Announcement of the 9th Elon President, Dr. Connie Ledoux Book, 2017



Announcement of the 9th Elon President, Dr. Connie Ledoux Book, 2017


Teaching and Learning Technologies: Events


October 7, 2017


This video, titled The Announcement of the 9th President of Elon: Connie Ledoux Book, occurred on October 7, 2017 in the Alumni Gym. This announcement replaced the traditional College Coffee held at Phi Beta Kappa commons. Kerrii Anderson, Chair of the Elon Board of Trustees, welcomed all the guests in Alumni Gym. 00:01:07 Anderson welcomed Dr. Leo Lambert and Elon’s first Lady, Laurie Lambert. 00:01:50 Anderson stated, “We are gathered here today to welcome and celebrate our next great leader who yesterday was unanimously selected by our board of trustees to become the 9th President in Elon’s 128th year history. She is a person who is qualified, highly experienced, and I am proud to say, will take the office as the first female president in Elon’s 128th year history (applause). Please join me in congratulating the Provost of The Citadel, The Military College of (Charleston) South Carolina and longtime Elon colleague, Elon parent, and friend, Dr. Connie Ledoux Book, President Elect of Elon University.” 00:02:54 The video shot pulled out wide to reveal President Ledoux Book smiling as she sat in a chair, as Wesley (Wes) R. Elingburg, Anderson, and guests applauded her. 00:03:11 Anderson continued to say, “Dr. Book was the unanimous choice from the presidential search committee and the board of trustees to succeed President Lambert and to become our next president. She will take office on March 1, 2018 and will visit campus periodically before then to prepare for a seamless presidential transition. Until March 1, 2018, we are thankful that President Lambert will continue in office and assure that seamless transition. 00:03:48 Elingburg, the chair of the search committee, shared the details of the intense work conducted by the 16 member presidential search committee over the past seven months. 00:04:13 Elingburg spoke to the guests. “The charge was Elingburg consider the top candidates in the nation and to consider a diverse field of candidates. We talked with impressive college and university presidents, provosts, and deans at many of the nation’s most prestigious institutions. Also, people outside of academia. We had an excellent pool of candidates. Everyone that we talked with told us that the Elon Presidency was one of the top professional opportunities in higher education. Our pool of about 150 candidates included those who applied, those recruited by the search firm, and many nominated by the Elon community. The candidate who received the most nominations was Dr. Connie Book. 00:05:33 In each of our interview sessions, Book stood out above all others. She provided keen insights into Elon’s academic programs and operations. 00:05:45 And a strong vision for Elon’s future. 00:06:03 Dr. Book has the ability to listen carefully, to think clearly, and to lead in challenging situations. She understands the importance of an inclusive academic community. One that has a global perspective, along with the commitment to make a difference in local communities. She knows the value of a strong arts and sciences education in today’s complex world, and has an excellent knowledge in advancing excellent advanced programs. 00:06:48 Book impressed us with a long list of accomplishments at the Citadel. She has made a tremendous impact there.” 00:07:31 Elingburg asked that all 16 search committee members stand to be recognized for their work (applause). The search firm was applauded for their work. Elingburg continued to say that the search committee received nearly 7,000 responses from the surveys sent out early in the presidential process. 00:09:26 Once the search committee had their two final presidential candidates, 60 additional members (students, faculty, staff, alumni, and trustees) met with these candidates and provided feedback to the search committee. 00:09:47 Together, we brought an excellent candidate to the trustees. 00:09:55 “The work of the search committee is complete,” stated Elingburg 00:10:23 Anderson recognized the President-Elect’s children, Joe Book and Bella Book. Anderson informed the audience of Connie Ledoux Book. 00:11:28 Anderson introduced Connie Ledoux Book with all of her accomplishments. 00:14:05 Book even sky-dived with the U.S. Army Gold Nights Parachute Team. 00:15:55 Anderson stated, “Please join me in welcoming the 9th President of Elon University, Dr. Connie Book. 00:16:21 President-Elect Dr. Connie Ledoux Book stood at the podium as the platform party and guests applauded her. 00:16:24 Book smiled at Lambert and vice versa. Book stated, “How lucky am I? It is great to be here. Truly an exciting day for me and my family. Walking across campus this morning, I had a strong sense of coming home. Elon University holds a special place. It is a place where I learned from my faculty colleagues about creating transformative learning environments, an intellectual community where I was inspired by my students who always asked great questions and strived to make the world better. A tight knit community where I learned that, together, we could design and build an inclusive community full of mentoring 1,500 faculty and staff educators. I am proud of the welcome from the learning community at Elon and our ability to advance students, faculty, and staff from all backgrounds and beliefs. We have a deep understanding that our mission flourishes when curiosity, and human dignity are the standard. I commit myself today to advancing this environment each and every day as my work as president. 00:17:47 At Elon, I grew to see my discipline in new and meaningful ways and here I had the opportunity to begin to learn about leadership (thanks to President Lambert) and the administrative faculty fellows program. Elon is also an important place that created family memories for me. 00:18:10 Bella attended her first lecture on feminism when she was just 13 years old. And it sparked a fire that would set the course for her own education. 00:18:22 And no one in the family will forget the time campus safety called to ask me to please to get my 7 year old son out of the Magnolia tree in front of the McEwen building. Joe graduated from Elon last year as a music major and fills our house with original scores, music, inspired by his Elon education. Both Bella and Joe are with me here today and I know they feel that powerful sense of coming home, as well. 00:18:54 Today, as I prepare to assume the role of the presidency, the advancement of this powerful learning community is foremost on my mind. Elon University holds a truly remarkable place among colleges in the United States. Its academic excellence has been the topic of important study in higher education. Elon’s inner-core curriculum and commitment to student engagement, serves as a model for colleges and universities around the world. 00:19:26 This is a university that understands the essential nature of bringing together critical ingredients of a premiere learning environment, the strong relationships students form with their faculty and staff mentors, the priority of learning at a deep level in classes, experiences, led by professors who thrive in a teach scholar mentor model, the commitment to excellence in the arts and sciences, both as a foundation for every student and as outstanding as major programs of study that challenge students to be deep thinkers, innovative resilient problem solvers, and moral leaders for the world, and the strength of distinctive professional program that prepares students for success in a changing and competitive world. 00:20:19 And in every dimension of the Elon experience, you will find global a prospective. Elon students seek to understand their place in the world, the essential lessons, and they learn from people from many backgrounds and cultures, and their obligation to apply the privilege of higher education to solve complex problems and prosper human dignity around the world. 00:20:47 I am humbled and excited by the remarkable opportunity to work with each of you. And I commit to being a faithful steward of the trust that this community is placing in me, today. 00:21:01 I want to take a moment to pay tribute to my colleagues at the Citadel, who have given me the opportunity to deepen my understanding and practice of principle leadership. Like Elon, the Citadel is deeply committed to students’ success and to developing leaders that our nation needs to prosper peace and further democracy around the world. 00:21:26 The people of these two institutions know that only higher education can safe guard and advance our great nation and nurture our democracy based on what the Elon mission describes as freedom of thought and liberty of conscience. The work ahead is important for our country and for our world. 00:21:48 I look forward to the next several months to hearing your stories, becoming acquainted with Elon, and learning anew about the community aspirations. I will listen carefully to understand the critical work that has taken place since I left Elon, and I am eagerly anticipating saying hello to former colleagues and meeting all the new faces who are part of Elon’s community today. 00:22:16 Throughout the search process, I was impressed with how the search committee took seriously the community’s commitment to identify a leader who understands Elon’s unique history and the power of this hard working community to change young people’s lives. I will champion and hold this university’s future with great care. 00:22:38 It is an honor and a privilege to be selected as the ninth president of Elon University. And I look forward to working together with each of you. 00:22:50 The world needs what Elon and what Elon graduates have to offer. Together, we will advance Elon’s future. Together, we will continue building the best learning environment in the country. Together, we will set the next horizon for Elon’s destiny. Together. Thank you (applause).” 00:23:15 The camera shot pulled out to a wide shot. Connie Ledoux Book smiled. Kerrii Anderson walked to the podium and asked Ledoux Book to “Stay with us.” 00:23:29 Dr. Leo M. Lambert was in the three shot applauding proudly. 00:23:44 Anderson stated, “Congratulations Connie and I have asked Connie to stay with us at the podium for a few minutes because we have some members of our community that have some welcome gifts for her. In this following order, we will hear from Morgan Bodenarain, Class of 2018, executive president of the Student Government Association (SGA) and a member of the presidential search committee. Then we will hear from professor Jeffery Pugh. Then Keren Rivas, Class of 2004, and director of publications of the Office of University Communications. And finally, Dr. Leo Lambert representing the first eight Elon presidents. Morgan.” 00:24:42 Bodenarain stated, “Dr. Book, I would like to present you with this coffee mug in preparation for College Coffee. We are excited to see you at student events throughout the year. Elon presidents are known for having close relationships with their students. And we are excited to see the strong ties that you build throughout your presidency.” Book whispered, “Thank you, Morgan.” Pugh came to the podium. He stated, “Dr. Book, on behalf of all of our colleagues here- the acorn is not just a symbol of becoming (which Dr. Lambert will speak of in just a minute), but also a symbol of resilience because these things grow up to be strong oaks. So on behalf of the faculty and your colleagues here, we present you with this as not just as a thing that will be small and tiny, but grow to be resilient and strong.” Book stated, “Thank you,” as she accepted the acorn. 00:25:51 Book stated, “I like this part.” Rivas stated, “As a proud Elon Alumna and a member of the Elon University staff, I am so glad to welcome you back to campus. And we want to make sure that you all (Bella and Joey) are ready to cheer on the Phoenix. Inside the bag is some Elon wear that I know that you are going to wear with pride. Welcome.” 00:26:19 Rivas hugged Book, saying something in Spanish to Book. 00:26:36 Lambert was at the podium and stated, “Connie, I doubt that there is anyone in this room that is more happy with this appointment, than I (laughter). With the possible exception of Laurie Lambert. You know it is our tradition to present to our first year students with an acorn and with the words that they have everything within them that they need to grow and become strong. I have a special acorn for you this morning that was crafted just this weekend by professor emeritus of economics, Dr. Jim Barber, for you. On behalf of all my former colleagues and I want to present it to you with our confidence that you have everything within you, Elon’s next mighty oak. With all of all affection and respect, please accept this token of our esteem and love. Thank you.” 00:27:37 Lambert handed the hand crafted acorn to Book in her hands. Lambert and Book hugged and Lambert kissed Book on the cheek. Some names included: Noel L. Allen, Class of 1969; Doug Spencer, Kebbler McGhee Williams, Class of 1998; Shelley Hazel; Wesley R. Elingburg; Bernie Jennings; Deanna Jennings; Jack and Dot Deanly; Ann and Jim Powell; J. Fred and Phyllis Young; and Jane Shutt.


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Teaching and Learning Technologies: Events, “Announcement of the 9th Elon President, Dr. Connie Ledoux Book, 2017,” Center for Knit and Crochet Digital Repository, accessed July 5, 2024,
