


Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It began publication in 1936.
OCTOBER • 1936 F. H. MUELLER . . . led the mountain to Mahomet. (See page 18) Two dollars a year 20 cents a copy Grand Rapids, M i c h i g a n ir^- '&»£? i f o r U n e t u r n i u t ' ^ ^ p r o CA=VEL new line of Ca-Vel Upholstery Fabrics, on the furniture you sell, presents new weaves, new textures and new colors that reduce "sales resistance" to a minimum! In addition, they help yOu trade up your customers. You get the better profits that result from the sale of quality items. Go into your regular selling season with a better styled more attractive line-well equipped to take advantage of the easier sales and better profit produced by furniture covered with these fabrics bearing the Ca-Vel label. COLLINS # AIKMAN CORPORATION 200 Madison Avenue, New York, N. V. Weavers of Ca=VeI Fabrics All Mohair Fabrics Guaranteed Against Moth Damage for 5 Years! . A •" '£ For the retailer with a discriminating clientele . . . for the merchant who desires INDIVIDUALISM in his offer-ings of upholstered furniture, MUELLER'S distinctive line of Eighteenth Century Adaptations offers an unparalleled oppor-tunity for new volume, better unit prices and substantial profits. There is a verve, an individualistic appeal in all of MUELLER'S upholstered pieces that sells itself. Quality of covers and excellence of construction are nationally famous. Prices are planned to fit into the price ranges that will insure steady sales and superlative profit on each piece. MUELLER FURNITURE CO. 600 Monroe Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich We appreciate mentioning you saw this m FINE FURNITURE FINE FURNITURE DEALER PROFIT BECAUSE. . . WOLVERINE PRODUCTS ARE STYLED RIGHT - PRICED RIGHT - AND BUILT RIGHT Dealers who invested in WOLVERINE UPHOLSTERY CO. line in the July market have reordered in an un-precedented manner. Our 18th Century and Modern pieces, both, are being received by the trade because they are right—in style, price and construc-tion. The No. 1282 chair, illustrated, is an example. Loose down pillow back and seat, with the latest fabric. And of generous proportions. It retails for $67.50. WOLVERINE UPHOLSTERY CO. GRAND RAPIDS MICHIGAN FlN€ FURNITUR€ the Homefurnishing Magazine from the Furniture Style Center of America VOLUME I 1936 NUMBER 6 GEORGE F. MACKENZIE. President PHIL S. JOHNSON, General Manager ROD G. MACKENZIE, E d i t o r K. C. CLAPP, Merchandising Counsel OCTOBER The Boiling Wake 4 Page Nine 9 Planning Christmas Promotions, by Ralph Spangler 12 Furniture Frolics, by Ray Barnes 14 Tuning in for Added Volume, by Rod Mackenzie 15 Historic Examples from the Metropolitan 17 Modern Crusade, by K. C. Clapp 18 Biographing Famous Furniture Firms 20 Direct-er Direct Mail, by Ruth Mclnerney 21 A Portfolio of 28 Floor Coverings and Fabric Displays . . 23 The Sketch Book, by Charles Witman 28 Retailing Tips 30 Market Centers of the West 32 Chet Shafer on a Shinglin' Bee 34 Cash for Credit Sales, by Murray French 35 This 5-Way Plan Trades Up Range Sales 39 Humble Kitchen Slaves Become Transformed Cinderellas 40 Is OUR Face Red 43 Homefurnishing News and Reviews 46 New Stores 50 Published monthly by the Furniture Capital Publishing Co., 155 Ottawa Ave., N. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Acceptance under the Act of June 5, 1934, authorized April 30, 1936. FINE FURNI-TURE copyright, 1936. Eastern office: S4S Fifth Ave., New York City, phone Murray Hill 23909, S. M. Goldberg, representative. Chicago office: 307 N. Michigan Ave., phone CENtral 0937-8, Bassler & Weed Co., representatives. Subscription rates: $2 per year in the United States and American Colonies; $3 in Canada and foreign countries; single copies, 20 cents. l o r OCTOBER, 1936 Federal AMERICAN An Ensemble to Capture and Hold the Interest of Those Who Appreciate True Traditional in Furniture Design 27 Pieces 5 Different Tables 5 Sideboards 3 China Cabinets 4 Chair Designs Other Supplementary Pieces L r 4 ^ p y ^ ^ 1 1 ^ ^ ^ ••> ;• v- . .. • = ' •-•<;,• ••?.: • • • -c ' - • • — -•••' • - • - • • * _ • - - • i4 MADE of all Cuban Mahogany, the finest of cabinet woods. Styled in the most romantic period of the romantic South — this group recaptures the gracious charm of Virginia Manor Houses of the days preceding and just after the Federation of the American Colonies. Aristocratic Furniture Priced for Democracy And so easy for your customers to acquire! One or two pieces at a time, the customer can enjoy the true collector's thrill, assembling the perfect dining room, at her convenience, over a period of time until she has acquired the harmonious whole. Based on the historic past, this ensemble is destined to make future home furnishing history. TRUE GRAND RAPIDS IMTMUUNO A2I048 Furniture you will be proud to sell — your customers will be proud to own. Many other Dining Room and Bed-room groups in a great variety of woods and finishes, as low in price as any dealer dare sell who ex-pects today's sales to build to-morrow's reputation for depend-able furniture and honest values. G R A N D RAPIDS CHAIR C O M P A N Y We appreciate mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE FINE FURNITURE THE BOILING WAKE Aldy Submits 100-Proof Sirs: You fellows are certainly going to town with your FIXE FURNITURE. You've left out the dry drivel that no one ever reads anyway, and filled it full of the live news, timely tips and actually useable infor-mation that any live furniture store can cash in on. It's a teeming textbook, not a pompous "puff-sheet." I hope more and more furniture stores see more of it. Incidentally . . . Early Americana isn't the only thing I collect. I submit a photo (see illustration) of a corner of my base-ment gameroom as proof . . . about 100- proof, I'd say. M. C. A., Hartford, Conn. Those Factory Waiting Rooms Sirs: Amen to the brother-buyer's indict-ment of furniture factory waiting rooms, used as an editorial on your September Page Nine. Of all the depressing, unattractive lobbies m which I ever cooled my heels, those in furniture factories are the saddest. L. L. M., Cincinnati, Sirs: Reading your September issue . . . I came upon an editorial maligning manu-facturers for failing to provide attractive waiting rooms. . . . In defense, I want to ask what need is there to maintain ebb-orate waiting rooms? It is seldom that our trade visits the factory, except those plants that have factory showrooms, and I venture to assert most of these are sightly enough for anyone. . . . Dolling up ,of waiting rooms would entail just an added item of expense and overhead that the buyer is anxious enough to avoid in his purchase of furni-ture. Incidentally, I've seen some mighty dowdy executives' offices m stores . . . and they're constantly being seen by the gen-eral public. S. R. M., Grand Rapids. The Suppressed Ad Man Sirs: Many thanks for your editorial support of the abused advertising manager as contained in the article on page 31 of your September issue. Your paragraph, "If your ad man is something besides a yes-man and an office boy, has ideas of his own, give him leeway to put some of them across," certainly hits the nail on the head. 1 want to tell you that it is becoming in-creasingly difficult for the advertising man-ager in the average store — at least the "borax" store — to be anything but a rub-ber stamp for the boss who usually can think of nothing but screaming ''Lower Prices" in his newspaper publicity. Any originality — any idea of making people desire the comfort and beauty of fine fur-niture— is frowned on and stepped on imme-diately. More power to you, too, in your effort to get merchants to use direct mail. Now is the time for it. E. W., Flint, Mich. How Century Has Grown! Sirs: Calling your attention to an error in the sketch of Aldrich on page 26 of your September issue. You describe the Century Associates as being "a syndicate of better Eastern stores." As a matter of fact, sev-eral stores on the west coast are members of the Century group, to say nothing of others in the Middle West. However, that's picking flaws in diamonds, for both Aid-rich's article about direct mail and the amusing outline of his career were sparkling. Congrats on a swell issue! R. D. M., Washington, D. C. When Glamour Goes Borax Sirs: Mclnerney's plea to glamourize furniture products by endowing them with names is great, and I do think both manu-facturers and retailers are tending this way more and more. However. I trust it does Morgan Aldrich says that Early Amer-icana isn't the only thing he collects and submits this corner of his game-room as proof—about 100% proof—he claims. not get to the point where the borax houses go in for it extensively. Imagine a mam-floor display flashing cards like these: On a coffee table, "Boxwood Beauty;" on a bedroom suite, "Ninety-day Wonder;" on an upholstered chair, "Fanny-Be-Careful." G. E. S., Chicago. So Would a Lot of Others! Sirs: Aside from the fact that Kellar Stem is NOT the president of the G. R. Bookcase & Chair, that his son IS, 1 enjoyed immensely the sketch of him in September FF. Incidentally, do you have Miss Sea-gren's exact address? I'd like to get in touch with her. M. R., Chicago. He'll Take a Fin's Worth Sirs: The next time you run an ad ask-ing for subscribers, why don't you include in it some idea of how much the maga-zine is? Anyhow, here's five bucks. Just keep on sending it to me until the five bucks runs out. Then we shall see. You have a mighty swell publication. N. R.. Detroit. Shafer Has a Reader Dear Mr. Shafer: I feel somewhat acquainted with you altho I have never seen you, but I am a regular reader of the FIXE FURNITURE magazine and so I see your name often. Paul was up to our Lion meeting the other nite and said he thot perhaps we could get you to come over to visit him some time and he would bring you on over for our meeting and give us a talk on organ pumping or some other suit-able subject. We are going to have our ladies nite October 20, Tuesday ev., at 6:30 and we would very much appreciate it if you would be here on that evening. Altho I think Paul is all set now for Congress, still I don't think one more appearance here will do him any harm. I would be glad if you would let me know if this can be arranged as early as possible. Yours from cornish to cornish, V. J., Bellevue, Mich. A Thanks Sirs: We wish to thank you for the very fine issues of FINE FURNITURE that are mailed to our studios. I know that we find many things of interest in them. C. S. C, Grand Rapids. A Tuesday, For Sure! Sirs: Just when, in your opinion, will Shafer really get down to Roody's? T. T. W., San Jose, Cal. Advertising Budgets Sirs: I was interested in the table on page 34 outlining suggested advertising budget percentages and dollars. How much w*ould you advise for a store that is doing, or plans to do, around $20,000 a year? (A) For newspaper, (B) Direct mail? F. L., Cincinnati. For total advertising, $1350 to $1500; newspapers, $950 to $1200; direct mail, $275 to $325. We Agree Sirs: Your editorial in the September issue entitled. "Shabby Stores," was okay. It always gives me a laugh to see some merchant shout through his ads, "Dress Up Your Home," and then walk into his store on worn, squeaky floors, rub against dirty walls and be unable to see the grain in the top of the table he's showing you because the lights are so covered with dust. It "ain't" consistent. C. C, Milwaukee. 1 See Page 28 Sirs: In your June issue you had a draw-ing of a secretary by Henry Koster. I have a customer who is very anxious to secure a piece similar to this one. Will } ou p'ease advise me where I can obtain this piece. M. S. O., Boston. Originally "The Sketch Book" was insti-tuted as a means of illustrating methods employed by furniture designers in develop-ing ideas and turning them into commercial pieces. The drawings were to be original, never having been produced by a manufac-turer. However, two—the metal chair b ' Salvatorc Beve'.acqua, shown in August and this month's contribution by Charles Wit-man— became exceptions through being pro-duced by furniture makers. Many other re-quests have been received for "Sketch Book' pieces and we regret our inability to aid in supplying them, but admit pleasure for the interest in our contributors' work. f o r OCTOBER, 1936 ' / •'" i* • " ' ! BRISK BUSINESS IN COLONIAL REPRODUCTIONS Colonial's authentic historical reproductions in finest Honduras Mahogany are capturing a broad and profitable market, as are the new Colonial dining and bedroom group-ings. The reproductions, many of which are certified replicas of treasured originals in Edison Institute, Dearborn, Mich., and re-produced by special permission, will be nationally advertised this fall and winter. There are New PROFIT POSSIBILITIES In the Rising Tide of HALL CLOCK POPULARITY With liveable homes first on the post-depression programs of most American families, interest in Colonial Hall Clocks has shown a marked and gratifying upsurge. More Colonial Hall Clocks are being sold today than for several seasons past. People accept these peerless time-keepers, not merely for their utilitarian values but as unique and fitting symbols of enduring home life. Colonial stands ready to help alert dealers turn the hall clock trend into profits. As the world's largest manufacturers of hall clocks we have a style for every preference and a price for every purse. Write for ^Descriptive literature COLONIAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY Z E E L A N D • M I C H I G A N We appreciate mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE FINE FURNITURE There comes a Tide . . . . in the affairs of men" ^ AND MERCHANTS To continue paraphrasing Shakespeare . . . " which, taken at its flood, leads on to fortune" . . . Most merchants do realize that the tide has turned . . . Public demand for shoddy upholstery is at the ebb . . . Oh, people still want values — certainly! VALUES, though, not cheap bargains. Fortunate, indeed, is the retailer who has discerned the consumer's desire to buy better furniture . . . who can offer her the very best at moderate prices. RALPH MORSE upholstered pieces definitely meet that trend. They are smartly styled, construction is of the sturdiest, and they are the acme of comfort. Pictured above is one of the MORSE MASTERPIECES, a neiv selection of which tvill be available at the November market. RALPH MORSE FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS MICHIGAN We appreciate mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE for OCTOBER. 1936 is Character Furniture , ",.. -M »-*r.*" ~ ':. KEELER BLDG. GRAND RAPIDS %khly Appealing TO THOSE OF CULTIVATED TASTE AND AMPLE MEANS A representative collection of historic Carved Oak will attract the patronage of the most desirable furniture buyers in your community. Families who seek permanent enrichments for their homes, who prize the cultural values inherent in fine craftsmanship of authentic background, have a natural preference for Carved Oak. "The Oak Room" is your sales opportunity. With incomes up, many families are for the first time in the Carved Oak bracket. They will respond to your suggestion that every home should have, for charm and variety, an "Oak Room". A serious approach to the Carved Oak market will reward you handsomely in the months just ahead. See us at the November Market in Grand Rapids, where we shall make notable additions to our hundreds of distinguished pieces for the living room, din-ing room, bedroom, hall, study, office, studio and club. NO RETAIL STOCK COMPLETE WITHOUT Cattoeb GRAND RAPIDS BOOKCASE & CHAIR COMPANY Carved Oak Specialists HASTINGS, MICHIGAN IVe appreciate mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE FINE FURNITURE 26, 1936 Accountants Report 96 Per Cent Increase in July Over Year Ago. Grand Rapids furniture industry showed an increase of 96 per cent in orders taken in July compared with 30 per cent a year ago, ac-cording to Seidman & Seidman, ac-countants. Shipments were 65 per cant better. For the seven-month period ship-ments showed a gain, of 62 per cent compared with the corresponding period of 1935. f of h o f, f •> I r 1 n i d p t Increase in orders-JULY GRAND RAPIDS-96; FURNITURE INDUSTRY-52% These figures, recently released by Seidman & Seidman, certified public accountants, supply impressive evidence of the outstand-ing leadership of the Grand Rapids Furniture Market. A constantly growing number of progressive furniture and department stores find at the Grand Rapids Market, the furniture that meets their requirements exactly and profit-ably . . . furniture that sets the standards in quality and saleability . . . that definitely leads in styling and craftsmanship . . . and that is priced to attract both class and mass markets. The next mid-season Grand Rapids Market (November 5 to 13, inclusive) promises to be the most important since 1929. Come to this market for the "best buys" in furniture, whether it be for promotional volume, or exclusive trade. It will pay you handsomely. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE EXPOSITION ASSOCIATION fo t M8W We appreciate mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNF l o r O C T O B E R , 1936 NINE Though other pages bare the minds Of many men, the credit or The blame I'll bear for what one finds On this, Page Nine.—The Editor. OCTOBER ODYSSEY More than superficial significance has the October Odyssey of some dozen prominent furniture manufacturers to the retail battlefront in the Southwest. Primarily a Guild project, this excursion from Grand Rapids perhaps signalized the beginning of a better era in manufacturer-merchant relation-ship. Certain it is that consumers were flattered to meet actually the men behind the products they buy. This in it-self was confidence-inspiring . . . and confidence in the integrity of furniture products has been sadly lacking for many, many years. Further, it is entirely possible that the junketing manufacturers themselves may have learned some-thing from this sojourn . . . something of the retailer's prob-lems . . . something of the buying public's point of view . . . something that will enable them to vision the progress of their product beyond the factory loading platform . . . something of what it takes to accomplish the last and most important steps in distribution. Desirable indeed is a general firming of relationship between factory and store. We hope it's a trend that will grow and multiply throughout the industry. fi-r s 40% ENOUGH? With furrowed brow and weary eyes we have been follow-ing for some months the terrific controversy waged in the blinding 8-point of a pulp-paper trade weekly as to whether manufacturers of major appliances should allow department stores more than a 40% discount from list, and as to why the drygoods boys can't make a profit on that spread. The answer is so obvious and simple as to be almost ridiculous. The truth of the matter is that department stores really don't WANT more than 407o, because they persist in not taking it when they get it, cutting even that margin when they habitually and constantly resort to markdowns. One of the chief causes contributing to such excessive markdowns is that too many competing lines are carried by one store, defeating desirable concentration of sales effort and energy on one or two lines. In fact, the whole selling phychology of the department store is keyed to the rapid promotion of small, fast-turnover items rather than to large, long-life items requiring real sales-manship and steady, long-haul merchandising ability. ff I. E. S. For awhile there, we were becoming almost convinced that the I. E. S. lamp movement besides being undoubtedly the salvation of the home-furnishing industry, would be instru-mental in curing hemerrhoids, flat feet, rickets and the blind staggers. Enthusiastic proponents of scientific lighting were all agog over the many ills and ailments caused by poor illumination, and they laid it rather thick on the poor public and the slightly bewildered dealer. But the I. E. S. drive, after the first rush of effervescent ballyhoo and the inevitable reactionary lull, has now hit an even keel. Properly promoted, it can help sell plenty of lamps for furniture stores. The kick has been that utility companies have seemed to hog the show, but in reality most of them are eager and willing to perform the educational work and give actual sales of merchandise to stores. They're try-ing to build load rather than sell lamps. ff If you'll have a friendly talk with your local utility manager, chances are he'll work with instead of against you. ff DRAPERY DEFICIENCIES Stores with drapery departments may be interested in the results of a study by the New York American among house-wives. Meat of the information elicited was that stores fail to fulfill their function in these respects. Drapery displays are found by the majority of women to be unsatisfactory and inadequate; women are almost unanimous in their belief that stores are not willing to offer suggestions and advice on use and types of draperies and curtains in their homes; housewives would welcome with open arms lectures or talks on window-treatments by qualified members of stores' dec-orating staffs—a type of educational promotion generally neglected. How does YOUR store measure up in its merchandising of window fabrics? ff TRAILER THREAT Should the furniture industry "view with alarm" America's present propensity to establish homes on wheels? Just how permanent is this trailer-craze going to be, and how will it affect the manufacturing and retailing of household furni-ture? Without a doubt, the effect on sales of household goods will parallel the effect on stabilized home life. If we are to become a race of motorized nomads, then the tra-dition that is the raison d'etre for much of our present homefurnishings will be gradually lost. However, it is dif-ficult to conceive that the foundation of the American Home is threatened, as alluring as the call of the road may be-come. Trailer-living will pall as it becomes common. Never-theless, it will grow within the next few years to the extent that an industrial back-to-the-home campaign may be found necessary. Further, it is almost sure to have an effect on home architecture and the design of household furniture. ff . . . And 1 says, "Yeh, Mabel, I know childbirth is terrible but did you ever have barber's itch?" 10 FINE FURNITURE It's the F I N I SH that Counts . . . AND ON FURNITURE •*•*?. IN RACING... The THOROUGHBRED always wins. Cabinets and case goods may be well constructed and may utilize the most costly of woods, but if the finish is faulty, they fall short of meeting the exacting demands of both merchant and consumer. Use of GRAND RAPIDS VARNISH CORPOR-ATION products always insures the most satis-factory results for any type of furniture wood finishing. And here is a THOROUGH-BRED — faultlessly styled, artistically designed, correctly priced, with a beautiful FINISH —a sure WINNER! GRAND RAPIDS VARNISH CORPORATION Manufacturers of Fine Quality Varnishes — Lacquers — Stains — GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN We appreciate mentioning you saw this in FIXE FURNITCRV; Enamels I m\ FINE ARTS BUILDING Newest and Most Modern Exhibition Building in Grand Rapids Y E A R ' R O U N D E X P O S I T I O N S DAY o r N I G H T Your product shown in the F I N E A R T S B U I L D I N G , Grand Rapids, is on display in a "hotel" for merchandise. Coustructed for furniture display, it is the only building in Grand Rapids devoted exclusively to furniture exhibits. Floor arrangement, lighting, ventilation and the highest type of general service is conducted in the interest of the furniture and house-furnishing exhibitors. The FINE ARTS BUILDING is in step with Three-quarters of a Century of Progress of the Grand Rapids Exposition. FINE ARTS CORPORATION operating FINE ARTS and PANTUND EXHIBITION BUILDINGS We appreciate mentioning you saio this in FINE FURNITURE 12 FINE FURNITURE aut/ior/ WANTED — Young man to learn advertising work in retail store. ABOUT twenty years ago, MX. Ralph Spangler came across this blind ad in an Oklahoma City newspaper, answered it, then forgot about it momentarily. The next day he got a phone call. A voice at the other end of the line said, "Mr. Spangler, can you come over to the Harbour- Longmire store for an inter-view?" "What do you want to see me about?" asked Spangler, puzzled. "You answered our ad for a man to learn the advertising work, didn't you?" And the voice identified itself as belonging to J. F. Harbour. "And that," says Spangler, "was the first time I ever had even a remote idea of getting into the furniture business. I re-member vividly the succeeding few months when I became inti-mately acquainted with three-piece mahogany-and-cane living room suites — with lamp shades that were flat and heavily fringed." Previous to his furniture adver-tising career, Spangler had taught school, done accounting and con-tract work for a telephone com-pany and later for the Oklahoma National Stockyards Co. During the period, 1917 to 1924, Ralph was associated stead-ily with Harbour-Longmire ex-cept for a few months in service. From 1924 to 1926 he was adver-tising manager for Genet's of Tulsa, then for A. Leath & Ce. Planning CHRISTMAS PROMOTIONS by RALPH SPANGLER Advertising Manager, Harbour-Longmire's, Oklahoma City, Okla. / CHRISTMAS is a unique sea- V_/ son. People then will buy in large quantities, without cut prices. For most good stores, it is one of the best selling seasons in the year. You need not promote the cheap-est things made. Rather the biggest profit comes from promoting the best, the most fashionable, the most interesting things you can get, to be offered at your best selling prices! Which may be several notches above the cheapest things made! First Step • The first step in plan-ning your Christmas promotions should have been completed months ago. If not, better do it late than never. Get out your sales figures for last Christmas season. In our store, this season begins long before Decem-ber. Last year we had sold a car-load of wheel toys by the first of October (lay-aways for Christmas). Analyze your sales of each im-portant item. If you don't already know, discover at which prices you can get the most sales of this item . . . and (2) the prices at which 81 I I I I i l l I I I I I I 1 1 I W i l l In 1928 he returned to Genet's where he remained for two years, organizing in 1930 a private ad-vertising and sales promotion agency that did work for I. H. Moore Co., Crusader Syndicate, Dickinson-Goodman Furniture Co. and others. The agency was discontinued in 1933 and Spangler spent nine months with the Har-bour Furniture Co. in Muskogee, Okla. He then went with the Genet-Rhodes Furniture Co. in Tulsa, remaining until 1935, finally returning to his first and present affiliation—the Harbour- Longmire Co., Oklahoma City. Spangler was born in Rock-ville, Ind., 44 years ago come June 28. He attended college at the University of Oklahoma where he sang in the glee club and played a great deal of ten-nis. His favorite sport is still tennis, although he now plays you can get the most sales volume. Get individual figures on chairs, lamps, cedar chests, rugs . . . on each item which gave you any con-siderable volume last year. If you did not do this in your buying, decide the definite factory numbers of each type of an article which will represent your BEST SELLING PRICE for getting the most sales. These best selling prices will dif-fer widely in different stores — as will best selling styles, and the best selling articles themselves. The important thing is for you to have in black and white on paper —not hazily in the back of your head—a definite list of the exact numbers from your stock—which you can expect to attract the most Christmas business to your store. This merchandise is your ammu-nition for the campaign ahead. Strategy • Now for your campaign strategy. Remember that Christmas season is different from any selling season in the year. The tightest purse is a little easier opened. considerable golf and likes to swim. There isn't anything that Ralph would rather do than to be ac-tive in the furniture business, and he looks forward to the day when he might have a good store of his own, or an important inter-est in one. He believes that the retailing of furniture is highly important in the development of our modern civilization. "Our whole prosperity and progress as a nation," he says, "is largely dependent upon how the women of today — and the girls who will be the women of tomorrow—are educated to want better homes. And we can't leave so important a job entirely to the other fellow. Magazines, movies, schools are accomplishing much in this respect, but it is up to us to be of immediate, direct and intelligent help." f o r O C T O B E R , 1936 13 , i : "•- . - . ••••* i : * Where is the person who does not spend more for gifts than he plans? It follows that your attack should be different. Start with your main floor—and your windows. Make them so dif-ferent that when your "regulars" enter your door they will stop and wonder if they are in your store or in a Christmas fairyland! There are innumerable ways to get Christmas atmosphere. To attempt to list even those most commonly used would require an-other article. Make Christmas dec-orations as striking as your budget will permit. No store is too small to spend some money for this pur-pose. Force every person who enters your store to be very conscious of the approach of Christmas. Here is just one rule: YOUR DISPLAYS CAN BE NO MORE EFFECTIVE THAN THEIR BACKGROUNDS! Use the walls of your store . . . the pillars through the floors, the temporary dividers you erect. Make them radiate a Christmas atmosphere in keeping with the merchandise you will fea-ture. Timing • In December, time takes a double importance. When there are twice as many customers in the store as you have salespeople to wait on them, every minute counts. Plan the placing of traffic items where a minimum of time is needed to complete the transaction. Our store is virtually a big de-partment store for the home. We do a volume which permits us to assign salespeople to particular types of merchandise. We may have four or five girls who will give their entire time to our doll shop. Others sell only small electrical appliances. If your store is one where the same staff sells anything and every-thing, time is even more important. While you are selling a dollar item, the customer wanting to spend $100 may walk out. Have your small gift articles grouped . . . and displayed at the most convenient points possible. Main Floor • If your store build-ing permits, plan to change your first floor more than once during December. Divide your campaign into weeks. Pick the three or four types of items that give you the most vol-ume. Concentrate on them. A Christmas sale of chairs may justify so impressive and dramatic a dis-play near your main entrance that customers will think they are enter-ing a chair store! Because our elevators cannot handle the peak crowds attracted by our toy department, we are forced to keep toys on the first floor up to Christmas Eve. You may not be able to completely change your entire first floor each week, but do all you can to drama-tize your selling; eiforts. Related Items • There is a ques-tion whether to display related articles together. The old theory was to place small tables and lamps with lounge chairs. Our experience is to the contrary. We may "spotlight" a featured chair on a small stage and with it show a table, lamp, ash tray, book, house slippers, etc. And then group the other colors and covers avail-able around it. But we find that we sell more in less time and with less effort in that season of the year if we show items of a type together. An important exception is the ensemble where several items are offered in a group at one price. Schedules • Now we are ready to plan advertising schedules. You must be your own judge whether to advertise one type of an article at a time or to mention a wide variety. WThatever you do, do not over-look the fact that your public zvill not consider a sales offering more important than you do. So add all the importance to each presentation you can. It helps sales. And whether you feature one item at a time or try to include as great a variety as you can, build your advertising program about your best selling prices . . . the prices which you have evidence to show will get you the greatest num-ber of sales. Educate your sales-people whenever possible to sell prospects something better than they plan to buy. You can help "sell-up" by arrang-ing effective displays of your "step-ups" beside your featured items. In making the analysis stressed as the fi



“[Untitled],” Center for Knit and Crochet Digital Repository, accessed July 5, 2024, https://digital.centerforknitandcrochet.org/items/show/25275.
