Letter from Bobby Johnston to Warren [Letter 227]



Letter from Bobby Johnston to Warren [Letter 227]




169 Swell [flower] February 19-Monday-2:15 P.M. Stack from our garden - yellow flowers from the bush beside the front door. My dearest sweety: Here I am seething again, after having been roped into another coffee session with Barbara this morning. Now all the Boulder men here are on Staff with bright new desks, and no prospect of going out for a long time, if ever. Barbara might at least have the tact not to keep talking to me about it all the time. I sure do wish you could wrangle your way back since the Staff seems to be increasing and more men coming in. To add to my woes - Doris White told Barbara we didn't along well - Hell, I don't even know the woman, and just found out this morning what her first name is. Oh well, she is generally disliked by everyone who has met her so I don't feel too badly, just a bit annoyed. I do hate that kind of a woman - just a deliberate mischief maker and ruler of the roost. Received #134 - Will put the wedding invitation in the scrapbook. In the [pg 2] future do you think you could send me translations for my own edification? I don't even want to see a nightie much less put one on til it's time for you to come home - besides which we don't have the money to spare - I’d much rather put everything into paying father off and get that over with. Not much chance of my seeing a newsreel - I haven't been to the movies since I moved into this house. Along with everything else, Wendy has been fussing all day - til I'm just about ready to give up - 4:45 P.M. Wendy stood up in her play pen without any help just now for the first time! Our baby is fast growing up!! 8:00 P.M. Helen sprained her ankle badly yesterday playing volley-ball, and I've been trying to help her out as much as I can. She had it x-rayed this afternoon and there is a possibility that a small bone is broken. This evening I went over after putting Wendy to bed to see if she needed any help with dinner. I had to peel and boil the potatoes because Walter couldn't! I've never seen [pg 3] a man so helpless, and unknowingly inconsiderate of his wife. On my way back I met George C. Who was out looking for a pipe he lost yesterday. He said to give you his best - and that it looked as if the higher ups didn't even know the Boulder men were even here. He also said he wanted to get out and see what it is like. No why the hell don't you get sent back, and somebody else sent out. I suppose the more I talk about and hope for such a break, the less chance there is of something unexpected happening. I came across something in a book I was reading a short while ago that's stuck in my mind - “You have to make your own luck.” Do you suppose there is any truth in it? I took Wendy downtown in her stroller this afternoon, and she created quite a sensation because she would stand up and squeal at all the passerbys. She's a very friendly [pg 4] sprout. I was always very shy - how were you? Wendy is particularly fond of all children, and always giggles delightedly when some pass us on the street. You will be delighted with her however soon you get back, because she has changed so much in the past five months. Back to my knitting and soon to bed. I love you so very much darling, and want so much to be with you again- Bobby


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World War, 1939-1945
World War, 1939-1945--Women


“Letter from Bobby Johnston to Warren [Letter 227],” Center for Knit and Crochet Digital Repository, accessed May 11, 2024, https://digital.centerforknitandcrochet.org/items/show/34287.
