


Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879.
r;. // ... ~ ?/l{ # / / A " GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., NOVEMBER 19. 1910 SLIGH FURNITURE COMPANY The Largest Manufacturersof CHAMBER FURNITURE EXCLUSIVELY IN THE WORLD Catalogue to Prospective Customers. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. DINING FURNITURE THAT IS "RIGHT" IN DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, FINISH AND PRICE HAS BEEN ONE OF THE STRONG FEATURES OF THE "EFF and EFF" LINE for a Long Time. This Beautiful Suite is a money maker. Write for price. ROCKFORD FRAME and FIXTURE COMPANY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS SQUARE POST STEEL BEDS We manufac-ture a very complete line of Metal Beds and Cribs, all steel springs, woven wIre mattresses, Metal Couches and Daven-ports, Cots and Hospital Furniture. Buy beds equipped with the Standard Rev. Rail. They are strong and prevent the bed from wabbling. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. are very popular and should be ready sellers durinlr the Holiday Trade. No. 984. BRASS CAPS. Order this Bed in Vernis Mar-tin Satin Brass Finish (Color 19). No extra charge. You will be convinced of its selling qualities. Stock Color-White. Vernis Martin to order. PILLARS and FILLING SQUARE TUBING PIllars 2 m. Top and Boltom Tubes I Y2 m FIllmg I m Head 60 In Foot 40 In SIzes, 3 ft 6 In and 4 ft. 6 m. Shlppmg weight 154 lbs. Iron beds wIll be shIpped m whIte unl .. s otherwIse ordeled. Price $15 If our No. 35 Catalogue has not been received notify us. SMITH & DAVIS MFG. CO., S1. Louis, Mo. WEEKLY ARTISAN 1 Beautiful Bird's Eye Maple JUST THE THING TO DELIGHT THE LADIES AT CHRISTMAS! There is nothing quite so dainty-so feminine-so charm-ing for Christmas, as a Bird's Eye Maple Dressing Table. Light, airy and cheerful, it goes to the hearts of the ladies, and it is the ONLY LIGHT-COLORED FURNI-TURE THAT IS ALSO HIGHLY ARTISTIC. The NORTHERN has made Maple a leading line ever since starting in business. We are in the heart of the Maple country, where the finest Ma-ple in the world grows, and with our standard lines, using Maple as a base, we are able to pick ONLY THE CHOIC-EST PIECES for N at u r a I Map I e finishes. Therefore, when you buy Natural Bird's Eye Maple from the NORTH-ERN, you are sure of the creme de la creme-the finest In the country. But you must have artistic shapes too-the airy beauty of Bird's Eye Maple is completely lost if it is not made up in beautiful designs. We also give you moderate prices. That is what will sell with you-beautiful wood, designs and workmanship, at moderate prices, coupled with PROMPT DELIVER Y (and that means everything when you get near Christmas-nobody beats us at that part of the game). No. 1152 Dresser. Made in Oak, Mahogany and Bird',·eye Maple. No. 1191 Dressing Table. Made in Oak. MahoKany ""d Bird', Eye Maple. Full information given in courteous letters about anything that interests you. Write us frankly, freely. Northern Furniture Company SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN ,. ..,I LUCE FURNITURE COMPANY iII ,Iff II II II IfIffIII I II III I I j I, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Manufacturers of COMPLETE lines of MEDIUM PRICED DINING and CHAMBER FURNITURE. Catalogues to Dealers Only. ._--------_._----- -------- -4 High Grade Office Chairs Dining Chairs Odd Rockers and Chairs Desk and Dresser Chairs Slipper Rockers Colonial Parlor Suites Luce-Redmond Chair Co.,Ltd. I BIG RAPIDS, MICH. In Dark and Tuna Mahogany Bmf J Ey Maple Btrch ~uartered Oak and CtrcaJJtan Wamut Our Exhibit you will find on the Fourth Floor, East Section, MANUFACTURERS'BUILDING, North Ionia Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICI1IGAN Exhibit in charge of J. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES,]. EDGAR FOSTER. 31st Year-No. 21 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• NOVEMBER 19.1910 Issued Weekly RATIO OF SALES TO SALESMEN'S WAGES Many Things Must Be Considered in Determining What Percentage Would Be Fair to Employers and Employes. The PaCIfic Coast l\lerchant, 111ItS November number, tackles an Important sub] ect, the ratIO of sales to salesmen's wages, on whIch It says. The questIOn of V\ hat should be the ratIO of the salesman's salary to hIS qles IS a th111g that pULZles many merchants, and few there are who have ever been able tD satIsfactorIly answer It. It IS a que;,tIOn whIch, as a rule, every merchant hImself must answer The CIrcumstances that govern the sell111g abilI-tIes of clerks 111retaIl stores throughout the country are so varied that no outSIder should feel hImself competent to 111StruCt a merchant as tD the relatIve WOIth of the dIfferent clerks in his employ Let us enumerate a few of the contingencIes upon whIch such matters depend' Some clerks may be, comparatively speaking, poor sales-men, yet be ver) valuable in other ways, such as keep111g track of and tak111g care of stock, unpack111g and shelv111g goods, etc Others clerks may be lazy and Idle at all times whIle not engaged 111vva1t111gon customers, but may be excellent salesmen. Agd111, whIle some clerks may sell more goods than others, the clerks whose sales are small in amount may have a trade "of theIr own," whIch they have bwught to the store and could take away WIth them If they went elsewhere. Also there are clerks whose work may have no especial feat-ures to apprecIate or deprecIate its value, and yet their invariable courtesy, attentIOn to bus111ess and general demeanor are such as to make them of great serVIce 111bUIldmg and keepmg up the store's general reputatIOn What outsider can say Just how much-111 dollars and cents-these things are worth to the in-dIVIdual merchant? N ow, to come to more speCIfic items These five thmgs must also be taken mto account: (a) Your total weekly and mDnthly busmess, (b) how many clerks you have; (c) whether they are men or women; (d) what proportIOn of your business is done m shoes, dry goods, furniture, etc ; (e) your store hours, etc. If you have too many clerks, surely you cannot expect each to sell as much as If you had Just enough to handle the business that your store generally does As to the dIfferent lInes of bus mess : YDU well know that we need not enter into detail. Surely there are some functions in store work whICh m most cases women never perform, and VIce versa, and the salarIes are adjusted accordmgly As to the dIfferent 1111esof busL1ess You well know that amounts of "ales are altogether chfferent m dIfferent lInes An excellent salesman 111notIOns can rarely, If ever, sell as much dur-mg a month as the same grade of sdlesman stationed m the cloak and SUIt department, for example All over the country there are merchants who pay clerks all the way from 1 to 10 per cent, accordmg to the CIrcumstances. Kow It IS easy to strIke an average and to say' "Sell111g expense 5 per cent, ' but that by no means proves that you can, should, or would pay your clerks on that baSIS. On Saturday, October 21, last, m an Ill1110is "country" store, one of the clerks m the cloak and SUIt department sold $375 worth of goods, and thIS, we are told, happens frequently. We do not know what salary thIS clerk receIves Other clerks 111the store, who worked Just as hard as he chd on that day, may have sold only half as much-111 amount-as he dId. In some other departments only one-tenth as much How can any Dne but the storekeeper hll11self determ111e accurately whIch salary each of these clerks deserves? Some merchants find that the average cost to them for sell- 111ggoods is 5 per cent Others find It 6 per cent, and others find It stIll more One firm m Georgia, which put theIr sellIng force on commISSIOn, Dffered theIr saleswomen G per cent and theIr salesmen 7/'i per cent. At the tll11e they had four women and three men. The average weekly earmngs of the women reached $9 to $18 and of the men $10 to $20. To sum uP' Each merchant endeavors as far as possible, tD do Justice to hIS clerks (and to hImself) by basmg their sal-aries not solely upon the amount Df theIr total sales As saId, a clerk's experIence, courteous bearmg, willingness to render general serVIce, knowledge of stock, acquaintance WIth custo-mers, stand111g 111SOCIety, etc, are all taken mtD account by fix- 111gupon his worth to the store that employs hIm. Last, but by no means least, the cost of IIvmg and the meth-ods of d0111gbusmess are so dIfferent 111some places fwm what they are in others that there IS no rule whIch can be saId to hold good ul11versally. We present hereWIth a lIst WhICh was recently made up by the deputy office manager of a well-known large department 4 Art Goods 6 Blankets and Comfortables. . . . . . . . . .. 4 Trunks .. .. . 7 Sporting Goods .. .. 7 Wrappers............... .. 5 Furmture and Beddlllg .. . . .. 3 PIctures . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 Rugs 3 China and Glassware , .. 4 Sewlllg Machines . 5 Candy .. , , ~ G Soda I'ountain .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 PIanos 1 Sheet ]\1USIC. . . . . . . .. . 5 Patterns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . 5 Phonographs .. . . . .. 1 J\Ieats . 5 FIsh. .. . . .. . .. 5 CIgars .. , " 5 WEEKLY ARTISAN $18.50 MARVEl; ODS PER DOZEN Full Box Seat. Otd. Oak. Genuine Leather Seat. No. 702 rj/arlollfallufactlJrJllR ra, Grand Rapjds.1'1ich. store that caters to the popular trade, glVlllg hIS 0plillOn as to what percentage of sales should represent the ~alanes of the salesmen in various lines: HosIery. . . . .. . . G Women's and Children's Knit Undemear G Men's Furnishlllgs and ShIrt, . G Men's Knit Underwear. . G SIlks and Velvets '" . . .. . :; Colored Dress Goods .. G Wash Goods and Flannels . '" 5 Black Goods .. .. 5 Laces........ . 6 Ladles' Neckwear . . .. . G Veilings... . .. . .. .... G Handkerchiefs. . . . . . . . . . . . () Linens and WhIte Goods.. . .J Linings.... . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . () Notions .... " . . .. '" .... b Perfumery . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. G Stationery .. 7 Embroideries .. G RIbbons '" , G Flowers and Feathers : 7 Books..... . .. 6 Furs " .. .. 3~ Trimmed Hats 4 Untrimmed Hats 4 Trimmings . 6 Jewelry :; Leather Goods , .. 6 Muslin Underwear and UnderskIrts b Corsets ± Infants' Wear .. :; Waists 4 Misses' Suits 3 Ladies' Suits 3 Ladies' Cloaks 3 Groceries G Carpets and Mattings 3 Umbrellas 6 Gloves 5 Upholstery 30 Men's and Boys' Clothing and Hats. . 4 Shoes.......... .. 4 House Furnishings .J Silverware 6 Toys 30 Wines and Liquors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 It goes wIthout saying that no two men-situated as he IS- \\ ould be lIkely to wnte the same figures. Each store's experience and condItions are totally dIfferent, and It \\ ould be nothlllg short of folly for any man to fix a per-centage \\ hlch should hold good at all times and everywhere The \\ ay stocks are arranged, the number of sales people employed III each department, the standard of wages paid, and numberless other things, strongly influence the relation between the payroll of each department and its total sales Some merchants wIll put Al clerks behllld certalil counters; another merchant would put four ordinary clerks there. Surely the ratIO of sale~ to wages III these two stores will not bear Just compan son A.nd so It is all along the line. I t must be remembered, too, that the figures we furlllsh hel e are the a\ el age figl1l es-that IS to say, it by no means follows that ever} clel k\ sales. even III a bIg store---where there is somethll1g dOIng all the tIme-WIll be uniform throughout the } ear. The figures fl1lmshed are based on a year's sales; for ex-ample, a gIrl III the chllla department selbng $6,500 worth of goods dunng the year would be earnlllg the average per cent named for that department, VIZ , 4 per cent, If she were paid $260 a }ear) or $5 a week. The clerks in the furniture department during an August sale WIll make such big sales that the percentage of selling ex-pense will then fdll consIderably, but ImmeclJately after the spe- Clet! sale the furl1lture business may be so much less than usual that the percentage of furnIture selling expense WIll Jump to the other extreme The same way with white goods. During the seasons when these artIcles are III gl eat demand and their percentage of sell-ing expense falls, busll1ess in other departments may be practi-cally at a standstlll, and their percentage of selling expense may rise to the top notch. As \\e have at dIfferent times stated, the amount of a clerk's total sales is by no means the only key to his or her value or efficiency. Some ordll1ary clerk may be stationed to dIspose of articles that sell on sight and on which there is absolutely no profit. She may sell far more than another clerk of fine appear-ance and except anal ablbty, etc , stationed in another department, \\ ho can draw and hold the fine class of trade which a store is allmng for. Both are necessary to a store's welfare. The one girl may cost a store only 3 per cent, whIle the other girl may cost nearer 10 per cent, yet It WIll require httle figuring to determine which of the two IS really the more valuable. WEEKLY ARTISAN 5 Detrolt, Nov. 17.-DetrOlt is ~till on the map and very 111uch on, m fact lf you ask the average Detrolter he wlll be pretty apt to tell you that lt is about the only town of any 1mportance that lS on the map \Vell, the ~ flter ha'o no quan el wlth them about that, for he wa~ born there, but left very early m hfe, pos- Sibly for hlS own good, and maybe for the Clt} 's, but be that as it may, he hkes to go thele occasiOnally to see old fnends and reldtlves. Detroit 1S :,ure1y a fine Clty dncl 111 'oplte of the slump in the automoblle busllless there lS a great cleal of bUlld111g going on, inc1ud111g some new factories J. C Widman & Co have had a great season dnd are now prepaling the finest line of goods to show in Grand Rapids 111 January they have ever attempted to show. The hne is made up of d111111groom smtes 111al ts and crafts, Colomal, and all the popular styles; abo a large hne of hat racks ~ lth seats and mlrrors, and a large hne of cheval m1r- Can you think of anytlling more luxurious or comfortable than this beautiful Mission Davenport It's only a suggestion of the bun-dreds of splendid pieces we are showing in our Mission Furniture Department, and each piece priced so as to come withiil the moderate income. OPEN SATURDAY EVENIl'ICS cwo RAPlllS MIGHIGAN BISHOP FURNITURE co :One of Bishop'S Best rors 1n oak and mahogany, blrd's eye maple and Clrcassian wal-nut. They also have a fine 1111eof plctures and mlrrors. The 1111ewlll be shown on the first floor, south half, of the KI111gman bmldl11g, where they were located m July last. Max Bath, formerly with C D. W1dman, lS now w1th J C Wldman & Co, and IllS terntory wl11 be from Buffalo east. Of course all the \Vldman boys amI other salesmen wlll be there, and "J. c." wlll be there also to see that the boys are at work and not walk-ing up and clown Monroe street adm1ring the pretty Grand Rap'ds girls The full line of Humphrey-Widman sectional bookcases ~ 111be shown with thls lllle The Palmer Manufacturing company will show their full lllle on the fourth floor, Furmture Exchange, Grand Rap1ds, 111January They w1ll have many new patterns of hbrary and parlor tables and pedestals 111 the latest des1gns and finishes and an entlre new 1l11e of reed goods, lawn and porch furniture. Their new dry k1lns are finished and President Streng says they are workmg all right Their catalog for 1911 is already out and 1t is a good one. Trade is good and the output of the fac-tory for 1910 blds fair to be double that of any previous year. The Possel1Us Brothers Fur111ture Manufacturing company have made a success of the1r first hne of d111ing room furniture, and wlll add several new patterns to 1t for January; also about a hundred new extension tables. The elegant catalog of dining room suites and tables was very much admired by the dealers and brought them many good orders. The line will be shown in January as usual in the1r old space in the Manufacturers' Ex-hibitlOn budding, 1319 Mlchigan avenue, Chicago, with all the old time popular salesmen in charge. The Detroit Cabinet company will soon move into their elegant new offices, and will have a good many new patterns of fancy furniture to show in Grand Rapids in January. The writer had a nice visit with his old friend, Mr. Stan-dart of the Murphy Chair company. Mr. Standart has just re-turned from a SIX months' vacation for the benefit of his health, which broke down from overwork. He is looking well now. He has been roaming horseback in the Ozark mountains of Ar-kansas, and says he saw many men down there that were typical Arkansas travelers. C. H Haberkorn, who is said to have made a half million dollars in the table business and other industries he is mterested in, is going into the auto truck business and is building a large factory not far from that of the Detroit Cabinet company. -CO M. p.. ···-·····································-1 The Good Old Reliable Work Bench THAT NEVER!GETS OUT OF STYLE. For Many Years Made ExclUSively by C. CHRISTIANSEN, 2219 Grand Ave., CHICAGO Also manufacturer of the Chicago Truck for woodworkmg factones. Send for Catalogue. I.. . .._. . _. . .. 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN Every Dealer Who Sells Folding Collapsible Go=Carts TAKE WARNINO For your own protectIon aVOIdbuymg any foldmg collapsIble go-carts :lot hcensed under FERRIS and LEITH PATENTS. By seemg that the tag shown here IS on every foldmg CollapsIble Go-Cart you handle you wIll Avoid infringement prosecutions, Handle only goods made by the most reputable makers, Handle Go=Carts for which a demand is created by a big national advertising campaign. licensed Go-Cart PATENTED Licensed and protected by and under the 148869 Jan 5, 1904 111386 _Oct 4, 1904 189310 May 9, 1905 800411 Sept 26,1905 None Genume Without ThiS label Other Patent. Pendlnl None Cenuln_ WIthout This Label FERRIS and LEITH PATENTS so completely cover every VItal feature of foldmg collapsIble go-carts that It IS im-possIble for any maker to manufacture them wIthout usmg some of the features covered by these patents. The only persons or concerns licensed by us to manufac-ture collapsible go-carts are the following named compames: American Metal Wheel & Auto Lloyd Manufacturing Co. Company. Sidway Mercantile Company. Children's Vehicle Corporation. Streator Metal Stamping Co. Collier-Keyworth Company. Sturgis Steel Go-Cart Co. Ficks Carriage & Reed Go. Toledo Metal Wheel Co. Fulton Manufacturing Company. H. N. Thayer Co. Gendron Wheel Company. E. R. Wagner Mfg. Co. All Infnngers WIll be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Through our advertlSIng the publIc WIll be advised that go-carts contaInIng the most desirable features are hcensed under FERRIS and LEITH PATENTS, and cautIOned to look for the Label. We wIll protect both the dealer and the pubhc, and by elImmatmg the unscrupulous manufacturer we msure the dealer a better profit, put the go-cart business on a legItimate basIs, create fixed values, and educate the publIc to these values. LOOK FOR THE TAG. 839230 _Dee 25, 1906 840188 Jan 1,1901 851911 June 25, 1907 861475 July 30, 1907 863972 AU920,1907 913345 feb 23, 1909 914010 Marc~ 2, 1909 918250 April 13 1909 925151 June IS, 1909 925152 June15,1909 925141 June 22, 1909 921089. _ July 6, 1909 REDUCED REPRODUCTION OF FRONT AND BACK OF LICENSE TAGS.~)oce PERRIS and LEITH Suite 630 Marquette Building l' CHICAGO _I WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 RICHMOND TABLET CHAIRS "SLIP SEATS" MOST SANITARY RICHMOND CHAIR CO. NEW YORK'S NEW EXCHANGE Wonderful Progress Insures COIupletion of the Great Building "On Time'" RapId progres:, IS being made \vlth the con:,tructIOn of the great structUl e to be occupIed by the Ne\\ York Furl11ture Exchange, a~ a part of the Mlerchant~' and Manufacturers' Exchange of 1\ew York, In the early Spl111g of next year ThIS rapId progress must be regarded as a fact of llltereot to everyone concerned 111the furmture mdu"try, whether as manufacturer or buyer, and who looks fOlward wIth due con-fidence to the further enlargement of the already great eastern market The progress made sho\\ s, pla1111yenough, that the bUIlding wIll be completed 111due time, while so much of It as IS now VISIble exhIbIts, no less plainly, that the new home of the Exchange wIll be an nnposlng structUl e, of archItec-tural beauty and importance, thoroughly well eqUIpped and altogether worthy an enterpnse of so much consequence Already, although the constructIon wOlk on the ground dId not begin until August 9, last, about two-thmls of the steel frame-work had been erected by the end of October. In all, SIX thousand seven hundred tons of the massive gIrders and pillars had been put 111final place To make all these gIrders and pillars one homogenous \\ hole forty-five thousand rivets had been driven and fastened home. When It is re-membered that the girders are the largest ever used In steel structural work, and that then" el ection and that of the pIl-lars \\as reqlllred to be performed at mght, this amount of work wdl be looked upon as gOing some and going satlsfac- ~n~ I Vv'hlle thIS steel frame-\\ ork \\ a" beUlg erected other work as important was being conducted At the last repOl t, November 5, ten thousand cubIc feet of the gramte for the outer walls had been dehvered and set, ten thousa11'1 square feet of ornamented terra cotta had been placed; fifty thousand square feet of hollow tile fire-proof floor arches had been laId and eIghty thousand square feet of concrete floor arches The ornamental and fire-proof material window frames were also in place up to the seventh story Meanwhile, and while all thIS other important work vvas under \\ay, the steam fitters and plumbers had installed so much of theIr part of the equip-ment which is to make the budding so comfortable and con- No. 100 DOUBLE CANE SEAT No. 100 GENUINE LEATHER SEAT "I II ~_._~~-- ------------------------------~ vement a place of business as IS pOSSIble dunng the process of constructIon as cbstlnglll:,hed flom the fim:,hlng A regIment of over eIght hundred and fifty men are en-gaged in tIllS successful struggle for pI ogress led by theIr officers duly selected for theIr known skJ1l and training. The rapId progress made IS of further 111terest to every one who is Interested at all In mdustrial and commerCIal devel-opment, as it exhIbIts \\ hat can be done by modern methods when these are pUlsued, after due preparatIOn by competent contractors carefully chosen because of theIr thorough eqUIp-ment and known capaCIty to chsl egdl d chfficultles, to over-come all hanchcaps and to achIeve desll ed Iesults There, to be sure, was to be no effOlt "to make the desert blossom hke a rose ," but there I:' be111g\vag ed succe:,sfully a :,tJ uggle to 111creasethe sum of OppOltumty m the \\ oriel anel to promote man's usefulness to man. There was a tune when thIS ne\\ bUllc1mg seemed only a elream, irridescent and as l11tanglble as the ha7e of an Inchan Summer morn111g; but, as all may now :,ee, the dream IS com-lI1g true. If It was a dream It IS bell1g reahzec1 To other~ wiser, and to Charles E Spratt more particularly, It was no dream at all. It was rather an Idea and soon the superb bUIlding wdl stand to mark the development of thIS busl11ess idea of proven value and consequence It wJ1l mark, no less, the happy result of well-ordered enthUSIasm and l11te1hgent enterprise and confidence. AND THE RICHMOND, IND. kakee, have Incorporated wIth $10,000 cdpltal stock, held by P. L Kroehler, E ] T. Moyer and E. R Resentrater The Amcncan Woodworkl11g J\Ianufactml11g COmpdn), cap- ItalIzed at $10,000, I" beIng orgamzed by Lams H Kramer and others to take over the plant of the bankrupt New York Dlll1en- "lOns Supply company, at Devon and I"londa streets, EvansvIlle, lnd. The Bon J\ldrche department "tOl e of Seattle, Wash, IS to have the finest home In the PacIfic northwest The bUlldmg IS to be eIght stones, coverIng half of a block, WIll have rten acres of floor space and WIll cost $1,250,000. It will be completed early m 1CJ12 The Weber, Lmd & Hall company, for thIrty years dealers 1ll furnIture, carpeh, wall paper, etc, In Cleveland, 0, have retIred from the busmess, havmg sold theIr stock to the Conrad, Babch, Kroehle company, ~ ho operate three large stores in the same cIty John Cady and IE. C. Cotter, who have been dealIng In fur-mture in San Antonio, Texas, under the name of the Cady- Cotter Furniture company Ihave gone into bankruptcy. LiabIli-tIes $6,688, asseb $8.918, mc1udmg $4,000 111 stock and $4,300 in bIlls receivable 0\\ mg to the store they occupy having been leased to Wool- ~ orth & Co, who operated a chain of 5 and 10 cent stores, C. H. Rood & Co, furl1lture and carpet dealers of Ware, Mass, have deCIded to go out of business, being unable to secure other smt-able quarters in that town. The RetaIi Merchants' assocIation of Texas, has completed the orgal1lzatIon of the Retail Merchants "Cnderwnters of Texas, whIch IS a mutual fire insurance concern. The new organization expects to do the fire insurance business of practically all the retail merchants of the state. All the woodworking factories at South Paris, Me, make ChrIstmas tables, nothmg else They make them in many kinds of \\ ood and fil1lshes and of all shapes and sizes, from the doll's table only three mches m heIght to full sIze card and sew1l1g table< and sl1lp about 100 car loads dUrIng the fall months. The Sal1ltary Hammock and Mattress company, mentioned la::,t week as haVIng been organized at Marshfield, Wis, is in no sense a re-organiz:atlOn of the defunct Marshfield Beddmg com-pany, though the new company will use the old plant, which was purchased from the U1ll0n Mortgage Loan and Trust company of ChIcago. The meeting of stockholders in the SIegel-Cooper company and Greenhut & Co, last Saturday resulted in the consolIdatIOn of the two concerns under the name of the Greenhut-Siegel- Cooper company, WIth capital stock fixed at $6,000,000. The consolIdatIOn makes it one of the largest and most important mercantIle houses in New York city. The J. B & J. M Cornell company of New York, manufac-turers of metallIc furnIture, have gone into the hands of A Gor-don Murray and yIlchael Blake as receIvers. LIabIlItIes, $ t16,- 421; assets estImated at $330,000 The receIvers have asked for authorIty to sell the property and It IS understood that a new company 1M" been organized to pm chase It. The ~IcDougall KItchen Cabinet company of Frdnkfort, near ImhanapolI" Ind have purchased the stock, good WIll, patents dnd ever) thmg else pertdinIng to the "La-fa-et" KItchen CabInet made by the BIggs lIanufacturing company of Lafayette, Ind, \\ hlch has been domg a bUSIness of about $100,000 a year By the deal the McDougall company will get about forty experienced workmen for theIr new factory at Frankfort MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS T. E. Jones, undertaker of ::\IarIon, Ind , ha" sold out to B M. Lay. The SImplex Bed company of Seattle, are mO\ mg thel1 tac-tory to Kent, Wash. Maddock Bros have ':lucceeded Arnold & Dleboldt, fUrIllturC dealers of Olpe, Kan. The Newark (0) Furniture company are erectmg an ad-dItion to their factory. R. L. OlIver has sold hIS undertak1l1g bUSIness at LIttle Sioux, Ia , to B. S. Long N. E. Ward has purchased the retaIl furmture bus1l1e,,::, of E. Threlkeld at Tecumseh, Nebr Albert Thompson has purchased the furmture and harchvare business of Daugherty & DIlday at OwenSVIlle, Ind The New Orleans, La, ManufacturIng company are crect-ing a five story bUIldIng to be used as a coffin factor) Raymond Foster has purchased a half mterest In the Dol-doser furniture store at Delta, la. The firm IS known as Boldoser & Foster. The Boston Furniture company, dd.1ers of 'Waterbury, Ct. are constructing a two story additIOn to their warehouse on Sco-ville street. Neillsville, Wis, has raised $20,000 by popular subSCrIptIOn to rebuild the furniture factory that was burned recently and the work has been started Kaufman Bros' department store, PIttsburg, Pa, ha.., 0\\ n pOSSeSS10l}';,and no general loan eXJll1bltlOn under le,s d1gl11fied dud "entre con-dltlons would be hkel) to be able to obta1l1 sue h ma -terp1ece-from then owners, who are naturally Ul1\\ llhng to pel!t \\ lth them even f01 a tIme, to say nothll1g of the ha/at ds 111\ oh ed III han dhng and t1 ansport1l1g them There are forty-nme of the rugs, and a rare treat they ofter to admIrers of the nch beauty m colot and the ta..,c1l1at1l1gmtl1- cacy of deSIgn of these anClent fabllcs \\ 1th the Onent,tl lUg-that m common parlance dre spoken of as antlque, \mLrlCan-are faIrly famtlldr. In orgamzmg thb e"Xh1b1t10nthe mlheum authollt1es purposed offellng VlSltor- the Opp01tUl11t) to eXd1111ne the really old rug '3,proc!t1Lb of the eentl11leS tt om the fourteenth to the eIghteenth, mc1udmg the pe110cls \\ hen the~e e"p1 eS..,lOn-of the gel1111Sof the ::\ e,n ILast appeal ed m theIr 111ghest pe1- fectlOn The e.:\.h1bltlOn sen es at the ~ame tIme to rev eal \\ hat IS not fully understood, the rema1kable nd1l1ess at the pllVate co11ect1ons Df thIS country 111the"e \,orks of the patlent 011en-tals 111 the days when then a1t and theIr a1tl'3ansh1p \\ere at then best. rlhere we1e to have been hft) of the lug-, but at the ld-t mlillute and too late to exclude a cle..,c11ptlOnof It trom thc cat,l-log, word came from the ka1..,er llleclnch \Iuseum at Berlll1 that perm1SSlOn could not be obta111ed to lend a rug \\ h1ch that museum had pr0111lsed to send, It:, Ll11lOUSfourteenth centnn rug WIth the .l\I1l1g coat of arms, the ancIent Chmese motn e ot the dragon fightmg the phcel11x Other rugs of thIS class, hO\\- ever, ale 111the exhlb1tlon And though the De1hn museum \\a" unable to get pel mIssIon to lend Its t1 eds111C, \\ h1eh IS one at t,he oldest 1ugs known to e.:\.15t,anothe1 SlStC1 l1lstltutlOn has con tnbuted to the }J et1opohtan s e"XhlbltlOn j he Do"ton \Iu-eum of F1ne \It<., hd'3 '3ent to \e\\ ') 011, the fincst lUg 111lh po..,se, SlOn. ASIde fl0111tll1<.,one the 1u~" a1e all pllv,lte co11ectlOns, those namely, of Dr Denman \\ Ross of Ld1l1bllClge, Gen Dra, ton Ives, BenJanlln Altman and :-'enator \\ \ Clark of thl:, Clt) Mrs. Helbert L Platt of Ihookl)n, John D \Jdlhenn) ot PhIl-adelphIa, P i\ 13 \V1dener ot Ukms T'a1k, P \1 ~harple" ot THE Hlnd6tpARLOR NEW ~ BEDn ~eed not be moved from the wall. Always ready wit h beddmg in place. So simpl., 80 easy, a ch.ild can operate It. Has roomy wardrobe box. CHICAGO, Erie & Sedgwick NEW YORK, Norman & Monitor. West Chester, Pa , Theodore M DaVIS of Newport and C. F. \Vl1hams of i\01 nsto\\ n, Pa The Metropobtan Museum (l1s-pIa) s a few rug.., \\S<)rl'!let or advertlser You cannot buy thiS desk ltl any other way for less than $25 00 and you would not be paymg a cent more than it 1$ worth 11 you prod that prtct' But If you can get it and The Dryguodsman lor $t500 why not do It todaY? He*M 'VegM 45 II 260 awel' (rQllii<, ImmedIately upon receIpt ()f your re IDlttatlce We W111 In $lrnct the malry THE DRYGOODSMAN 1027 VVashmgton Ave ST LOUIS one who becomes a subscnber under the offer. The questIOn naturally anses, If thIS publisher can afford to furnish consumers WIth office fur111ture at manuufacturers' prices, why should any furnIture dealer carry office desks? \~lhI1e the Dry-Goods-M an no doubt CIrculates to many dealers \V ho handle nothmg but dl y goods and a few related hnes, It probably also circulates to many department stores havl11g furmture departments. If the fnr11l-ture dealer performs a legItImate functIOn, 111carrymg a stock of goods, whIch is essentIal to the conve111ence of a commumty, then the sale of furmture as subscrIptwn premiums must be IllegIti-mate. It 'would seem that propnetors of departments stores hav-ing furmture departments espeCIally would use theIr 111fluence to dIscourage a scheme of thIS k111d. No doubt the publIsher of the Dry-Goods-Man would be very grateful If the furniture dealers' aSSOCIation would co-operate 111 the publication of a dry goods journal. Chicatio House Not Affected. SIege1-Cooper'~ 111New York, a~ "uch, pds~ed out of ex-istence yesterday by mergel WIth Greenhut & Co, the comoh-dated company to be known as "The Greenhut-SIegel-Cooper Company" The merger, however, m no way affects the ChIca-go house of SIegel-Cooper & Co , accOl d111gto Isaac Kelm, thIrd vice president, who says that the Chicago company is owned by other persons and is not connected WIth the New York Slegel- Cooper's. The New York store was founded by Henry SIegel and afterwards purchased by J B Greenhut and hIS associates, who also bought the old site of B Altman & Co, at EIghteenth Stl eet and SIxth avenue, and there started the Greenhut store WIth whIch the New York Siegel-Cooper house is now merged. ----~------------~-_._---_._-_._-----... • I I III III TUE "ELI" I ELtO:""iViOi'LL.E'R='d&U'CO. I EVANSVI



“[Untitled],” Center for Knit and Crochet Digital Repository, accessed July 5, 2024, https://digital.centerforknitandcrochet.org/items/show/25369.
