta1·t and . teady run through the hift is a p lendid accomp~ i s hment for you and your fine team of fellow work­r ~ and indrca e that careful preparation and intelligent lanni n in all ha es of tbe preliminary work was steadily dhered to. " Please extend to all, my mo t cordial thanks and heartiest :con ratulation n . "\~Ti h record of this sort, Champion will hold its po i- GOES TO REWINDERS--the first roll ot Wrapper finds its way to No. 2 ltewinder. Lelt to riqht are: Roy Crisp, JShift foreman; D. HalL Gunnar lohnsdnhL Chief Paper ana Board Inspector. A. M. Evana. and Frank Rewmder Oper•r. GEORGE SMATHERS- Chief Sample Clet,r. is shown lookinq o-v:er his first samples tc come from the new macbine. PAULINE RHYMER ·la shown i~ the uct of penci'lnq weights on first samples of Envelope to come from Finishinq room cutters. Mrs. Rhymer is with Paper Inspection. tion right out in the front ranks of the Industry. · I am very proud of you all." ' · World's Biggest Machines With the operation of No. 11 Machine, the Champion Canton Division now has the world's two largest white pa per­making machines in operation. No. 11 Machine is the first machine of its type to be driven by Electronic Amplidyne Control which has proven _definitely successful .from the be- , • • gmmng. The new machine has• sorne improvements over No. 12 machine at the "wet end" but both have the same deckel (width) and have comparable production capaciti es, Both mach ines can produce and are producing, plenty of paper . At the t ime of its installation, and until the installation of No. 11 11achine, No. 12 Machine, according·to records, was the largest white paper manufactu ring machine in the world. With the completion of No. 11, Champion now has the two lar e t white paper machines in operation. 1 he a-ccompanying action •~shots" tell something of the way the first paper coming from the new machine was hand­led in p reparation for shipment. THE FIRST SHIPMENT o1 Ivory Ne'er T~a.r Wrappet. the .fltst sheet te come from Cham~ion'a new :machln.e Ia ohouC to be shlpped to the cuatQme.r. Puu-1 Ledbetter, of Shlppiaq Depar1men1. proudly poses at iitney cont.rols. Eleuen ' SKID BEING PREP ABED. The first skid of White Radiant Envelope to come from Champion's new No. 11 Machine is beinq prepared in Finishing area. Standing. a1 left. is Hammond Cook, foreman. and J, M. ijack) Cavanaugh. Chief Finishing Inspector. at right. Tilford Howell who stacked lhe skid. is shown kneeling at left. COUNTING ENVELOPE is Grace Rowe, of Finish­inq area. Paper is first sorted for any defects and then counted. This is first envelope to come from new machine. FIRST ENVELOPE shipped from Canton Divi on from new No. 11 Machine is shown here with Curtia CLa:rk. Shippinq crew 1 ader. displayinq a broad amile. Slcld had net weight of 3,680 pounds of White Radiant Env pe, sub&tance 25 x 3 20 500. Tw lfu Wesley Cobb "Log" Reporter, Hamllton Division re6enl I· 1r y , r , r n )f the rl 1mn in b J I 1 i on ,. - tion nf 'I II I-. L '• ha l e \ ri t n h. i • I ey Cob . II a b(Jr n n ai (•d i LockprJr . Y(Jt ·, n ar Lake Ont rio. in h · h · r1 r f the \V ~ern ·n· Y( r· fr · b lt- b ~i nnitt~ t 1 • rr or - in. of J '1 I y 1. ). tct bac · h ,m • a gam. He started at Champion in eptember 1 <) " .t .. pen i years on the coatcrs, and the la st ix year he ha been in Kromekote. H e is the proud father of two r ampa(Tin~ boy . Barry 10, and J errell 7, 'Nho keep his left arm (he i a outh­paw) sore from throwing baseballs antl hi left foot r r from trying to kick a football. He lives on a 6 acre country place on the Da rrto vn Pi ke, four miles northwe t of Hamilton. in Hanover T mvn hi . ' His two boys attend the Hanover school. At pre-cnt his wi f teaches the fourth grade at the New lVIiami school. His hobbies are sports, ga rdening1 reading, living in he country and dogs. His Dreams Are Coming True Right now, at the tender age of 3 ~ , he i makin two o his dreams come true, namely, living in the country and raising thoroughbred collies. year ao-o la t .:. larch the Cobbs bought their farm and last fall they pur hased their first collie, Lance. They now have two dog and e.·pe t to have many more in the great golden future. As for the farming, \Ve · ays he is learning much fr m his vvife, who wa milkin o- cows at the tender age of ix. \\"es wa born -and reared on the city str ets. As f r the dog::;, they are learning togeth r and find it the mo t abs rbing chapter in their lives. ri ture of \\'e ·' famOll ~ !lie, \V " co ir Lance-lot app ar din the 0 't b ·r, 1946 Loc. \Ve im·ite \\'e t gi\'C us a feat ure , tor, nb ut ''Th Great Gold n Futur ". \\'c \ ant t kn rw m r abu t your dream·. --The Editor. COSTS Tc .'-} ayin~· time Ltllll ·s around ·wd a I t f auy ~ , r · rcJ tinJ ·d th:t it LO ·t · plenty to li ve in the b t n::ttion on ,~ r th. \f.1n) oth 't 'H • r ·minu cd v ·r time lh y g t a f,: ·l ·ck ,·ith deducti()n::-.. But w d get s ffil prett} <• d rhin fur tl e hi d1 C(Jbt of li vina. It ~ Lo cu-.L · plenty to risk lift'. Each ye;1 r n cup, ti nal ·1 cidt L i11 th t 'ni cd St a te. t : t ov r t\\ O billion dollar:, in w c lL · .... mcJic.:d , pen, e, in surance, property d.:ltn c .. nd ther, iudirert. co t ·. And th v.:du, ther was ~mffie1eat and Kathry,n Hdden 'c use she a ked me to do ·this on o:rre o~ those cold d::Iys when m teeth were chat tering ·so and . hakm~ rny head that she hought I said yes. vVh~n I firiall :y reahz-ed what .I had l ~t 1 -~elf (and all of you 1n for I a lmost took off hke a b1g • it:d.) » )) (( « And "peaking o{ big birds, we were · all quite concern d , nd excited when Reuben1 Jr .. , landed in t~at "big bir~ ' 1n . the dri e'vay at the north end of the ma1n office, l• nday~ January 31. Not to_ be ou~_done Herb- Randall fl:e~ away IU it jus.t like he was gomg up 1.n an elevator. One chm.ce remark came out of H owa rd 1\IIattm, Sates, when he exc1rume~ qver he phone, "You w<;:m't believe wh~ t happene?, but tt Just did F~ . And you m1ght ask Clyde Norcross m the Chcm Lab ,, -hat hi r.eaction was to the ''big bittj{ aU mi .s her friendly mail gatheri ~g about 3:10 every ' af ernoon. , wodrl. Now I can~ t wait until I get started on a pa1r. So, If , all of .a sudden I become a jibbering idiot it's because_ I .· ecyn't keep t4ose ten little bobbins straight. » )) « « \ r would like to O'reet Alice Koger a a riew member of the · eno P ool and liope that her stay w·i.th us may be a long and happy Dne. Als.o, amorw the mnwccmers is Jessie Bess ~Iorganthale r who is now esablished with. Ida _.N-1ay Hamiltbn. c-he 1 taking over tile s ecretarial dutie.s for Dwight Thomson. )>D«« I would al o like to welcome I\11i1te Walsh, Sales Office; who i hack from a job well done in W asbingto.tl, D. C. » )J « « The Engineering .Department added a new face to its t'ff in the form of. one Richard Rammon. Now I nnall-x have omoone that I can say, "Open the door; Richard" to. Dicit i from \VilmingtQn7 Del., and I th ink the \Vctat'her here has . · been sh.owing off just for him. And while xve are in the EnO"ineering Departme,nt, the reasQLl I have more time than e\Ter · o o--aze out of the window and \'-Va¥e at all of you going to the eafeteri~ at 10:00 is that 'Dic.k McKasson ·(my boss ) i off on a ort of a rest cure. Seriously, we're all pulling for y.ou, Dick, and $> »«U Bad Man# s Alley The aisle from number twelve cutter to the calender field lines up three of the meanest men in our kn0wledge. J oh nny Hollister, who operates No. 21 is small, nervous and definite­ly dangerous. 'lhe Virginian, on No. 14, is muscular, mean and subject to mad spells. Third man is C 1y Bak --r} better known as "Swivel-Hips" Baker. Since 'Swivel Hip " has threatened Bossman J mmy 1vlanr.ing and argued so v "h m­ently with f ;reman Elm r Sons he must b la ssified in the dar. gerous cat gory. » )) « « The untimely death f Jerry Fol y came as a bl \ to most Champions and r~ sicl·nts all a Jong the Bel1. Line R utc. A genuine l rishman with a t:Jmi le and gr tin for , ll J e 1 n. His work seemed a pie sure as was bis life ven ·rail , uit • appropriately hi fellow belt line cmpl )y ·cs w n.: l1i pall­bearer . » )) « C( One of the prettiest hiner since I on J unki1 ::.' 1 ·y-Jay was recently sported by big M ·lvin I u rdy. "Bumpin into a door" wa an old alibi lonO' in e worn ur. " Hit by a ball" passable at tirnes. ' Bouncer P urdy swear tl i ] te one'\! as as a result of '·being hit by a parking meter'. \ o v! \Ve know tho~e meter click for a in but still h ve to s e the one that bite . Eighteen J m llf ~ d1. 1 n11 n .l" J fn md I 1 '~n ' I dct i l'a , tlc tar ( · r YC ·rr 11 Ia • Youna takin 1 f tJ ll y \! • dd d th if . our. 1 ul} ( J I Jq h d "l\} t~clc ''Bill t U·n end avorin t ( t1 him · tid, 1 to t.be ( ;re ·n-\ ra ·' \ . Charn ion L a~u·. ll-St· r rarn ·. " lhui:, ·r'' 1\ll·n p JUdly flc 'd I i bulgin mu~cle .. auJ r 1 li ·d. '. ·(JJT}', Bill. 1 1d bkc ne but you " e l ill playwJ!, o;.{)itlz tlu· ;1/l.- tars". » i) ' Ma terpiec It took J udgc ummins year· to do it bu he finally pr - lu ed a rna tcrpi ·ce. '1 h roll of I· ini h he ent from ... ·o. t a lend r to th ~ cutter· wa~-> p Jt on exhibition for ··et al w s. oth ends of the roll were measured from top r the platform. ne end stcod three feet htgh. 'I l1e o p ed o his father home for three day . Neighbors 1.4-"-'epho Jed him !to return and do something about the smell. Duri n~ t he e Janua ry days · Cal in's windov;rs must remain pe whil t the boy ransacks all crevjces and wall spaces, e c. etc. He re orted to these measures to prevent his baby being bitten. Now he scratches his head and ponders if the ba:b ·auld be better off with rat bite or fro·st bite. The lasted fi re is always .mi hty close to the frying pan. . In school, nine women out of teri. study geometry. In 1f only one in a thousand uses it. In school no woman is o1 en a complete course in the rais ing of a family; in life, ~ ine out of ten muddle through as Maw• did. But glory, look t the kul chur we get to marry. Ain't our school systems o e mo t up-to-date de ign? Of her own free will most ever r cri rl w uld study thi in preference to ancrles and the :. a'Cc~to. or poken renditions of brother Anthony as he e_. la1 .ed to Cleopatra that a bar-fly was a human with hi winO':-. of de tiny dipped. The schools should fi.t us all to r n:~ the li ve we re gonna live instead of theoretical day dream. applications of oph isticated polish o the art of rug­g'ed~ e\·cr day Labor s. Kind a like spitting on our hands, grabbm . a . hovel between the thumb and fir t finger, strok ... in i re e ren ly and muttering "0, my beautiful in t u­ment". ... • o hi nz i achieved until it be th orouohly attempted.­Sir Philip ~ ydney. - - ~ -~ ~. . ... - The wedding party of the former Wanda Loube Harbin and Albert Davio;. The couple were married October 4 in the home of the bri:le's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Harbin, 239 Millville Avenue. The bride's attendants were Mary Evelyn Bryant, Wi~marie Phelps and little Judith Ann Pur1cey, whose father works in the Machine Room. The best man was Gordon Harbin. and the groomsman, Lester Chaney. Edwin Lee Chasteen is the ring bearer. ' U'PS AND DOWNS IN C M FINISHING By Helen Pienon Congratulations to named Lois Niarlene. girl. Perry Jones, proud father of a girl, . Also to E lbert Stewart, father of a • )) )) « (( VI/ elcome to the following new employees, namely: Gorden Riddle, Robert Shearer and Rudolph Crawford. Best of luck fel1as . » » « « From now on it looks as if JVIrs. Bert Ledford won't have to worry about her Hubby getting home on time because he has a hole cut in the floor boards of his car, so if it stalls he can run it home. )) )) « « We wonder why: Rus Chafin blushes so easily? Ted Skelly wears track shoes to work ? l:lmer Haddix, Jim Burress, Clr£ Schlotterbeck. Jim riding the qoat. The qoat ended up . in "Goat Burgers." Ask Andy An­drew. Construction. as he was the Butcher. Jim and Cliff both are of the construction qang. Jim is the son of Bill Sut,ress. E'm 9t is the son of Kiser Haddix, Finish- 1• ng. Nineteen • By Bud Dunl-ap The hapL person i one rl1 sta.rt ach ht / rvi h hi head rect, a mil . on hi f e, a ch rfu1 vo d for thos h me t , and "ith thi ~ lh u ht uri etmost in hi 1 ind: '''I'his i he be t day I ha · ·er lh~ecF . « t( .In .Memorium . l l\ Co nb, w ter · ftener n~ineer; pa l av y ud-denly (January ... J ) 19-l-t fa heart nditi n. 1 was v 11 liked h · eYervone and hi" sin erit and h ne t -v as admired by all f1i f lf \\ \,. rker . It \ a a 1easur to h. v had the opportunity f working \Vith ~ uch a fin · p rson. I wish to expre, s my de



“[Untitled],” Center for Knit and Crochet Digital Repository, accessed April 25, 2024, http://digital.centerforknitandcrochet.org/items/show/28551.
