


Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Pasadena, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
• v nth graders o oing day of One Tea oo Faculty ton. proval cover S.oner announced Monda '. pub' c cbool teaching beet1 completed with I of a ~econd Beverly 100 v poa~l!on , 1lf'r fHrably larger than wa~ est!· mated in the budget." The H.A.B.S. · said that ex­penditure~ for lunches for needy children was on the rise • • T 1e SepJ 1 Jn a Plan Propo chool Th Cit v hf lth d K. I a r ntz a l rhoolchlld 'i"''red to take grade Gallaher. Elementary Th full tim"! JJU rue by the Board lli l· de· . Lester L. Dickey. super in· (Tu .. ,., r c.,::. f"t tendent of public schools, rep.)rted -·- • • • ·- vane .McFarl nd satd 1~h chool stud 1 have corr, • s of algebra, la e geometl') arland said h n was chose. hool ' wort Du -t, pr · tiCS at he! ptn ' xt k fo e. ding m 1 •n Hou t have b n in ad •ance a 1 e d months gtstratl(}n d tr Tflwn. hi l fl dent. ~&\e b PO n W ath r y, hool From the Editors J\ lew week · ao·o w ' recei Td a Lor ' from Ralph D;ni:-, Brazil harn p io n, about a '' lire \ralkinc .. ceremon a gr u1 of ur folk · a t i.\lorri Gua\u had rec 'ntly wi tn · ·se l. An a - c mpanyi no- 1 tt r ad led tha t pho tographs of thi stran c ne might a lso b rorth- . com mg. \Ve r ad th e story with ·orne skepticism­and we ·even wonder eJ if our ··sou th of the Border .. £.riencls were playing a gentle hoax on u . But a b art while later our doubts were era ed. T he pictures arrived showing two native- ·walking aero s hot beds o£ coals. Bob H aynie president of Pan Americana Textil, as ures us, "all of our fe llows who saw the cene which Ralph describes vouch for the truth o.f wh a t he sa 1S, but no one h as an ex­planation for it." 'Ne think ou will read with the same interest we did, "The Fire vValkers of Sao J oao," on page 13. • v .. h y would a busy, non-professional man give up hundreds of hours of his free time to attend board and committee mee tings. fight fires, conduct building ins pections and o th erwise take an active p art in community ..,-~-~ Hairs !' Such a man is Gill Bashlorth, a ' T ex4s Champion, recently elected president of the board o( trustees of the Pasadena In­d ependent School District. H is own explana-tion of the principl that guide him as a public servant are outlined in the story on pages ll-12. • ,\ll Ch ampio ns arc not actua lly pap r ­rnak r . Many pl y trson, Della Hicks . Carolina Division ... R. E. Davis, Hill Kil1 la vid W. Moris >n, Rowena Morris, Bill Rigsbee, J. E. \\'ilknnson . Texas Division ... Johtmy Boyette, Jern• Cornelius, Cecilia Dickerson . Liz Woodring. 1 u.st-i11 Thay r. Sandersville . • . Glad y · H. Evere t t. GeAefal Office . .. . Lo r ad · jtt'>ten w•JY fund ly rcmcmb ·rs the tifne wht.'ll "Fvcr • Da • was Saturday," page~ 1-3 . Ohio's Mike Newkirk is typical of many youngsters returning to school this month who find it hard to forget when ... S EPTEMBER COMES, Labor Day arrives and school bells ring. This to a young lad is the end of a gay three-month summer vacation. Gone are the mid­afternoon trips to the ·movies, the visits to the pool, the all day fishing exhibi­tions down at the creek, the baseball games at the park, and the many other things a boy does during his three months of summer activity. With school comes more serious busi­ness, and plea ure has to be pushed aside (at least until Saturday). School books and learning come first now, even though it isn't the first choice of man ' youngsters. It's a rough change for a kid to have CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE • S MM .R V CATTON i · gone but no[ for­gotlen by Mike 1 'ewldrk . 10-year-old . on of Stan Newkirk, Ohio Di i lon 1' r.onn l Admini­M ation Deparun ·nt. !\Iii-. and hi frit-nd Doug l'urkc , s n of El rn r Purke , Ohio machin tcuder, ha.J n e citi11g acation, s ou can ~e on t hrS" page .. I - • CONTINUE.O EVERYDAY WAS SATURDAY • to hi t th aek ·u nine instead of staying up to wa tch the nine-thirty T.V. cowboy h \i • But o goe the life o.f a boy or g irl d uring s hooJ days. T hi month.lwoch·eds of Ohio Cham­pi n ~ •oung ter join with millions of bo •s and girl all ov r the countr]' in the readju unent from va ation to school life . Mike N ewkil"k, ll-vear old son of ' Stan Ne,.,rkirk, Ohio Personnel Adminis·- tration Department, is t y pical of a o u n gs t er suffering from "vacatiou dreamitis." As you can see, his thoughts go back to w.hat he a11d his pal, Doug Purkey, son of Elmer Purkey, Ohio Ma­chine Tender, did this summer. • < BICY LE pr " id rl the t ranspm ta ­ti .n fo r Mike ami Duug. ' a turaJl )' they had to Lt> kept in good repair . -- A COOL DIP at the ~\.1immim.g pool wa~ great for a hot da . TWO UOYS nil ()OC pole -· bur tla en, RC ifin~ r ·ad)' fu r 1hc " big c .t h" is nv ·n1all job. A"' ICE CREA \J CON after :t hard dav in Lhe " w~s a 1·efreshing treat woods . • A PEP TALK from the manager meant the ball game was about ready to start. Mike, left foregro.u nd, was m:tive in Cham­pion Small Fry League competition. M vm . l MF W;.\,~ llll'l'tito ·- provid a t~1ere .,,s a loo~ quancr in tht- pocket. • The combined assets of th - MILLION , , ' three Champion credit unions represent -.. ... - • • • • • 10 ,--,--~---r--~--,---~--~--~-,--~--~---r- 7 6 - • 5 4 3 2 1 1946 '47 '48 '49 ·so ·s1 ' 52 ' 53 ·s4 ·s s T oTAL ASS£ TS of Champion credit unions passed the $ 10 million mark in june-just 27 years after Roy Bergergren, a leader in the American credit union movement, was call ed to Carolina to help estab­lish a credit union (or Champion employee in 1932. Credit unions were la ter organized at Ohio and Texas in 1938. The $10 million repr ese nts savings of over 10,000 Champions and their .famili es wl1o have · become mem­bers to save their mon ey togeth er and to make loans to each o th er for worthwhile purposes at a low in tere t ra te. Each of the three Champion credit union are num­bered among some 600 in the Uni ted Sta te· today that have over a million dollars in as ·e ts (total value of loans ·o utstanding, cash, fur niture, ancl other inve t- -----. - - . SA VJNGS , ;ill mean a n ite 11 ·s t· ·gg (or a ftuu t"c- lt ·u r . as T xas Clo a l!t pJon Wilh111 Sn ell d ' ovc•r I when he:: r cc u Jly l}o q ght a n ai rond ititm• r foT hi ~> :w tomobilc. .\ho e, , 'EU 10 .is aT• important cr Jh llnion service. Often financial arran.gem.enr can be lflade that wiU mettJ• a substal tlial saving-s for an )J ,dividual. Here M arv A lic.e Robe lS, Caroli11a c edit union rnanag r, proddes Ted V.•ood uff with intormarivn and advice WJJceming use of I he credit union servic >s. Eedend laws, depe nding· on theiT type of charte r, but members deierrninc their own opera1ing procedures and vote on cbariges in their articles of in cOJ-pora tion or constitution and by-laws. her family. nother borrowed money to start a bee farm. And a Texas Champion wa recently given financial. assistance when his false teeth plm1.ked in the Houston Ship Channel during an unexpected sneeze. Loans to other Champions have provided funds for sickness and death emergencies, vacations, education for a daughter or son, or such luxuries as automobiles and boats. Champion credit unions have for many years paid dividends on savings equal to or higher than most savings institutions. Last year alone, $319,800 were re­ceived by members as dividends for their savings. · "We have an obligation to both borrower and saver," pointed out Harold Drawe, treasurer of the Texas credit union. "Not only do we try to help those in need of financial assistance, but we strive to pay a fair dividend which in itself helps to promote savings." Each Credit Union is a Corporation Our credit unions are individual corporations apan from Champion. Champion, being intereste l in the welfare of its employees, encourages their promotion b · providing necessary facilities, which include spa e, light, heat, and janitorial service. Members determine the policies under which their redit union will operate (providing they do not con­flict with state or federal laws). They elect th ir 0\vtl officers at an annual meeting and from time to time are ca lied on to vot for chang s in their perating procedures or amendments to their by-laws. At th · p.resent rate of growth, the assets of Cham­pion's three cred it unions would triple in the ne ·t ten y ars. Uut as Fr •d Fergu ·on, treasurer o( the CaroJina cr dit union put· it, "The amount of loan w n1ak or s::t\'ing we lake in i relatively unimportant. Our main purpo is tn help as man· oE our folks as po sible, for Lhc on] 1 pm lu r wr ha ro offer is s rvice.' ' 5 .. r l1 r th th l I • • (. I l , Ill' ' 1 dl Ill I f1 (ll'fd , Ill l I I I• I 1111111 h til th . t r . • 8 c H' II y I I ' I tJ · r re I j I I Jghl IIlii II .. ltn · I i h s ll(. lTl i Ill lH I l r lounclt d on th flo ·• t" rn n fJ, It in I h th · gun." ''> •t i <~ ( h.111 p11m. Hi ,f I• I JH'IdtH tion o£ qu ht · prt> iuc.t r built u pu11 rhe d vo tOn, ene _ .ntd know-h,Jw of • ch h· mpi r .\ nl)tiad of ill an I 1 U1mbinc to pm luc' ··ch ·J- Lie ll of papct. J nbs th t ~ r n · t directh involved in pap ·rm.tkin n ' nh lc~s play · major r le iu pr iuui m Down in the ht;.!rt of the miJI where the ntotnr hum. 'here he -welder'> torch ere a r a mini t •r firewMb di pla~ . mi. the c; rpen r' '\ '\ -\\ ~ R \C r o Hi-li' c rio tl u tt• I arl' u ·cd e.tch d.ty :1t 1 he <.tr ,fm.J Dt ' '"u J ,. \filncr i. hoi\ 11 "! ... 1 tin • h l..<.'l I\ hirh drops rh<· w I 1111 • 1.11 ., h I' I r saw i heard, Champion men ply their different trades to help make po ible the uc e s of our compan,. :Ea.c h C ham pion em p 1 o e e, w herher working in the shadows of a pine forest or in the lighted a lleys of 4 paper machine room, h as the same common endeavor - to do his part to help produce a quality prod- • • • uct at a compet1t1ve pnce. Every roll o£ paper th at is pro­du- ced in our plant is the end res ult of the coordinated effort of every person who receives a pay check from Champion. All Champion , whatever their job and activity, make up a vital part of the Champion story o£ pro­duction, profits and progress. LE 1 CHANGE ROO 1S, howers and re. t room r quire dail atlentivn to in LtTC the clean facil.ities a~,d b l.ter w<)rking conditions for Carolina Champion . Charlte 'l'vleadows of tlle Transfer S ct ion is h own dusting t lothes lockez in the nell' fjrri. hing Area change room. R E 0 R D K E E I' l G is a necessity to the operation of any ind us try. Labor and ma­te rial cos ts on capital work ord rs are kept by the Prop­crt y Acco unting Seclion . .Jtl n i.or acwuntam :'-Jeil l\ lcKinnish is pi ctured at his J esk in the System Office wh re much of this important work is ac­complished. • FOUNDRY MEN produce many vita l ,rarts for our equipment and machinery. Joe Green is pictured as he pre­pares the ear 1 y stages of a castmg. A TRl;CK. LOAD OF WOOD is weighed by Bob Washam of the \l 'oodyard. Sine March of th is year, an average of 1-17 tru cks p ~r day haYe eros d the e cale . Woodyard employees help assure a re-ad. ' movement of wood raw material to our pulpmill. A;'\/ AIR HOSE is run into chip chute by Doyce Pu tman , Pulp Manufacturing Department. to dislodge ch ~ps passi ng from ch ip bin into a digester . To insure a constant flow of pulp. digeste rs are loaded and unloaded in the shortest possible tim e. •• ' • • 7 • I 8 - ' I, TC ~ Rt.l'l-1 i$ th l ne uv ' h 'o Umtupirm dth -16 . ear of ronl inu u. ·en in'. He 'as hin:·d on March ~ '. Hll 3. Clint 1 orks iu the hit> Oid.io11 Beater Ruom. .... • J f :i I ,;.,11* " ' , ... :="'•s •' ~" JOHN STORM. general for eman of ' o. 1 Beat r s, began work at the Ohio Division on J une 15, 1914 as a !)eater fumishe r . I I I I • CON COJ .LOPY, fon•w )ln rJf th i' ipr; ( htJp. llrriph ted his 11 rh rc·ur at C:hampu o11 ~Jgwn t l. \in d Champion i11 191:!. Ol:U~ RT I. :E CR YCRJ\FT. better known .u; " Pappy," has 4.7 years of co ntinuous Lim se rvice. Hob, a v t· nw of the Generator Room, b gan work at hampion 011 April 30, !912. BILL 1 HH f. 'SOS, the Ohio Divisio11 cmpln}e • wjth th l o.ngc~t time '!el' the Sample D - panmerrt, where she is a clerk . BREAKING 45 .years do7\lvn into months, using bask arithmetic of 45 times 12, we arrive at the a nswer o( 540. Carrying this a bit farther and multi­pJying "540 months · times 30, the average number of days in a month, we come up with 16,200 days- or 38.8,800 hours o,r 23,328,000 minutes. - Now ·you might question why anyon wou ld take the time Lo break do·wn 45 years so far. Actually ther€ are 1 I very spe ial reasons. in a recent survey o[ Ohio Di"Vis ion Champions., it was discover <1 that no le than ll emp:ro ee-s l1ad the outstanding scrvi e r.ecord ·of 45 years of time service with the company. \t\Then thi anide was written all 1 1 wcr · activ Champions fi lled with 4:> years of memories fmpany th y h~d ~erved . This month, we wonl W<.>mcn in the "U ltl hardJ y h. vc d mocracy - it would be repb cctl br. the rule o( the few." • ' ·'A \'0 :-:c WOM.'\ slipped oft her -~hoes and staned acmss r.he hot bed o{ coals. 1 examined her tee t a· she tepped off. The · were cool and soft and nor blistered in any wa ." Our Brazil Champions witnessed a strange custom when they saw • • • The Fl By Ralph Davis I will describe the events lead­ing to and including the events of Caipira on the "Dia de Sao Joao" or St. Joh n's Day. \Ve of the tart-up team and the Campinas office force of Pan Amer­icana Textil were invited to a Cai­pira party at a private home in Americana. This is the town that was started by the American rebels in Brazil. The event can be better de·cribed a an American barbecue. We were told that some people ·would walk on hot coals of fire. This -we looked forward to,· but I might add, with a lot of doubt. \Ve all left Campina.s in the compan bus at 7:30 in the evening and arrived in Americana about 8:30. After meeting a lot of people · and exchanging greetings with many fr iend among the Ameri­cana rebel descendants, we were erved barbecu e and quentao. Quentao is a drink made from pin­ga and ginger. Pinga is a strong drink made from sugar cane. It is similar to rum, bu t I thin'k it is stronger. It mells a lot like a mix­ture of coal oil and a pulp mill. · I believe anyone who can drink this mixtUTe can also waJk on fire. There was a large, old-fashioned bonfire in the yard that was roaring at ali times. After the barbecue was fin ished, mu ic was played and a fake wedding wa held by 'two men dres ed in proper costumes. Then ''I AL 0 CHECKFD a man 's f( ot in order w show no p re (e renc . T hey were also soft and not bli.sterecl .'' 5 of Sao Joao a circle was formed around the fire a mt dance were in otder which for the most part were different from any we had ever seen. They were not like our jitterbug, but a typical South Atuetican dance. This con­tinued for about an hour. The logs Were Moved Back About ll: 30 the large unburned and partially burned logs were moved back and all the live, red hot coals were raked out to fonu a bed about four to six inches thick, four feet wide and six feet long. I was all ready t0 take a picture of someone, just anyone, walking across the red hot coals. A young woman slipped off her shoes and started across the bed of coals. I was so overwhelmed by what I was seeing that I neglected to take the picture. The red hot coals were all around her feet. . Then the second person came through and I made a picture. The walking continued. T he first young woman walked sjx or seven times. I finally was overcome by curiosity so T ask ed the young woman to let m e examine her fee t. I examined them just as she stepped off the coals. Her feet were cool"-- seemed cooler than normal body tempera­ture. Her feet were tender and soft as any normal foot and were not blistered in any way. I also checked a man's foot in order not to show a preference and also to see what were the effects on his feet. They were also soft and not blistered, and these people had not been drinking. "One Walked for His First Time" - There was one fellow who had walked for the last 10 years with no effect whatsoever to his right foot, but there was always a blis­tering on his left.· Another walked for his first time- and after some hesitation he made it across. The story behind this group of fire walkers goes back 10 years. It is said that a man's wife was seriously ill. He prayed to St. John that if she lived he would alwavs I give this barbecue and have the "fire walk." So every year since then the members of his family have walked on coals - aU, that is, but him - he burns his feet every time he tries! On the eve of St. John's Day you can see sm·tll fi.res built ·in front of many of the homes. \Ve found out that anyone nam cl John has such a fire at his house. lt's a strange story - seems al ­most unbelievable. But it's true. 13 • • - MOl 'TURE TEST ru-e el11g run lr Jim h ·Weld in a new insp~ office bui lt espedaU~ fur No. 20 M achinc. v r 29!). tons of 1 paper h:l\'e r lied off r ·o. 2"0 :sim:r prod.ucti n staned in I•' bruary. u••o u bl COLOR 1 .\DD£0 to pulp i11 the h ·dt·apuJper b engineer. Sin produCLion star.(c(t. N"o. 20 h.ls run gx·aph. emdope and ouvernrnen t Hriting pap r.~. l'nlll !\l ed£ rd. b ater tablet, h nd, milnc - v • If ' " •• • • • • • • I Operators of Carolina's No. 20 Machine NO. 20 MACHINE WINDE R S a re capable o f reaching a speed of 6000 feet a minute. t left, ·raul Rahy operates the push-button con trols. It i~ estimated that in the near future No. 20 produ tion will average 250 tons a day . .. NO. 20 PAPER MACHI NE at Carolina became Champion's 11ew "Speed King" on June 25 when operators set a new record of 1700 feet a minu te . The previous record o.f 1650 feet per minute was held by No. 22 Machine at T exas. broke the record long held by Texas, to become • • • T EXAS CHAl\ti>IO s were record-holders for many year , but this summer the Carolina Division proved th at ''records were made to be broken." On June 25 Carolina 's No. 20 MachiAe became the company's new "Speed King," running 16-p.@und tablet at 1700 feet a min ute. On August l 3 another record-breaking perfmm­ance of 1796 fee t per mjnute was made. The previous record of 1650 feet a minute was held b y No. 22 Machine at Texas. Starting up a t about lOQO feet a minute last February, No. 20 opera tors stepped U(:'> the pacesteadily until they made the record run in June. Th,e operators, well pleased with the performance of the new machine, ~xpect that it w:ill reach 2000 feet a minute in the ncar future. As further gains are made in operating efficiency, improved recovery and higher speed's, a conservative ,, estimate for the big new papermaker, considering all grades and weights it produces, is 250 tons a day. More than 29,500 tons of paper have been made on No. 20 Machine during the first five months. In addi­tion to tablet paper, it has produced White. Ariel Bond, White Scriptic Mimeograph, White Radiant Envelope and white government writjng paper. No. 20 was "tailor made" for Champion. Among it imricate parts are many innovations designed by Cham­pion engineers in conjunction wir.h the machine builders. For many years to come it will undoubtedly continue to be the most modern high-speed white paper machine in the business. Jt mall farm~ in that countr produce such hca y yields oJ high qu. lity Jruits and v c~gc tahl ·~~. Odwr histori vnuld greatly appeal to me tl1at is. i( mmc on a ship with all th glam ur a fj rst·t las:-; trip lik • that affords." BETTY LJPHER, o. 2 Sort­ing, Ohio Division : "That's easy. l( I could go an wh ere I wanted to go, I'd take my children and pend my vaca tion in Alaska. I have alwavs wanted to see Alas-ka. and in- ce i t's our 4·9th state now, J would enjoy the trip very much." v , ' • _ ,.,..-' • ' MARY LOU TENDAM, Secretarial Pool, Ohio Division: "If money was no object, I would like to take my family on an ex­t€: nsive tour of the United Sta tes. We'd be gon e a long time .and see all the places we've read so much a bout. In our travels, I'd be sure we stopped a t Hawaii, our newes t sta te. " SARA BOONE, Tabulatin g, Carolina Di­vision: "If money was no obj ect, I wou ld choose a LOur o( Eu rope, visiting major cities and landmarks and observing firs t­hand th e people and th eir way of life. T hi ·, to my way of thinking, would prov an excellen t vacalion." 0. K. HUGHES, Electr ic De­partment, T exas Division : "lf I had my choice of a vacation and money . was no obj ect, I would like to go to Africa on a safari, beca use I like to hunt and you'd ha vc a chance a l every type of game there is on that continent. And while I was at it, l'd like to make the trip a crui se.' ' -.... .._ ' ~ ' (' PAUL PETERS, Research and Development Division, General Office: "I h ave always wanted to take my family on an exten­sive tour of the U nited States. When I was in the Army I h ad the opportunity to visit many interesting places in this coun­try and I would now like to share some of these experien ces wi th my family. I have just re­tumed from Japan but my first choice would still be the USA." • 17 .. CH:\~fPIO:-.: YOl'.NG, rER, we.re pan of :a group >'hi h made a xccent trip to 0 lley lslau(i. The Ohio Di\·i jon Gids" ~ ocial Ccun :1 pon-or «i the trip and eight bus loads o£ Champio11 kid · und their parents m:~de .the trip. The youug. rers purchased pecial r.ide ticket a ud en­jo~ cd an aften~n::re of a minor nattu:e. Ho" ev r, there w re fiv , lost-time . ' . Ill]Ufl"'. Durina thi three-m nth petiod, ·w.h.ich was considered aver­age, n1ore than 00 X-ra · s were made and interpreted by s~aff member . There w re 6 .£ ot clinic cases which included seven fra-ctnre . _ The iepanment is headed by Dr. John v\T. Sloan and is staffed b -e · n registered nurses in addition to a secretary who handl . office administration. The ·taff includes Mrs. Vella 'VVilliams, head nurs-e; Mrs. Johnnie Reno, assi tant head nurse; Mrs. Audrey Blalock, Mrs. Sarah mathers, i'>'lrs. Joan Browning:, Mrs. Louise Leatherwood .and 'i\frs. Mabel Barefoot. Mrs. Carolyn Holcomb is department secretaJ11• Carolina's Medical Department is considered one of the finest in indu lTJ' . . . and there are nearly 3,500 Champion empl oyees who are glad that they a;re always "at your service." 2(} MRS. JOHNNIE R£ ' (), ;.ssiswm head mJ.t~e. often l:1nds i.t n ' Ce , ~ary twn, Earl Stanifer, \tVhitie Holland and Fuzzie Hoski11s, just to mention a few, this h ange has made Texas toji}s even though th~e fellows ar .st ill Yankees at heart. '' I t's like r.he old saying, · ,~~,hen you're in Ron1e do as the Romans do,' " sa.i.d Pop. " M')' vacation in Texas wa made enjoya ble by my Texas friends. 'fhcir tall tal s are just as big as_. thefr h earts which. 1 '0: s ~.l~e is the reasof.l why the expresswn southern hosp1tahty 1s used. ''Texans are just prqud· people hk you fjncl in any other state. Their history is no different than ours ~lnJ their stories no bigger." The vacation d id Pop a lot of go d. There wa~ no thing like being Texas mosquitC> bitt n, Te~· s sun 22 "POP" M INOUS AND ''BRUTE'' BROWN load their gear as th y g t ready £oT their Texa fi shing exhibition. Thi.s month, Mede Haynes talks about Texan in his LOG column. burned and over-drawn at the bank to make him appre­ciat his )ob a t home. • Thought for the month ... Don't kno k! Even a tombstone will say something good about a fe llow when he is clown. • Chuckle for the month . .. \.Yhat amaze me about the modern young wife is that she can knit the most magnificent argyle socks in the world but doesn't know how to d arn 'em when they wear out in one or two 0 strategic corners. A Salute to a Cast Coater By Wes Cobb Thought for tbe month ... There are ever so many quiet, efficient people who contribute more than their share to Cast Coat success. H elpers, backtenders, opera­tors, maintenance people - folks who quietly and un­assumingly do the good job . today and every day. These are the ones who are the backbone of a produc- • . tton team. This month, I'd like to pause for a moment to salute one of these quiet,-efficien t people and give him his day in court, so to speak. He left shift work to take a day job in the depart­ment years ago because of his health. But he never used that reason as an excuse to spare h imself. He is one of the hardest workers in the whole Cast Coat or- • • gamzatwn. While so many of us are trying to get "untracked" in the morning, he is moving up and down the aisles in front and b ehind the ltp<" lu'>p. Th1 tn<•nth Otr,l R..:tJ t ll , f u:n:nt 1\ll ' lfh C. h m• Th!' Hank 11 rc id .u ;o. n~ ill., 1 1111\ in 1\ al • 1113 l'' '\1i h . Bartletts • • • Bv Otto Reid \\"bil on , ·acation in K:llamatoo, li h .. l I k • I up n · n Ch. mpi n·. grand ·tOld I im r ·: l\Ir. ami l\1r ·. ClJr nee . . Bartlett 70' I willard Orive. laren e retired in 1951. Hera su pcni · rof th Pip Shop. \\·e pent a \nmd rful d.L, at Joyerdal Lake, and th ugh th fi h pulled Yer) lighti)' on ur lin , nobody ~t. med t mind. \\' ti d the O i• nall), making it sound like it was a two-dog race. \\'ell, I hope the day never comes when these two cow.ins top l)ing on each other. I t would mean bad bl ')Od 1 ctween them, and I know that Bailey ca n be tough ... he ta k d w me.likc I was a sheep-killing dog fc,r writing in The LOG that h even knew Mount. H e aid l wa n't .:;at.i. lied to hun him, that I destroyed him b, startin the tal that Mount was his cousin . ' ·- THIS LITTLE FELLOW is K vi n Donald Roc ttgcr. lie was on ly 10 mnn rh. old wh n thi. jJicrur<' was taken . Donni _'s cbd, Don R() ·ug r. works: in Oldo Acconuting. Betty Kay McQueen • • Carlos Ray McQueen Oltio C harlotte Fay McQueen THESE THREE YO UNGSTERS a rc the cJ ildrcn of Ead 'fc­(! u ee ll. ~: ar l works in the Color Room. T he ~r Bett y Kay , Carlo R ay a nd o lder sis ter, Charlot re Fav . • T HE ·l i" DUSTRIAL BASKETBALL LEAGUE of Hamil ton was having diffi cul t in round in g out a league wi th an even numbe r of teams in 1938-39. Ch ampio n decided to enrcr rwo teams to comple te the league. T hey were the Knigh ts and the Stallion . Pictured above ar e the Stallion of the 1938-:19 .cason .. ca ted, from le ft to r ight, arc Gene Best, "Tigc" Lemp . Charlie Kemm and H a r ry Brooks. .'; ta ndi ng: C. Kind t-ed, "Bo" Ben ne tt. and Homer Barg r . H a nyo ne h as a pi ctur of the Ko igh ts of that yc~t r please se nd it to Bi ll T homp o n . i\ f'H I:.R IN E K A l '\ obsen d htr rhinv-fiflh service anni•r r ­~ aq in .) ill y. She work · on the C.M. Cut ter . ll cr . he i · sh wn rcc •Jvi ng a w;ttch from her su ­p •ni If , John J\rCh fU . 27 - H ARLEY TEVE 1 0 1·, a 27- year Champion, reti red from the Board ~tanufacturing De­partment effecti,·e September I . Harley boa ts an excellent sa fety record of neYer needing medical attention during this period and he has neve.r lost a shift as a result of personal illness. WALLA E " NEWT" COL.E , re tired fmm tbe Vulp Manufac­turing Department eff cti v Septem her I with 17 years of continuous service. Newt, with a jo lly disposition. always looks oo the bright side of life. . 28 E.R::'\ - T PR - "SLE'l' . a 1-ycar hampi n, r tir d a a patt ·rn maker in t h J lanr Engineering D partment o n 'q t rnber I . He· - "hown workin~:, at his trade wrtly b fore hi · r tir ment. HERBERT G. JONES. trostol maker in the Chemical Manu­facturing Department, is show11 carqring ouf one of his job as­signments shortly before his re­tirement August 1 with 23 years of continu ous service. - I Firemen Take Training Course By Ge11e Hyde S ' \' n of ou~ Lop J i:c~H:'n hav · jtt t cornpl ·ted anoth 't ' c J... of tnl<~n. 1vc traunng at th J ·onh C'trt>lina ·wte Fire · :oJI g · in ·harlou ·. Guy Hughe, Phn.t Engine ·r­in , .x i ~ t:llH hid of Champion's Vo!unt · T File D ·­! .rrtm ·n t, was th • o l Cicer in char ' f nur l i rem en durir g this w • ·k l training. .-uy tnr)k full a h:antage ot thi Pi orr unit h nt olling and pani ip,tting h imself in th , OUice s Tr:.Jining our · . Roy Bmwu, Finishing Depa tm n.t, \Vho graduat ·d (rom the Fir College in 19!)6, w.~v~,members of. the 15-year group a nd two additional • J UD(,E DAN K. ¥00RJ. .. assistanJ s cre1a1y and Carc.!in.J Divi ion ,;<:Hu selor, en tertamed ~he Champ1 'ns at th 10-year p rsonnd . dministration manager, who present d the prite ·. priz s of 25 si lver dollars each to lucky door priz w1nners. At the 10-year group party, B. H. Brown, crew leader in Materials Department, and Ray ·whitted, trimmer operator in Finishing, each garnered a bag of sih:er dollars for grasping the palm of Mr. "Hi Nabor" at the appointed times. Ben a! o raked in a econd bag of silver dollars when all the odds were overturned an.l his name was drawn for a door prize. Friendly Gene H yde \-vas revealed as Mr. "Hi Nabor'' as the awards were made fo llowi ng the dinner for the 1 0-year service group. M. D. Messer, wood inspector at Pulp Mill, also carried home 25 silver dollars as he held the luckv • nt1mber when door prize drawings were made. A. M. Fairbrothe-r, Carolina Division manager, wa · host to the party and welcomed the group. Dan Moore, Assistant Secretarv and Carolina Division ' counselor, entenained the 10-year Champions with a humorous and informati ve recounting of the highlights of his extensive 1~1 experiences. The amiable and efficient toastma ter for the even ing was Don Randolph, ass istant manager, Per onn 1 Admin­istration Department. Rev. Horace Smith of the Canton Fir t Baptist Church rendered the invocation . tlf JCK FAlRRROTHER, Conrli na Division rnan ag-cr, wdcu sn ed resourcefulness resulted ultimately," .he &.a id, "in our developing many new and profitabl lines of production and in bringing to reality Peter Thom on's belief that Canton would grow into one o£ the la rges North a.ro lin:t town · west of the Blue Ridge." V\Then R obert on cam her e in 1906, the town 's popul::ttion was les than 200. Today it i more than 8,000 and still growing. In those early days n o one co uld foresee tha t in 50 ·ears the number of employees at Champion's p lant h er would e ceed the I 906 total male population of Hay­wood ounty or that the corporation's annual payrop would be four times the total tax va.lue of the county. T hus, just as wood is the product of Life, p aper is the life-blood of Champion and Champion is the heart that keeps it pumping day in and d ay out. From hundreds of privately owned woodlots, and [rom Ch ampio11's own forests, in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee, comes the wood from which Champion papers are made. . In coming to Canton, Champion pioneered the paper­ma king industry in the Sou th. This was the first mill in the world to make white pulp from chestnut wood. It was the first to make spruce sulphite in the So uth. It was the first to produce high quality white pulp from Southern pine trees. Champion Helped Establish First Forestry School Up on the Pigeon River at Lake Logan, once the site of Champion's Sunburst timber operations, there is a bronze tablet commemorating the fact Champion coop­erated wid1 Dr. Schenck, the famous forester, in keeping alive the first forestry school in America. In the fi eld of human relations, the (::anton plant was the first pulp mill to organize a safety committee, first to establish a CTeclit union, first to provide an old age bonus, a wage incentive pl a n, and more recently, the first to establish profit sh aring. Under Robertson's wise leadership, Champion was one of the first to institute a reforesta tion program. Mil­lions of seedlings have been planted on the property . it ,. has acquired and each year it gives out several million seedlings for planting on private lands. · In addition, Champion helps educate fam1ers in the region in proper methods of tree-farming. Much worn­out land has thus become useful as a producer o£ pine. From the beginning the Champion axe h as been laid with purposeful aim and never with r eckl essness. As trees were felled , leaving a hole in the sky, there w.as someone to come along behind and plant a seedling so the hole again would be filled. All this is a far cry from the attitude of those who cut, burned, uprooted and rolled into rivers vast re­sources of virgin timber throughout the country, imply in order to clear the land for tillage crops . In 1950, when Reuben Robertson was named "Man of the South," he expressed a sentiment tha t could be pointed to as the core of relations between Cham



“[Untitled],” Center for Knit and Crochet Digital Repository, accessed July 27, 2024, https://digital.centerforknitandcrochet.org/items/show/28556.
