Letter to Lily





Letter to Lily




Letter from Laura to Lily, regarding people and events in Utica, Mississippi. The accompanying envelope is addressed to Mrs. J. S. Turcotte in West Jackson, Mississippi.
Local identification number: \\ContentDM\CHARM_Original_TIF_Storage\Williams (Daniel)\Folder 5\20-074\
Utica Miss-- May-26-1913 Dear Lily-- Your letter received Saturday and would have written you Sunday night but had sick headache to "be at the band." I went to Dry Grove and came back almost done up from wearing a hat that was a little heavier than I usually wear. I was to go the Sunday before and Hattie saved me some nice [page 2] eggs to set but Mamma was complaining some and I gave it out, and as she seemed better last week, wrote Hattie on Friday that would come up Sunday, but she didn't get my letter and didn't have any eggs for me. So she is coming down the last of this week and bring me some. Mr. Williams is looking very well, but is still taking his same diet--toast, eggs oatmeal and apple float--he is so much [page 3] afraid of being sick again that he is afraid to eat any thing else. Hattie's children have been told, and read so much about the little Dunbar being kidnapped that when Mary gets out of sight they just fly to hunt her. Bettie is at home now, she hardly thinks she will have to go back. I am so glad can get her to stay with Mamma some times when I want to go off. She sent [page 4] me five yards of knitted lace the other day--am going to trim a dresser set with it. Ford sent Papa another nice fish last Friday--he has caught fifty or sixty pounds in the last two weeks. Wimberly, Alma Lee and Audrey came Saturday. Wimberly went back Sunday but the little girls will stay some. Miss Ruth will come later with the little boy. It would be nice for Mollie if she would come on now, and let them all be there together, [page 5] then when canning season comes she can give her attention to that. She may not have any tomatoes to ship just can them all. Lulu and children came this evening. Eugenia said Emma was looking for Lulu to-morrow evening--it will be nice for her to get there for Emma is sure lonely. Mary Lunt has a boy, named Herman Melville--Emma is going down there every day, so she [page 6] needs Lulu at home. Mr. Powers (mail rider) came in an auto to-day--Guess he has bought--can then make the trip in half a day, and have the other half to devote to his farm. Aggie Terry died last Friday. They had Dr. Sofley when she was first sick and they didn't follow his directions at all--so she kept growing worse until they sent for Dr. Haley--and when he got there found her dying. Your garden is [page 7] much nicer than ours. You know ours is as rich as can be but nothing seems to grow, some of the cabbage are turning yellow. Tony Broodwater was killed last week--down at Gatesville. He was standing on the trestle and thought he heard a train coming and stepped off and his foot slipped--his head hit some joins of timber and hurt him so badly that he lived only long enough to tell how [page 8] it happened. Some negroes found him. Poor fellow he had been drinking so much that he had almost lost his mind. Still have fourteen turkeys and they are growing fast too, think will raise them if the hawks don't find them. Emma still brings us strawberries ever [sic] few days--We bought a half gallon of dewberries Saturday, believe they are better than strawberries. We are going out to [page 9] Hunt huckleberries Sunday. If we find any will make into jam and save you some. Will explain about the gown. Mamma wouldn't disturb the things in the trunk said you told her you had it packed. Your clothes that were in wash were ironed and put on the foot of your bed. So Ernest came in without a moment's warning to carry the trunk down to the store to be corded and sent. [page 10] I picked up all the things right quickly and put them in. I went down to the store the next morning and found that it hadn't gone so I wrapped all the things I thought might lose out should it come uncorded. This is why so many things were left out that should have gone. Mary Noel was here a few minutes this evening. Miss Alice hasn't gotten off to Raymond yet--she can't make all [page 11] her arrangements just to suit her for bringing suit against "Ed" Utica has had another fire or did I tell you in my last letter? Mrs. Mahan was burned out this time. Utica looks almost like Dry Grove now. Love to all-- Laura.


Utica (Miss.)--History
Gatesville (Miss.)--History
Williams family


Digital Library of Georgia










Digital Library of Georgia


Utica (Miss.)--History
Gatesville (Miss.)--History
Williams family


“Letter to Lily,” Center for Knit and Crochet Digital Repository, accessed May 1, 2024, http://digital.centerforknitandcrochet.org/items/show/14491.
