


Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It began publication in 1936.
MAGAZINE JOHN A. VANDER VEEN . . . his vras the helping hand (See page 30) October-November • 1937 Two dollars a year 20 cents a copy Grand Rapids, M i c h i g a n *VJ 6336 6335-1 I * 6606 ^ ^ >: •; ** r"--- -••• • • • > . • - k \ - • . • * • • 6610 A COMPLETE and SUPERB SHOWING at GRAND RAPIDS The six wing chairs, shown here, are only a small part of the 76th complete showing of wing chairs, lounging chairs and barrel chairs that will be on display at the James-town Lounge Space, 3rd floor of the Waters- Klingman Building. Two-piece suites, davenports and sofas will round out a beautiful display of lounging furniture in the higher price brackets. Also new additions have been made to the well-known line of Feudal Oak. This furniture is more popular than ever and is a steady profit producer for hundreds of dealers. See the Jamestown Lounge Upholstery and Feudal Oak displays at Jamestown or Grand Rapids. At JAMESTOWN . . October 27 to November 6 At GRAND RAPIDS . . November 1 to 6 JAMESTOWN LOUNGE CO. Jamestown, N. Y. Jamestown Lounge Company's 76th showing at the Waters-Klingman Bidg. FLASH! DON'T MISS our Showing of Promotional Chairs for H O L I D A Y S A L E S . . . SMART DESIGINS . . . NEW FABRICS for Immediate Delivery Our Complete Line, Augmented with Many New Patterns, will Also Be Ready Display at Factory Showrooms o£ the GRAND RAPIDS CHAIR CO. MICHIGAN FURNITURE SHOPS, Inc. GRAND RAPIDS MICHIGAN We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE FINE FURNITURE N F W a n ^ exceP*'ona"y 1 1 L W interesting concepts in A. will be shown at the November Market Be sure to see the entire line. It includes coffee, cocktail, end and lamp tables, bookcases, secretaries and dinettes in both modern and traditional; designed and priced to sustain the Hekman reputation for fast-selling, profitable occasional furniture. Reproduction of an 18th Century chest with the added utility of a desk. Serving tray slides in and out beneath the permanent glass top of this d e l i g h t f u l coffee table. - w Two convenient drawers odd to the u t i l i t y of this excellently designed cock-tail table. HEKMAN FURNITURE CO. EXHIBIT WATERS- — B A »J IN n A a • IN C KLINGMAN BLDG. GRAND RAPIDS FlNC FURNITURC the Homefurnishing Magazine from the Furniture Style Center of America VOLUME 2 1937 NUMBER 10 GEORGE F. MACKENZIE, President PHIL S. JOHNSON, General Manager ROD G. MACKENZIE, E d i t o r OCTOBER-NOVEMBER Boiling Wake Page Nine The New Triumvirate, by Rod Mackenzie Model Home Styled on a Budget Furniture Frolics, by Ray Barnes Venetians, Moderns from the 12th Century... New Trucks Have What It Takes What Do You Know, and Are You Sure?.... You Take It from Here, by Ruth Mclnerney The Sketch Book, by Aurelio Bevelacqua In Furniture, Brassware Indicates Breeding, by Phyllis Field Cooper Retailing Tips and Features Man On the Cover Yes, We Grow Mahogany From The Museum of Fine Arts 7 9 11 14 16 17 20 22 23 24 27 28 30 31 32 Directory of Grand Rapids Furniture Salesmen's Club... 34 Published monthly by the Furniture Capital Publishing Co., 155 Ottawa Ave., N. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Acceptance under the Act of June 5, 1934, authorized April 30, 1936. FINE FURNI-TURE copyright, 1936. Eastern office: R.K.O. Bid., 1270 Sixth Ave., Room 906, New York City, phone CIRcle 7-4339, S. M. Goldberg, representative. Chicago office: 307 N. Michigan Ave., phone CENtral 0937-8, Bassler & Weed Co., representatives. Subscription rates: $2 per year in the United States and American Colonies; £3 in Canada and foreign countries; single copies, 20 cents. f o r OCTOBER-NOVEMBER, 1937 COMPLETE NEW MODERN LINE OF LATEST CREATIONS Long recognized as a leader in the Modern field, every suite in the RED LION FURNITURE CO. line was designed with the idea in mind of maintaining its established style leadership. Only through meticulous adher-ence to construction, workmanship and finish, has this been accomplished. - • « : • • • • • > * ' • Nc. 408 D. d 1/ No. 208 Dresser EXHIBITION SPACES . . . NEW YORK FURNITURE EXCHANGE - N E W Y O R K WATERS-KLINGMAN B U I L D I N G - G R A N D RAPIDS RED LION FURNITURE CO. RED LION PENNA. We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE FINE FURNITURE We're OPTIMISTS... and who wouldn't be when one's furniture marches off the retail floor necessitating reorders that have kept us busy right through the year? A careful examination of the new covers and numbers you will find in our space this November will show why we continue to be optimistic . . . for it is one of the sweetest lines we've ever been able to offer at a mid-season market. YOU are especially invited to see this showing and learn what it is doing to keep quality sales volume up for hundreds of stores throughout the country. 5th Floor, Keeler Building Vander Ley Bros. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Sofas, Chairs, Love Seats, Rockers and Tables. If not attending Market, write for photos, prices and newspaper mats for featured promotions. Distinguished... by Dealer Acceptance from Coast to Coast The sensational reception of MICH-IGAN ARTCRAFT CO. tables is best exemplified in the volume of reorder business now being received. No. 6065 Including modified Chippendale, pro-motionally- priced dropleafs and clever Modern, there will be over 30 new numbers in our exhibition space at the Fall Market — KEELER BUILDING GRAND RAPIDS New ensembles, 4 to !> various type tables in a group, at a unit price, in both Modern and Period styles. Michigan Artcraft Co., inc. SPARTA MICHIGAN We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE EVIDENCE X of the TREI1D 0 LEATHER in the > [JLY MARKET A K:~"•*>-." .'•••'-••i-isi ^ @ - * - - And Preference for EAGLE-OTTAWA FINE LEATHERS will be even more evident in November Because style conscious manufacturers who are desirous of supply-ing their alert trade with the most complete lines are aware that Eagle-Ottawa's current leather lines are not equalled for wide color range, enduring wearing qualities, rich beauty and diversity of application. Therefore, Eagle-Ottawa leather, by any plausible forecast (to say nothing of sales records), will be more in evidence in the November Market than in July, which at that time completely dominated all showings where leather was displayed. Consult your nearest Eagle-Ottawa regional sales office for expert and con-structive assistance in any leather problem you may have, or, if you prefer communicate direct with the main office at Grand Haven, Michigan, so that you, too, may be fully prepared to cash in on this obvious trend to leather. Note: An impartial survey of exhibiting manufacturers in the Grand Rapids' July Furniture Market revealed the fact that the most outstanding feature of all the showings was the increased use of leather as a decorative accessory as well as a practical, long wearing covering. Candid camera "shots" made at the time are reproduced here. During Markets see our exhibits at the Waters-Klingman Bldg., Grand Rapids J- Exposition Bldg., High Point EAGLE-OTTAWA LEATHER CO. GRAND HAVEN, MICHIGAN SALES OFFICES New York 2 Park Avenue St. Louis, Mo 1602 Locust Stieet Chicago 912 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, Cal 1012 Broadway Place High Point, N. C 900 North Main San Francisco. Cal 615 Howard Street Portland. Ore 1235 N. W. Glisan StrBBt FINE FURNITURE GET YOUR M E R C H A N D I S E Each of the 189 creative furniture leaders exhibiting here is doing his utmost to make the coming Market the greatest Mid-Season showing of furniture ever held. Each exhibitor has prepared many new and interesting things—novelty furniture for Christmas—items for your February Sales —merchandise in all price ranges ready for immediate or "after-inventory" shipment. While here, at the Merchandise Mart, don't forget the nation's leading lamp and shade, floor covering, house-wares and appliance, curtain and drapery manufacturers are showing many new items not seen on your last trip. MID-SEASON F U R N I T U R E M A R K E T NOv" 1-6 THE MERCHANDISE MART The Great Central Market CHICAGO Wells Street at the River We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE f o r OCTOBER-NOVEMBER, 1937 THE BOILING WAKE Appreciation I have just finished reading the fine article you have been so kind and consid-erate to write regarding my past, present and future, and I have not the words to express to you my sincere appreciation. I say this from the bottom of my heart. T. A. D., New York. It's a Date Thank you for the corsage of approbation. The woodcuts sure are the bee's breakfast, especially the one that typifies the spirit of romance. Whom did you use as a model? The whole magazine is a honey from car-pet slippers to Ipswich, with special mention for "How Much Do You Know?" My score this month was below 70. Guess I'll need some extra coaching from teacher. Think I'd better stay after school? R. M., Chicago. "CASEY" CLAPP • Whose scrivenings on merchandising principles and prac-tices keep his chin continually in line with the "Boiling Wake" barrage. Tem-pered with the salt of humor, the ex-marine quill driver's writings are per-ceptive and piquant. 0 Okay, Pal Just this moment received my copy of FINE FURNITURE and on page 12 you have a great write-up. I would like you to send me 12 copies. J. L., New York. Ask George We have a mahogany table, the top of which is one solid piece, 48 inches wide by 58 inches long by 1% inches thick, and has a beautiful grain. This piece is believed one of the largest and possibly the largest single piece in America. Please give us your advice about adver-tising this table for sale. J. H. D., Thomasville, Ga. We did ask George Lamb, secretary of the Mahogany Ass'n, regarding the table top mentioned in the foregoing letter. And George, quite naturally, found a larger one. —The Editor. He Knows Your letter to FINE FURNITURE MAGA-ZINE has been referred to us by Mr. Mac-kenzie, the editor. The table top you mention is doubtless After a ship has passed, there is left immediately behind a wake of rough water—bubbling, seething and "boiling," particularly if the ship is driven by a propeller. The more active the propeller, the more "boil-ing" the "wake." When each month's publication of FINE FURNITURE goes through the mails to the stores, there takes place a seething, bubbling, "boiling wake" of favorable and un-favorable comment and opinion, and — oh, hell, it means READERS' OPINIONS to you.'—The Editor. one of the larger mahogany table tops to be found in this country, but it certainly is not the largest piece which we have seen. The largest single piece of mahogany that we have ever seen is in New York and is 35 feet long, 5 feet wide, 4 inches thick, with-out a blemish. A mahogany plank 48 inches wide is exceptional, but not unusual. The length of 58 inches is, of course, very short for mahogany as we frequently cut planks up to 30 feet long. The value of your table would be largely in its design and finish or its historical asso-ciations, for although the top is unusual, it is not exceptional enough to command any particular premium in the way of price. G. N. L., Chicago, 111. 0 Duck, Ray The idea which you originated is good and as for the execution of Barnes, I am in favor of it. J. B., Grand Rapids. We'll Try After struggling with your "What Do You Know", I've decided that I better go back to furniture school. Besides, it makes me mad when I find out that the questions are ones that I should know. But it's a swell feature. Keep it up. P. K., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. A \ "ROD THE RED" MACKENZIE • On whose slender shoulders falls the full fury of "Wake's" deluge. "Readers' Opinions" are the beacon light guiding the editor-woodcutter's selection of ma-terial. His job — to cut and try, yours but to read and sigh. You're Smart Glad to see that you've started a new series of Museum pages. This is truly a fine idea as it encourages, or should encour-age, young sales persons to learn more about furniture history. In this connection your page of questions — (What Do You Know?) is not only interesting, but instructive. Personally, I clip these pages and keep them in a scrap-book as they contain a lot of valuable infor-mation. D. Y. N., Newark, N. J. Art Drew Them Your September issue had a lot of sparkle in it, lively layouts, nice fresh reading matter and a lot of information. Where did Kirk-patrick dig up the antiques for The Sketch Book page? T. S., Chicago, 111. RAY BARNES • Agile-penned lam-pooner, has caused a small cascade of "Boiling Wakes" to descend upon us with his "Furniture Frolicking" page. Ray spurns bow ties and smocks, plays golf and billiards, is a good sleeper. Don't Mention It Thanks very much for the swell build-up. I feel quite swelled up over it. We are making progress but as yet have not com-pleted a budget for the coming year. M. S., San Francisco, Cal. Shrewd Shrew Answering your editorial on "Page Nine" entitled "The Shrewdest Forget", I can vouch for the authenticity of your argument. Just the other day I had a woman in the store who wanted a rug. The one she was after sold for $26.50 in 1934, I believe. Today the same rug is priced at $37.50. All the arguments in the category failed to impress her. I told her honestly about wool prices being higher, labor, etc. She still couldn't see why that rug shouldn't sell for #26.50. And left the store. I bet she's still looking for a $26.50 number. However, this babe did not forget. She was a shrew of the shrewdest. J. L. B., Pittsburgh, Pa. FINE FURNITURE CENTURY The MAHOGANY FINISH that is historically correct for the reproduction of the finer work of those master craftsmen of that golden age of furniture —the wonderful GEORGIAN ERA. Only by the CENTURY MAHOGANY treatment applied to Chippendale, Hepplewhite and other 18th Century reproductions are these classic inter-pretations reproduced in all their traditional loveliness. The deep warm mellow tones and pleasing patina effect produced by the CENTURY MAHOGANY method impart a distinctive character and charm not attainable by any other finishing procedure. Courtesy West Michigan Furniture Co. We will gladly submit finished sample and further information upon request. •MANUFACTURED BY GRAND RAPIDS WOOD FINISHING CO. Established in 1893 GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE f o r O C T O B E R - N O V E M B E R , 1 9 3 7 NINE Though other pages bare the minds Of many men, the credit or The blame I'll bear for what one finds On this, Page Nine.—The Editor. DOZING DOLLARS The let-down in business during the past six weeks belies the fore-casts of prognosticators earlier in the summer, that the final quarter of 1937 would see business volume, the like of which had not been experienced since the grandiose days of '27, '28 and '29. The ancient retail battle cry of "after Labor Day" filled the fetid sum-mer air. But Labor Day came and went. And still the consumer didn't buy. Even the usually de-pendable August sales failed to pry the dollars loose from the unusually wary consumer. Vainly cried the merchant: "Why? Why? Why?" Between moans we entertained ourselves perusing some statistics. Generally employed as sleep-producers, these figures aroused us from our lethargy. Briefly they pointed out, that, industrial employment is at its peak level since 1929; despite labor troubles, pay envelopes are bulkier than they've been since 1930; according to Federal estimates the farmers' income will approximate nine and one-half billion dollars, which is about fifteen hundred million ahead of 1936; even the stockholders in American corporations are cashing in, to the tune of ten million dollars a week, more than in 1936. It certainly stands to reason that SOME of this money is going to find its way into retail channels. Which presents another problem. Is the retailer prepared? According to advance orders, business placed at the recent summer market and orders taken by salesmen on the road since the market, there is going to be an unholy scramble for merchandise the latter part of November and early Decem-ber. Simply because the furniture merchant is idling in the same buying calm as the non-buying public. Perhaps it is rather late now to do much about it, as far as the stocking of Christmas merchandise is concerned. Except, of course, re-ordering, pronto! From a recent editorial in Printer's Ink we quote in this connection: "Record-breaking quantities of merchandise are going to be moved into retail stores during the forthcoming weeks — if the retailer can get it when and as he wants it." And from the producer's angle: "The manufacturer must now get ready for perhaps the biggest re-order volume in his experience. He must make sure he has sufficient merchandise . . . to satisfy a steadily increasing demand from retail stores . . . And then, in his advertising to the retailer — business paper and direct mail — he should hammer hard with the announcement that he can take care of re-orders. A month or so before Christmas he should dramatize his ability to fill eleventh-hour or last-minute orders." Again we question, are you prepared for the awakening of the dozing dollars? Have you the merchandise to meet the inevitable demand? ff ARE YOU SURE? "My score for last month's 'What Do You Know?' was below 70. Perhaps I'd better go to school," wails a corre-spondent after tangling with this tantalizing educational feature. (See page 22.) Inaugurated several months ago, this questionnaire, drawing upon furniture facts that every All Grand Rapids Spaces Open November 1-6 AH exhibition spaces located in the Grand Rapids Market will be open, displaying new merchandise, to visiting furniture buyers during the regular Fall Market, November 1 to 6. Pending settlement of arbitration with labor leaders will in no way interfere with customary marketing procedure. member in the industry should be acquainted with, is paying its way in reader interest. Peering over the heads of a chattering group huddled around a table during the last market, we hoped to witness the signing of a fat contract, or a preview of some designer's pet nightmare. But no, the shouting arose from a ques-tion concerning which one of four prominent case goods manufac-turers named, did NOT advertise nationally, a question propounded in the "What Do You Know?" page. In another space cold cash backed a divergence of opinion regarding a little matter of native woods used in original Early American furniture. Stimulating, maddening in its simplicity, a conning of the quiz readily betrays whether or not the reader is on intimate terms with everyday facts of his trade. Several subscribers advise us that they are making a scrapbook of the pages. Others have unleashed on us their choler — "It's a reflection on our intelligence." We STILL believe it's a good page. JUST VERBIAGE Our choice for the most misused word of the year is "Quality." And particularly as it is used in retail furniture advertisements. With the possible exception of important metropolitan stores, house-furnishing ad men have no apparent regard for honesty in the terminology of their promotional literature. A quick glance through the ad pages of the average daily newspaper substantiates this assertion. Ramp-ant on a field comprising a wildnerness of words and maze of merchandise, riding the challenge to the consumer's intelligence, in extra bold type, is our dog-eared friend, "quality." We ask, what kind of "quality" comes in a three-piece bedroom suite for $39.50? Or a two-piece living room group for $24.75? Don't tell us you have the audacity to believe that the dear, gullible public readily accepts such canards? How much more readily they would accept your store's mes-sage if you promoted the joy of ownership, the wholesome fun in planning and building a home. How about injecting a touch of romance in your ad copy? An appeal other than the hackneyed tripe embodying "reduced prices," "special values," "quality for a price"? Verbiage, brothers, just verbiage. ff JULY BREAKS STRING From September, 1934, to July, 1937, the furniture manu-facturing industry showed a continuous monthly increase. Early in 1937, however, the pace began to slow down, until July, for the first month in three years, slipped out of line with an actual decrease. August did not pull back info the winning column but its decline was not quite as decided as that of the previous month. In spite of this decline eight months' shipments for 1937 showed approximately 40% gain over the same period in 1936, while August shipments were 12% over August, 1936. 10 FINE FURNITURE 'The Record of Quality is Established on ^Precedent f. IHH^^^^HIIHjRHIiHHfli!' i ' 1 " • • • • • ^ WfiK THE reputation for manufacturing a product of quality is not established in a day, or a month, or a year, but over a long period of time. Only through close adherence to manufacturing principles into which has been inculcated a spirit of honest craftsmanship and enduring service, can furniture be truly classified as having quality. Merchandisers of good furniture recognize this all-important factor as existing in JOHN WIDDICOMB creations. They can feature it, but can find no substitute. JOHN WIDDICOMB COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Factory Showroom, 601 Fifth St. NEW YORK SHOWROOMS No. 1 Park Avenue /^e appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE f o r OCTOBER-NOVEMBER, 1937 11 THE NEW TRIUMVIRATE Capital • Management • Labor By ROD MACKENZIE Editor. FINE FURNITURE OF acute and increasing interest to business execu-tives is the once-touchy topic of industrial rela-tions. The advent of the Committee for Industrial Organization and its subsequent feud with A. F. of L., has precipitated a situation between capital, manage-ment and labor, the outcome of which is beyond the vision of the most astute economist. Labor Recognition • Industrial events of the past year prove conclusively that capital and management are speedily being pushed into a position of permanently recognizing labor; that maintaining cooperation be-tween labor and management is economically vital to both parties, is throwing the stress of increased respon-sibility directly upon company executives. The wide-spread movement to completely organize labor in the United States, labor's rising strength in local and national politics, make it imperative that INTELLI-GENTLY directed organized labor be granted a voice in business management. Long-proven is the fact that those concerns employ-ing a profit-sharing program are least disturbed by labor unrest, and if the triumvirate composed of capital, management and la-bor is to function cooperatively, each must assume its full share of responsibility. HUMAN ENGINEERING Seeking Policy • Making a de-termined effort to erect a sound policy of labor relations, the Na-tional Association of Manufac-turers employed a research organization to ascertain the fac-tual wants of the worker, his working conditions, his thoughts regarding his boss. Designed to ferret out honest information, a similar investigation conducted last Spring indicated Johnny Q. Public's feelings: "Business hadn't done so well in its rela-tions with its working men . . . that it had failed in its economic and social obligations." Division, But Not Defeat • Whether the A. F. of L. and its offshoot, the C. I. O., effect a union is problematical, and the management who snickers up his sleeve at the spirited battle being conducted between leaders Green and Lewis in the belief that they will eventually annihilate them-selves and their outfits is due for a rough awakening. Labor Speaking before the wood industries division of American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Dr. A. P. Haake. managing director of NAFM, said: "It is not collective bargaining when one side makes all the demands . . . Men are inherently reason-able . . . the great bulk of working men will look fairly on the needs of management, on their own personal interest in keeping management effective and doing their full share toward increasing the amount of goods from which their wages must be paid." Continued Haake: "And so we face the greatest problem of the day. the building of a new science, the developing of . . . human engineering. "The only individual who benefits from the closed shop is the labor organizer who is able to show his men sufficient returns to keep them as voluntary members of his union... "Intelligent labor leadership can go along with the open shop, thereby encour-aging greater production out of which to pay higher wages . . . Intelligent manage-ment will insist on being free to do a good job of managing. "There is an inescapable relation between wages and production. If the worker pro-duces more, he can get more. If he pro-duces less, he is bound to get l e s s . . . no law or human management can change that fact. "Government is a notoriously poor man-ager. It has never initiated any of the great industries. It has all but ruined those which it came to control. "We want free labor in this country... We advise labor to deal with management rather than try to control management..." divided does not imply labor defeated. Organized labor, under capable, sane leadership, sharing with capital and management the vicissitudes and profits of business, will be recognized. Industrial relationships in certain sections of the United States prove this point. Peaceful Valley • Common as labor disputes have been in the United States during the past year, such occurrences are rare in Grand Rapids, where furniture making has been a leading industry for nearly 80 years. A quarter of a century back, a general strike, unsuccessful for labor, paralyzed the industry for many weeks. Since then Grand Rapids craftsmen have built homes, to the wholesome tune of being one of the ranking cities in the country for home owner-ship, now enjoy the distinction of leading the U. S. in automobile ownership per capita for cities in similar population brackets. Quiet was the labor scene in this furniture center until last May when, following the Spring market, the Robert W. Irwin Co., the Macey Co. and the Irwin Seating Co. plants were closed five weeks by strike, threw 1000 men out of work. Following mediation between a municipal committee, a federal labor con-ciliator, manufacturers and shop committees, a wage adjustment was accomplished, industrial peace restored. Storm Clouds • Writing the third and most potent chapter in Grand Rapids' labor vs. manage-ment history, September 17 dawned with a general strike cloud smothering the smoke from the city's many smokestacks. De-manding a closed shop contract providing the check-off system, an immediate increase of 15 cents per hour, followed 301 days later by a standardization of wages and hours throughout the indus-try in the city, one-time tool and die maker Harry Spencer, chief organizer for U. A. W. A. in Grand Rapids, hurled the open-ing threat. War Cry • Challenged the puni-tive Spencer: "Contracts will be presented . . . to manufacturers in rotation. They will have a chance to sign . . . If a manufacturer doesn't sign his factory will be closed." L . * • • ' ' - • " • ' : * iBlilliiil * . . ' ' • • ' ! r<-i»»'i*!r»'W'1™ f o r OCTOBER-NOVEMBER. 1937 13 Headaches • Ominous was the situation when strike pickets paced in front of the Furniture Shops of Amer-ica, Inc., (formerly known as Luce Furniture Co.), Imperial Furniture Co., Gunn Furniture Co., John Widdicomb Co., the Widdicomb Furniture Co., and the Grand Rapids Chair Co. Replying to this action the various managements issued statements that plants would remain open for those who wanted to work, with the municipal authorities assuring police protection, if necessary, in order to preserve order. First violence between strikers and police occurred at Furniture Shops of America, Inc., followed a few days later by a fracas involving, among others, organizer Spencer. "Back-To-Work" • Despite picket lines, proposals and counter-proposals, alleged intimidation on the part of C.I.O. members against non-strikers, an increasing number of workers filtered through the picket lines, punched clocks, until three weeks after the first walk-out, a general "back-to-work" movement was under way. Prime factor in this action was the five cents an hour wage increase "as a reward for loyalty," insti- • •1 Hepplewhite console card table. No. 872, manufactured by Fine Arts Furniture Co., displayed in the Waters- Klingman Bldg. Modern vanity, No. 608, made by the Red Lion Furni-ture Co., displayed in the Waters-Klingman Bldg. tuted by Martin J. Dregge, president of Furniture Shops of America, Inc. Loyalists • Said Dregge: "We are making the same offer (.45 a day for each employe) to those who are out, either because they have been intimidated or because they are C.I.O. members, until further notice." With the exception of John Widdicomb Co. and Gunn Furniture Co., which were among the last plants to be called out, the "back-to-work" movement has gained such momentum that, at the time this is writ-ten, all struck companies are operating practically full crews. Union Doubtful • With removal from the Grand Rap-ids area of Harry Spencer, free under bond of $300 on charges of assaulting a patrolman, realignment of the union organization, the cutting off of furniture work-ers' local No. 481 from the U.A.W.A. and being given an independent charter by C.I.O., a highly organized furniture workers' labor union in Grand Rapids appears remote at the present time. 1. Wm. I. Jaeger Furniture Co., Los Angeles, created the decora-tive California bedroom grouping; handpainted florals with crackle finish. Displayed in Los Angeles Furniture Mart. 2. Early California feeling car-ried out with painted decorations, rawhide wrappings, wrought iron draw pulls, manufactured by Win. J. Jaeger Furniture Co. 3. Los Angeles Period Furniture Co. manufactures the albino modern bedroom suite. Julius Fligelman, president, designed the group with utility in mind, there being a stocking compart-ment in the bench, slipper com-partment in tho vanity, hat hide-away in the chest. 4. Tomlinson of High Point de-veloped the 18th Century bed-room group, finished in Suntone blond mahogany, accented with darker toned leather fronts on cases. Displayed in the Merchan-dise Mart, Chicago. 5. W. F. Whitney, displayed in Waters-Klingman Bldg., Grand Rapids, presents typical Ameri-can maple, Duncan Phyfe influ-ence. 6. Johnson Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, created the smart 18th Century bedroom group. 14 FINE FURNITURE MODEL HOME Styled ON A BUDGET CTYLE for the budget-minded O as well as for the affluent home-maker, can ring up added sales on the retail furniture dealer's cash register. Recognizing this opportu-nity, complete details were made available to 3,000 retailers through Floor Clothing Wardrobe Service for a homefurnishings promotion and local tie-up based on the Style Trend Council's activity in planning furnishings for a series of small model homes. Program • During the past five months, a series of model homes has been built in hundreds of com-munities, averaging $4000 in cost and following one of three FHA floor plans. Local lumber dealers and building contractors, supported by the National Lumber Manufac-turers' Ass'n, have cooperated in an effort to stimulate building. Further cooperation has come from National Small Homes Bureau in the prepar-ation of a publication outlining de-tails for designing, building, equip-ping and furnishing these homes. "Small Homes" • At the invitation of the National Small Homes Bu-reau the Style Trend Council of the Institute of Carpet Manufacturers of America, prepared the homefur-nishings section of this book of "Small Homes." A series of articles, illustrated with drawings of floor plans and color sketches, outlined 1. Conversation group, consisting of sola, lamp table behind, coffee table in front, two chairs with occasional table between, affords good light and group-ing separates living room from dining alcove. Secretary, low book shelves and desk chair (extra chair from dining suite) form a distinct grouping . . . Extension dining table serves for games or study table . . . Matching rugs in living and dining alcove provide uni-form floor, give impression of more space. 2. Maple, 18th Century or small-scaled Modern group would be equally appro-priate in this Style Trend Council bed-room. Furniture is kept to essentials. Twin beds, good-sized chest, average sized boudoir chair, side chair, corner dressing table; little space occupied but convenience provided. A textured rug is used. 3. Convent



“[Untitled],” Center for Knit and Crochet Digital Repository, accessed July 5, 2024, https://digital.centerforknitandcrochet.org/items/show/25073.
