


A magazine dedicated to sharing the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.
"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time."-- Thomas Merton, Trappist monk (1915-1968)Sister Marianne McGriffin painted this icon of the annunciation. See story on page 13.The Shrine of Saint Mother Theodore GuerinFor information about Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, contact the Office of the Shrine of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, Providence Hall, 1 Sisters of Providence, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN 47876-1095 or 812-535-2925 or mtighe@spsmw.org.2HOPE // SUMMER 2007HOPEwithin FeaturesVocations updateIt's all about the journeyVolume 2, No. 3 summer 2007Executive Editor: Sister Rosemary Schmalz Editors: Sister Ann Casper and Diane Weidenbenner Copy Editor: Sister Cordelia Moran Publication Manager/Designer: Connie McCammon Cover Designer: Kim Harmless Director, Providence Center: Brother Barry Donaghue, cfc Coordinator, Spiritual Programs, National Shrine of Our Lady of Providence: Sister Mary Roger Madden Editorial Board: Cheryl Casselman, Dave Cox, Sue Heck, Becky Igo, Sister Jeanne Knoerle, Sister Bernice Kuper, Sister Peggy Lynch, Rosie Blankenship Maynard, Sandy Scroggins and Sister Joan Zlogar Contact Information: Office of Congregational Advancement, 1 Sisters of Providence, Saint Mary of the Woods, IN 47876 For change of address: cdavis@spsmw.org or 812-535-2804 Web Address: www.SistersofProvidence.org Printed on recycled paper7Celebrating 100 yearsPage 88Church of the Immaculate ConceptionCover storySister Jody paints bold strokes10Providence spiritualitySister Marianne prays with clay13Art auctionPage 1018Share the historyDepartmentsPartners in our mission My heart watches Photo album Sustainable LivingPage 184 7 17 19 20 21 22 23Alumnae/i news Newsnotes Obituaries Upcoming eventsMission Statement:The purpose of HOPE is to extend the energy and power of Providence to our friends by sharing information about the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.On the cover: Sister Jody O'Neil, the Congregation's artist in residence, works in Roethele Studio on the motherhouse grounds. See story on page 10. On the back: This original artwork by Nathan Harpenau was honored with first place for 8 to 10 year olds in the first Sisters of Providence Youth Art Contest. See story on page 16.www.SistersofProvidence.org3Partners in our missionAPhotos this page: Many of Sister Maurice Schnell's paintings included local vegetation and historic motherhouse buildings as these close-up views illustrate.4rt ppreciationStory and photos by Connie McCammon Art, English, physics and motocross racing -- these four areas have made for a very interesting life for Geoff and Josephine "Josie" Fox. The art, English and physics brought them together. The racing, however, allowed them to bring all their gifts together to create not only a well recognized family business, but also the means to support charitable causes near and dear to their hearts. Growing up an only child in Muncie, Ind., Josie quickly developed an appreciation for art and family history. When her father Emery Long died when she was 7 years old, she became exceptionally close to her mother Margaret (Steinberger) Long, who was a 1922 history graduate from Indiana University. "She loved to talk history to me," said Josie, who earned a bachelor's degree in English and art at Ball State University, Muncie, Ind., and later a master's degree in art history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It was at UW-Madison that Josie met Geoff. Part of the history that Margaret shared with Josie included explaining the family's connection to Sister Maurice Schnell (1830-1902), a prolific sister-artist. Sister Maurice, who entered the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence in 1847, was Josie's maternal great-great aunt.Continued on page 5HOPE // SUMMER 2007Continued from page 4Josie, however, would keep these family memories in the back of her mind as the responsibilities of raising four children and helping her husband start a new business made demands on her attention. After Geoff completed his PhD in physics at UW-Madison, the family moved to California where Geoff started teaching at Santa Clara University. "My husband's hobby, which he discovered and developed while we were in Madison, was to ride a motorcycle off road," said Josie. Geoff took his hobby to new heights when he competed in several motocross events while teaching at Santa Clara. While still teaching, Geoff bought into a motorcycle retail shop that sold both dirt and street bikes. He soon discovered a need for a replacement parts catalog. Using Josie's background in art and English, the first catalog was produced at the Fox family kitchen table. Eventually, Geoff left the world of academia, focusing all his energy into his own business. By 1977, Geoff and Josie began to feature more racing apparel in their catalog, a hit with motocross teams and fans alike. Today, Fox Racing, Inc., with its familiar fox-head logo, is known throughout the world not only for its racing apparel but also for its general line of sportswear. Geoff and Josie and their four children as well as more than 400 employees at their Morgan Hill, Calif., facility, keep the business humming. Fortunately, with all this help, Josie is able to pursue some of her other interests. One of these interests is the preservation of historic and artistic works. And this is where theconnection to Sister Maurice is so important. Thanks to Josie's love of art, her interest in family history and the Geoff and Josie Fox Family Foundation, four of Sister Maurice's paintings will be conserved by Monica Radecki, a paintings conservator from South Bend, Ind. In March, Monica and her assistant, Jeff Antkowiak, took the works of art via a moving van to her studio. "It's a very fulfilling, satisfying reaction that I have to extend basic help. When you get into restoration, it's a large commitment. You want it to be done right, and when it's fully restored, you want it to have a long life under the best of circumstances," said Josie. Art, English, physics and motocross racing -- thank goodness all four came together in the Fox family. These diverse areas and Monica's able hands will ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy Sister Maurice Schnell's works of art. HTop photo: The generosity of Josie and Geoff Fox is helping to conserve four treasured paintings of the Congregation. (Submitted photo) Bottom photo: Monica Radecki and Jeff Antkowiak (foreground) prepare one of Sister Maurice Schnell's paintings for transport to Monica's art studio in South Bend, Ind.The four works of art to be conserved are "Thou Shalt Love the Lord," "Wisdom," "Seek Ye First" and "We Exalt." Three of the works appeared in Providence Hall while one was stored in a vault.www.SistersofProvidence.org5Development updates Want to save a stained glass window?Thanks to more than $100,000 from benefactors, the Sisters of Providence have been able to repair several of the 100-year-old stained glass windows in the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The work is being done by Bovard Studio, Inc. in Fairfield, Iowa, whose craftsmen remove the windows panel by panel and take them back to the company for restoration and cleaning. The phased-project began in 2005 and will continue each year -- window by window -- as funds become available and until all 54 windows have been restored to their original beauty. To date, 17 windows most in need of repair have been refurbished. Six gallery windows on the south side of the church and all the windows on the north side are still to be done. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $300,000. If you would like to contribute to this ongoing restoration and preservation project, please use the envelope enclosed in HOPE and mark "Stained Glass Windows" on the response portion.Thank you, phonathon donors!The results of the 2007 Sisters of Providence Phonathon can only be termed spectacular! As of mid-April, we have received $111,588. Of the 3,084 people contacted, 1,398 people have responded, a response rate of nearly 45 percent. Of the 855 people who made an actual pledge, 716 have paid their pledge, a response rate of nearly 84 percent. Thanks to all of our donors who generated these statistics by their gifts to our phonathon appeal. Certainly the canonization of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin energized our volunteer callers this year (sisters, alumnae/i, candidate-associates and SP staff members) and obviously made a difference in the response of friends whom they called. This year's results have been far above any we have ever experienced since our annual phonathon began almost 20 years ago. We offer thanks to all who were involved in any way.Practice your putting -- Hole-y-One Golf Scramble Sept. 21!Golfers have all summer to prepare for the fifth annual Sisters of Providence Hole-y-One Golf Scramble Sept. 21. This year's scramble will be held at Idle Creek Golf Course, Terre Haute, with a tee time of 1 p.m. (EDT). Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. with registration beginning at 11 a.m. If you or your organization is interested in playing or being a sponsor, contact Diane Weidenbenner at 812-535-2802 or dweidenb@spsmw.org. Visit www.SistersofProvidence.org for event details. (Photo by Kim Harmless)6HOPE // SUMMER 2007Vocations updateVocations: it's all about the journeyStory by Diane Weidenbenner The number of candidates preparing for religious life in the past three years is up 19 percent, according to Vision Vocation Guide's Report on Trends in Religious Life. "Something exciting is happening," according to Sister Jenny Howard, vocations director for the Sisters of Providence and part of the New Membership Team (NMT). "We've seen an increase in younger women contacting us to explore religious life," said Sister Jenny. "Our goal this year is to better understand the needs of the younger generations and to see how the Sisters of Providence charism can engage them in the development of their faith and living out the message of Jesus. These women have a deep desire for prayer, living in community and service to others." While the Sisters of Providence have always encouraged women ages 18-42 who were considering religious life, the Congregation is now specifically looking to meet the needs of Generation X women (born 1965 to 1980) and the Millennium Generation women (born 1979 to 1994) who seek a deeper understanding of their faith. The NMT is not only learning about these women's needs but also trying to find new opportunities to connect. "Our emphasis has always been journeying with women. Our task is not just to prepare them for vowed religious life but to help them discern how to best live out their baptismal call -- how to live out their faith," commented Sister Jenny. The team also attends and sponsors many events throughout the year to reach out to women. For women who are in more serious discernment, the NMT sponsors a "Come and See" weekend each year. "We saw an encouraging increase in participation at this year's event `Providence Women: Signs of Hope ... Sent to Heal,' held April 13-15," said Sister Jenny. "Ten women gathered for reflection, prayer and local ministry visitation to learn how each promotes hope and healing among God's people and creation." At press time, the team was preparing for "Make a Difference," a week of prayer and service May 1824. This new event, directed towards women in their 20s and 30s, will include personal and group prayer, reflection and sharing, as well as service to several of the SP ministries throughout Indiana, including eco-justice, adult day care and inner city programs for youth and their families. Another important way that women become sisters is through personal contact with or invitation by a vowed member, family member or friend, asking them if they've ever considered religious life. "We are living in hope-filled times with a seeming resurgence of interest among young women to live out to the fullest their baptismal call and, for some, that means exploring religious life as a means of putting prayer into action. This can open the door to a world of possibilities," said Sister Jenny. HSince Saint Mother Theodore's canonization Oct. 15, 2006, a steady stream of favors attributed to her intercession have been sent to Sister Marie Kevin Tighe in the Office of the Shrine of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. Marie Chase of Winthrop, Mass., sent this notice of a healing. In September 2006, Marie was diagnosed with lung cancer. Sister Jane Iannoccone, who also attends Marie's parish, took a book of names and intentions to Rome for the October 2006 canonization. Marie's name and health condition were included. On Nov. 6, 2006, Marie underwent thoracic surgery in Massachusetts and the pathology report stated there was no malignancy.www.SistersofProvidence.org7Church of the Immaculate ConceptionAcentennialcelebrationStory by Connie McCammon A place to worship -- from the moment Saint Mother Theodore Guerin stepped foot on this hallowed ground at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods there has always been a deep-seated desire for a sacred place to honor the Blessed Sacrament. Mother Theodore, however, was not prepared for the primitive log cabin that doubled as a chapel and a residence for the priest. She later wrote about the log chapel in a letter to her superiors in France: "The Church! Yes, dear friends, that is the dwelling of the God of the Universe, in comparison with which the stables wherein you shelter your cattle are palaces!" The current place of worship for the Congregation began with the laying of the cornerstone of the Church of the Immaculate Conception in 1886. D.A. Bohlen and Son of Indianapolis, architects, completed the Indiana limestone building in 1891, but it took 16 more years before the interior was complete. By June 1892, plastering had been done and the installation of a temporary wooden floor, seats and altars permitted the sisters to worship in the Italian Renaissance style edifice. Ten years later the church became the home of an organ purchased from William Schuelke Church Organ Builder of Milwaukee.By 1902, the General Council, under the leadership of General Superior Mother Mary Cleophas Foley, focused its attention on the interior decoration of the church. Mother Mary Cleophas and General Councilor Sister Mary Alma O'Donald visited numerous churches in Europe, gathering many ideas for the church nestled Celebrate with us! in the Woods. Inspired by their travels, the two sisters returned home and Plans are being formulated by soon artisans and craftsmen were employed to transform the church from a the Sisters of Providence and building to a truly sacred place of worship.Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Tours explaining its architectural and artistic significance, a Eucharistic Liturgy at 11 a.m. and an organ concert midafternoon will begin the year of celebration Oct. 21, 2007. Watch for more details and a calendar of events in the September issue of HOPE.Religious dignitaries, including Bishop Francis Silas Chatard, and guests poured into the church Oct. 23, 1907, when it was consecrated. One of the visiting priests "praised the sisters for their many accomplishments, and especially for giving in this splendid edifice, the best they had to God." One hundred years after the laying of the cornerstone, the church underwent a transformation not only to conform with the liturgical norms of the Second Vatican Council, but also to strengthen the floor joists. As with the building of the church, this renovation was accomplished with the monetary assistance of many donors. Those who worship in the Church of the Immaculate Conception have theirSee CHURCH on page 128HOPE // SUMMER 2007To God through artThe Ascension: This painting crosses the ceiling between the nave and the transept. All the paintings in the church were the creations of Polish �migr� Thaddeus von Zukotynski. Stations of the Cross: The stations were created in Munich, Germany, at a cost of $1,800 and were installed in the church even before the sisters could worship there. They were a gift of the Rev. Denis J. McMullen, pastor of St. Mary Church in Richmond, Ind. Holy Family: This stained glass window, created at the Bavarian Art Institute, Munich, Germany, is in the north transept of the church. Presider's chair: Prior to the renovation of the church in 1986, there was a high altar of Carrara marble that rose to 31 feet in height. There was also a communion railing made of Skyros marble. Many pieces, like this presider's chair, were fashioned from the high altar and communion railing. Marble column: The marble used throughout the church came from Italy; Africa; Skyros, Greece; and the United States. The marble for these rose colored pillars was quarried in the state of Georgia. The pillars were a gift of the family of Mother Euphrasie Hinkle, general superior from 1883 to 1889. The resurrected Christ: Triumphing over death, Christ appears to rise from this crucifix to everlasting life. Sculpted by Harry Breen of Champaign, Ill., it was installed in 1991. The organ: Today's organ is the third one that has been used in the church. Made by the Casavant Freres Company of Canada, this organ has approximately 1,700 pipes. Railing: Originally this railing was part of the communion railing. Now it appears around the tabernacle area. It is made of Skyros marble. (Photos by Kim Harmless, Pam Lynch, Amy Miranda and Connie McCammon)www.SistersofProvidence.org9Cover story10HOPE // SUMMER 2007Bold strokesStory by Dave Cox, Photos by Pam LynchPAt left: Sister Jody O'Neil works in Roethele Studio on the motherhouse grounds. Page 12: Sister Jody's work emanates from the deepest realms of her soul.www.SistersofProvidence.orgaint more!Sister Jody O'Neil would love to follow the advice of her long-time spiritual adviser."That's his consistent message for me. He said, `I wish you didn't have to worry so much about marketing. Your painting is a gift to the world.'" Like many self-employed artists, Sister Jody creates artwork for show and sale. She searches for places to display her creations; she does the pricing, hauling and promoting. In addition, she feels the growing pains that artists often feel. Will they like my work? Will they want to spend money for it? Sister Jody has loved art since her elementary school days when she says good teachers started her on the right path. She studied art in college and became an art teacher early in her ministerial life. But to continue, she would need a master's degree. So she let art become a venue for relaxation while she served as a college campus minister for 25 years. After a sabbatical, she prepared a three-year plan to be a self-employed artist, which was accepted by the Sisters of Providence leadership. "I found myself painting more than I had in a long time. I really felt that I needed to listen to that," she said. It may not be long before Sister Jody's artwork markets itself. At a recent showing by Indiana artists at the Indiana State Museum in Indianapolis, one patron walked by and said to Sister Jody, "Can I just sit in here because there is great energy in this booth." Another patron said to Sister Jody that her paintings were very spiritual.Continued on page 1211Continued from page 11"I am intrigued by the unsolicited comments that people make. It really helps shape my path because they are intriguing to me, not what I want to hear necessarily, but what I am surprised with. I think that is part of what Providence means," Sister Jody said. The energy in her paintings comes from a mixture of bold, bright colors and strokes. She also enjoys a variety of media, often mixing more than one to create a final product. "I like seeing what color does to other people. At the Indiana State Museum, I was able to stand back and watch people look into the booth as they walked by. When I would see people's eyes get huge, that was very heartening to me," she said. Sister Jody thrives on the opportunity to let herself become absorbed by her work. But it's not all a canvas of roses. "When I have difficult times, I try to stay focused on what gives me energy. If I look at the whole picture, I enjoy going to work. I enjoy the creative challenge. I enjoy making new connections. I enjoy the community building that goes with all of this," she said. "I also get frustrated at times because the rhythm is different from a regular job, and the income has a different rhythm than a regular paycheck."She also looks to the Congregation's foundress, Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, for support. "When I get really discouraged, I remember one of my favorite quotes from Mother Theodore. She said `Humble yourself -- that is very good -- but do not yield to discontent.' This whole process has taught me a lot about humility. Every day is a new day that brings new revelations and new challenges," Sister Jody said. Even with the challenges, Sister Jody knows her ministry is energy-giving. "I experience artistic expression as a spiritual energy that emerges from the deepest realms of the soul. This energy with line and form, both initiates a response and responds to the movement of Creator and creation," she said. "It is important for me to be totally creative and see what emerges. To me, the surprise is to create something, look at it, and see what's there. At some point you say, `Here it is,' and you just try to be open to what response you get." The response Sister Jody has been receiving recently is paint more! H Note: For a glimpse of some of Sister Jody O'Neil's work, visit her Web site at www.creationsights.org. To purchase her art, contact her at either 812-5351018 or creationsights@spsmw.org.ChurchContinued from page 8senses awakened. The organ music, paintings, basreliefs, stained glass windows, murals and marble works provide an atmosphere for worship. But only when the church is filled with people does the mystery of the Blessed Sacrament truly come alive. You are always welcome to worship with theSisters of Providence at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods to experience this truly holy site. The sisters invite you to make it part of your travel plans to worship in this magnificent church during its centennial year. H Hours of worship are 11:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday (except funeral masses, special feast and holy days) and 11 a.m. on Sunday.12HOPE // SUMMER 2007Providence spiritualitySister Marianne McGriffin takes a break while painting an icon.The potter and the clayStory and photos by Connie McCammon This word came to Jeremiah from the Lord: Come, go down to the potter's house, and there I will let you hear my words. So I went down to the potter's house, and there he was working at his wheel. The vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter's hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as seemed good to him. (Jeremiah 18:1-5) Throughout the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament are various references to clay and pottery, just like this pericope from Jeremiah. In these passages the potter is the one who has the power over what is created, much like God molds the clay of human beings. However, just like a piece of pottery, humans can be broken, chipped, misused and even forgotten. Unlike a piece of pottery, humans can be reshaped through faith, patience, connection with others and a commitment to want to grow and be whole. Just ask Sister Marianne McGriffin. Growing up in Linton, Ind., during the 1920s and 1930s was not always easy. The times were difficult and jobs were not always plentiful for a house painter, as Sister Marianne's father Edward soon discovered. Though life was difficult, his wife Doris saw to it thatContinued on page 14www.SistersofProvidence.org13Continued from page 13the five McGriffin children (a sixth child died in infancy) were educated and taught to respect the teachings of the Catholic Church. On Feb. 2, 1944, Sister Marianne followed in the footsteps of her older sister Regina, now known as Sister Francine, and entered the Congregation. She later received the religious name Sister Trinita Marie. For nearly 25 years, Sister Marianne ministered as a teacher or principal in elementary schools. A change in ministry, however, was on the horizon when she received a master's degree in religious education from the University of Notre Dame in 1971. For the next eight years, Sister Marianne served as the director of religious education in Fort Wayne, Ind., and later in Louisville, Ky. Her overly scheduled life and drive for perfection drained the very life out of her. She was given the opportunity to attend an unstructured sabbatical at Notre Dame. Part of this time was spent getting her life together through clay. "I had always wanted to get my hands into clay," said Sister Marianne, who frequently went to the field house to work with clay. "The whole process of working with clay is very much like the process of personal development. We are thrown on the wheel of life, shaped, formed, poured water on and put on the shelf to dry."Additionally, Sister Marianne was introduced to Sister Rose Ann Trzil, SSSF, who became her spiritual director and who would later introduce her to imaging. "She helped me to get into my inner thoughts," said Sister Marianne. "This was really good for me." Renewed by her sabbatical experience, Sister Marianne returned to religious education at St. Vincent Parish, Elkhart, Ind. Continuing to meet with Sister Rose Ann, Sister Marianne delved even more deeply into her spirituality by attending workshops on women in the church. Now she was beginning to learn about the feminine side of God. Then, during a retreat in Louisville, she was asked to take a ball of clay and to play with it to see what would happen. "I held it, felt it and scrunched up the clay two or three times," shared Sister Marianne. "I realized the clay was taking the shape of a woman. I was becoming more relaxed as I worked with the clay. So many questions that I had were no longer important; some of them got answered and some of them I'm still dealing with." Sister Marianne still has the "Woman Spirit Waiting" piece that came from this meditation. After its creation it was fired in a kiln and glazed. When she returned home, Sister Marianne continued to work with clay and she shared her spiritual journey with the parishioners of St. Vincent. Suddenly there were people who wanted to know more about praying with clay and imaging. Sister Marianne knew that she needed more training and certification to help other people on their faith walk. She entered the extension program of the Shalem Institute of Spiritual Formation then based in Washington, D.C. This program provides a resource to help people plumb the depths of their spirituality. Upon completion of this program and at the age of 65, Sister Marianne was given permission by the Congregation to leave St. Vincent and create a new ministry, Open SPaces, a spiritual formation center in Elkhart. From 1989 to 2004, Sister Marianne offered spirituality classes and workshops, and she visited many churches in the area to share about praying with clay.Continued on page 15Top photo: Sister Marianne created this piece titled "Contemplation Bowl." The outside of this bowl is inscribed with these words: "The truly contemplative ... is calm; rises after failure; speaks with authority; has courage; and defies gossip." Bottom photo: This piece, titled "Alleluia!," was created during a Holy Week Triduum. A representation of Easter Sunday, Sister Marianne describes it: "Darkness gives way to brilliance. The light of Christ shines. His spirit lives."14HOPE // SUMMER 2007Continued from page 14Today, Sister Marianne lives at Saint Mary-of-theWoods and still works with clay among other media, including Purchase her creations iconography. During times in Many of Sister Marianne's pother life, Sister tery pieces and iconography Marianne's spirit cards are available at The Gift was broken and Shop at Providence Center at chipped, but she Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Please visit the shop either in person or searched deeply online at www.provcenter.org. into her own being to find the You may also receive informaGod within her. tion by phone 812-535-2947 or And she has e-mail giftshop@spsmw.org. taught others how Additionally, The Gift Shop has to do the same, copies of "Reflections in Clay," a so they, too, how-to-book about praying could become with clay written by Sister Marianne. whole. HFor resources on praying with clay and iconography, please visit www.SistersofProvidence.org and click on "As seen in our publications" link.Want to learn from Sister Marianne?If you or your group or organization would like to learn how to pray with clay or to have a presentation on iconography, please contact Sister Marianne McGriffin at 812-535-3131 or e-mail at mmcgriff@spsmw.org.www.SistersofProvidence.org15Youth art contestArt contest impacts students, teachersStory and photo by Becky Igo The first Sisters of Providence Youth Art Contest not only made an impact on the students who participated, but on their teachers as well. The contest, focusing on youth ages 5-18 in the Terre Haute area, sought original drawings of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. Not only were youth asked to depict Saint Mother Theodore in their own artistic renderings, but they were also asked to do research on Indiana's first saint. Maria Nickels, an art teacher at St. Patrick School, said the school was "excited" to participate in the contest. According to Nickels, "The contest gave the students the chance to learn about an actual saint from our area. Students also learned about drawing, shading and perspectives of faces. Each student took the contest very seriously; putting their heart and soul into their pictures. The students were very proud of their completed artwork. Every picture was unique and touching to view." Judges selected first-, second- and third-place winners in each age category. Winners, in each category (ages 5-7, 8-10, 11-13 and 14-18), were honored at a reception March 19 at Providence Center and each received a cash prize, ribbon and a certificate. Each student who entered received a Certificate of Participation and those who attended were also honored at the reception.At left: Winners of the youth art contest are (seated, from left) Erin Pfister, Claire Mitchell, Torrence Brannon-Fagg, Nathan Harpenau, Alexis K. Hux and Allison Payonk, and (back row, from left) Katie Schmidt, Caitlin Mitchell, Hailey Chrzanowski, Jack Jenkins, Amanda Humphrey and Taelor Ford.16HOPE // SUMMER 2007Photo albumSister Deborah re-enters CongregationAfter an 18-year hiatus, Sister Deborah Campbell was readmitted to the Congregation Jan. 23 during a blessing ceremony in the Church of the Immaculate Conception at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. After leaving the Congregation in 1989, Sister Deborah worked as an accountant and auditor and taught religious education. During her reincorporation into the Congregation, Sister Deborah will visit various Sisters of Providence ministries. She will also have time for prayer, reflection, spiritual direction and a retreat. Pictured at right is Sister Deborah (right) who was blessed by the entire assembly including (left to right): Vocations Director Sister Jenny Howard, General Officer Sister Marsha Speth, General Superior Sister Denise Wilkinson and the Rev. Bernard Head. (Photo by Kim Harmless)Liturgy honors Saint Mother TheodoreSister Marie Kevin Tighe, former vice postulator of the Cause of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, presents the offertory gifts to Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein, OSB, archbishop of Indianapolis, during the Eucharistic Liturgy in honor of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin March 5 in the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Concelebrating with the archbishop were the Most Rev. William L. Higi, bishop of Lafayette; the Most Rev. John M. D'Arcy, bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend; the Most Rev. Gerald A. Gettelfinger, bishop of Evansville; and the Most Rev. Dale J. Melczek, bishop of Gary. The Liturgy was part of an annual meeting of Indiana's bishops and major superiors of congregations of men and women religious. (Photo by Kim Harmless)Providence Candidate-Associates experience first retreatEarle Harvey and Ann Kevin Thesing are just two of the candidateassociates who traveled from near and far to participate in the first Providence Candidate-Associate retreat at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods March 23-25. The fi



“[Untitled],” Center for Knit and Crochet Digital Repository, accessed July 27, 2024, https://digital.centerforknitandcrochet.org/items/show/28427.
