


Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
• Of H ~ M PI 0 N ~c T I V I T I ( S CONTENTS Champion Boys in the Armed Service _ _ _ _ 2 Tb.e Island of Malt.a _ _ _ 6' Our Honor Page _ _ _ 1 Editorials _ _ _ _ 8 CHAMPION FAMILY NEWS Hamil !on Division _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 Canton Division _ _ _ _ 26 Houston Division ______ . _· 39 Sandel'SviUe Division _ 44 • 1 9 4 3 VOL. X.XV NUMBER 4 v_,/ra ve I d not kno\~- what I shall find on out beyond the final fight; I do not kno"' what I sha ll meet bey nd the la, t barrage of night; Nor do I care-but thi , I know-if T but _.e rve with in the fold And play the zame-I'll he prepared for all the endle s years may hold. Life is a training camp at be, t for what n~ay \Yilit beyond the years; A training camp of toiling day and nights that lean to dreams and tears; But each may come upon the goa l) and build his ·oul above all Fate By holding an unbroken faith and taking Courage for a mate.· · I not the fight itself en ugl1 that man must look to s me behe t? ,_ "' \:Vherein doe Failure miss Succe s if all engaged but do the.ir best? \ here d:Ges the Victor's cry come in fo r wreath of fame or, laureled b row If one he vanqui hed fought a well a weaker muscle 'V\·ould allow? If m.y opponent jn the fray should prove to be a st ronger foe­Not of his making-:-but beca use the Destinie ordained· it so ; If he should -vvin- a ncl I should lose-although I did my utmost pa rt; I my reward the less than his if he should st rive with equal hea rt'? • On by the sky line, faint and vague, in t hat Far Count ry a ll mu t know1 No laurel crown of fame may wait beyond the sun et's glow; • But 1ife has oiven me the chance to t rain and serve within the fold, To meet the test- and be p repa red for all the endless yea rs may h old ~ Grantland Rice . ' • P U B L I S H E D B Y "T H E C H A M P I 0 N F A M I L Y" HAMILTON. OHIO : HOUSTON. TEXAS : CANTON., N. C. : SANDERSVn.LE. GA • . Established 1914 - - · • - - - - • • • · - - Twenty-Ninth Year of Publication The paper iM lhe cover of this magazine is Champion Kromekote. and is made in our H~lton Division plant out oJ woocl from the forests of the aouthem states. The pap.er for the inside paqee ~ Champion White Satin Befold En•mel made in our Hamilton plant. We manufacture many grades of bleached papers. MachJne Fb)iahed.. Super Calendered. •od Coa,ted. • Shortl - after the incident at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, Charnpion boys began to Yolunteer for service in the United States Armed Forces, and today there are 947 former Champion employees scattered throughout t he world, battlin for Liberty, peace and happiness for all people everywhere. · In practically every theater of war today, Charnpion rnen are on the firing line, a nd we feel confident they are as brave and loy al as any rnen in the service. \:Vhile in the.employ of the Champion ,Paper and Fibre Company, the Champion boy now in the Armed Service, were loy al and true--never shirking, always dependable even ·when confronted with the most arduous t asks. In fact all Champion en1plo) ee eem to inherit the spirit of loyalty and cooperation. In publishing the names of Champion boys in the Arn1ed Service, it is our pur­pose to keep the members of the Champion Family infonned as to -vvho is in U ncle Sam's service, their rank and the departn1ent of the Arn1ed Service in which they are serving. We regret very much that we n1ay be unable to give the correct rank or service of some of t he boys, however, we shall n1ake corrections when we pub­lish another complete list three or four n1onths hence. V/ e regret to report, that one Cham.pion boy h as been reported killed in action --Sergeant John P . Singleton, formerly of To. 2 Re'\\rinder , H arnilton Division. · His death, according to report received fr · 111 t he Adjutant General' offi e in Washington, occurred in the ou h Paciti January 30, 1943. vVe extend to his wife our incere ympathy and pra that -od n1ay omf rt and sustain her in thi hour f orrow. \ know that 1nany Ch 1npion boy are in the ery forefront of the battle, and of cours , .. ~po ·ed to r at hazard t herefor , v e can expect son1e ca ualties. llo\ ever, a we write th e lin ~ we ar br athin a prayer for t he safe return of our fri nd and lov d n 11 f 1 n1 r n1ernbers of t he Champion F an1ily, who ar or may be induct d into the A.rn1ed rTi e f our countr . 1ay the ble ing of God re t upon nd protect theru at all time . ' (2) P . lh-roer R .. \tl ai r PF -. Fm ·• I len apt. EJw" rd L. A nde"on Pn. .., epL.en ·\rm>t 'Ill' p, t. "'"' r. ' ruold Pvt. C~1f.,., \Y. AmolJ L \L I c Carl .\. Bathm~un PH. Clrtnon H Baker p,l. Ernt:",I Hak"r Pv< Fred Baker \\ OJG J .. l" r . Baker p, L Ll<'\\j 1. 8~ ke1 (',nd . \ierl~ B&ker Sn\1 ' <" ~ 'h;ul s W. B:tld\\ in PFC Flct...• "-.. B3rker f',t. l·!m H. Barnard PFC EdwJnJ G. Barnes l'FC Hor< ,[J BJrnes . nellie B.1r:1eu PH. E.rl BJtr<1l p, t. e il B<~rt el ·b Parke Ba1son p,-L Ern"'t Ba uerei~s y,,e Beimfc•ni Capt. Eu g<>ne G. B~n n flt. Pn. En11:ene \Y. Best Pvt. Gerald . Best Lt. (j.~.) Cornelius Betten . Jr. IH ,_ct. Jc.ck Blackwell L . R. J. Black\\ ell Cpl. Harold Boian Pn. Robert Bc•ian. Tr. Cnl . Earl Louis Bcmar Pvt. Osc&r B wman -~'1.. Ri!!fs H. Boyd PFC John L. Boyle. Jr. ~ /st Harold E. Bra&hear • gL EarJ Braun Pu. Ch·de H. Br<>wer Cand. Camerott K. Brooks P"'l.. Lnnan Bror,ks • Arnw Am1y .\ rm\­;\ r!T'!\: M.:.riOL'S rmy . .. ayy Army ,\farine:; ,\1 arine> Army .. rmr .\ rrny Nav}7 Army Army Army Armr Army :\rm)' Armv ~av)r Armv .Armi· /\ rm'r Arm1~ Armv Na';, Army Armv Arm ~­Army Arnw Army Army Army Armv Annv Army Armr .\s ]vhn D. Brown Coast Armv Gt~~rd Pn . Wm . J. Br ,,.,.n .1\ rmy C"ttt. WiLon F. Brown PFC Wilson Brm<"n ing (r-1. Hu~rt Brvant p, L T0hn . Brvant Pn. :!;alter L. Bung-er PFC EJrl Burch PFC .h bn H. B\ln" :\v/C Thcmns C. Bums P· r. WilhrJ Bums P\•· . Late; Buner[i~d Army Army Army Armv Army .Army Army Army Armv Army H A. 2/t Berm:m Rel' Calbert J\:J,·y Pn. E•1~en1! C.1mpbell :\farine; p,.l. Fred Campbell Army l't. H. E. Ctmpbell Arm}' Cnl. HirJm C. Campbell Arm,- >\ - 1'"' Camobell WAVES P". Wilbtlm Paul Cantpbell Army C..mJ . EdwJrd J_ Canning Arnl\- h'1. !n·aft D. Drbtrrl' - .Arno\· Pvt. AJdi.rm L. C~rpemer Arm;, S.,t. H<>warcl ] . Carr Armv Cp'. Hur.ton 'Cor!er Armj.· p,..,_ Orde P. Case Arm'' P·.·. G.:.rben K. Chelrz '-:3vy PFC Fra11k R . Chiles .\rmy PYL Rudolph Oarh!on Mari11es . 2 1< La .-renee W. Cnthmn PFC Woodrow Col~ote Lr. Richaril \ , Coll(Jpy Lt. 'm. R . Cnllopy P\'t. lk.bhy L Conra.J CpL J>aul J. Cook P ·t. H~-tben. Corless l ... Mid.ael Coumi ~.-~ .. l•urice E. Cox h't. Raymond Cn.. k avy Annv Armv Army Arm~· Army Arm~· Armv ArmY f' '1 Rr>bert Crawfr.rd. Jr. . l r R. T. Cr:n;, fllrd · Coast C I. ~...-..ood Crawford J 1ar in es Army Guard Army Pf'C Wm. 0. Crawford C;>l. l<'"t DaYiJ.on PF · mo. D.wis Enn i' E. DJy p,,,_ Cha-rles l. De•m PFC .\!bert D i~kershe id Pn. :.dwin H. Dodds p,·t. Crancis Lee D llrnan Cpl. Doug! "s Don ley J>, t . .l ames L. Dt''"tey l>t )!1. Corli• DrJke 1'1-1. Ralph R. Dunc•n r\rmy Army rmy Arm.}' AT m ~­Arm)' ~l.arines Army 2 /c $earnan Rjchard Du liam Coast rmy Army Army Guard PF _Tames D. Durrough Army Sgt. Thoma~ Eibel Pn. Ralph H. Elliott , gr. Robert En~ el h·t. Donald Epperson Pvt. Ru $Sell Ervin Pvt. Wm. F. £,·~n. I st S, c.. ·w lter , f aber Pn. L urten c. Fahrner, Jr. Pvt. Kenneth L Faist, Jr. Pvt. Charles T. F alk Pvt. \ 'allace B. fattnin ARM 3/c Edward J. F armer f I Jc _Tame Farris p,-1. Kenneth D. Ferris Lt. William .1. fisher $ j!L. (.'orlos :\T. Fitzpatrick Cpl. Wil liam P. Flannerr P\l. Howard follick Cpl. James M. Fowler p, t. William R. Fowler Pn. Parish Fr..tley gt. Harold Frazee Cpl. Arthur Fulmer , / . <:t. D. . Gallacher S/'gl. T heodore B. Garreu .\ . . 3 /c mtford Garrison PFC Adrian D. Gei, t Leight,.-,n Gibson Cpl. Henry Gibson PFC Edwin Gillum C~rson Goins p,.,_ Bil l S. Gorsud1 pl. :\he F. Grace S 2 lc Jack Lee Grant uldon Gr.w 1(1. F•nrd Grly .'~L - l .. ~n Gross Pvt. Ri oha rd Grothau$ 1st L-t. Harold f. H ackenberg PFC Quentin B aO W. Hir " I SI't. Al bert R. Hirs,·h · ·tn . \\Ta ll er J·l nl~b erger PvL. Earl Louis Hood Pvt. C.td H<>nse PFC Hu-bert II ou se p,., .. haac H,,ward C I. Jerome S. Hnward Pvt . ·Ht,mer C. J-IGw II, Jr. Pvt. Green Hubbard P 1. K.,rmit .R. Hubbard Pvt. ernon Huddle ton Pyr. Wm. L. Huehn Cpl. Tho111a Hundley Capt.. Jo . S. Hunter vx . Mary !len B us ey Army Army Army Arm)' rmv Army Arm rm)r :\rmy Army Army 1 . avv. • avy Army Army , rmy Armv t,\rn~j­Army Arm}' Amw Armv Army Army Arm'' N avv Army Army Army Army Army Armv WAAC Na\ry Army Arm)' Army Army Armr Army .-\nnv WAVE • . rmv Army Navy Arm}' Armv Arm\r Army Army Armv • . a·vv Arm~ Arm}' •• I'IJl y Army Arm)' Army Army Army Army J\1~ rin es Mariu Armv Marines Army Army Army Army Arm}' Anny Arnw WAAC Cox. w 1n Wm. ) ~nnewein Pn. i\lbert E . ·lerdt. Fred McColl um Cpl. Cha rl es L. Me orm.ick S 2/ c Emerson McCormick I / c Will iam H . . 1cCormi ck Pvt. Clyde McDaniel 2 I c Harold McDan iel .PF James F . McDaniel En . L. L. McDowell Cpl. Duard M cElr:l\·ey Sgr. i\lb.ert McGee Pvt. Albert McGu ire Pvt. Roscoe Mel n to h Frank McKinney P vt. Herbert McQueen Cpl. Alva. Mc:Quinley lt. G. 1~. Meehan P vt. J a(k :vferri u p,.,. Lot• is G. Meyer nl. Ralpl, C. !\ filler PFC Ro.ben Miller p,.,_ 'harle R . Mills Sea 1 /c Raymond \V . . 1ilt on . Pvt . J ames M<·ore · Freeman \-1ur)'~H . J r. P vt. Hubert , lorris Pv1.. L ayton ra. nf?. PFC H arry L Neal 1'\'1 . Elmer "Jewkirk l'FC Heno y G. Nipper L\. Ja mes 1~ . Northw:oy P vt . Lan, ille Null gt. ~ 11 0 1\iunnerr P vL. Rny .1 . O"ks Cpl. \Y,>r>tlrow W. 'Brien P vt . Herbert Owe(o ~ Cpl. Su san J. Pa, ·er (3) ~1a rincs Navy Armr Army Navy N avy Armv Armi· Army av ~r Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Navy Army Navy Army 4\ rmy Army Arm)' Army Armv Army Army .rmy my Army WAAC • Pvt. Ma. Part on A; C Ralph L. Pearson ]> ·1. Russel l l'enwell CJTJd. Luther A. Pe1ers Pvt. Ha rrv . Phare> Sea 2 /t 'ha rles 0 . Phillips Pv!. Th(Jmas Phil l ip ~ PF Wr>Od row• Phillips Cpl. Robert L. Pier e Pvt. Chester P ier·on Cpl. 11 a mid Pier ·on uJ . Eilceu . Poc ha rd , 2/ c Rovy Ponder P vt. Jack P. P ost PFC Elmer E. Potts ,'gt. Odas M. Pott· Cpl. H u swn Powers Pvt. Robert F. Pugh Pvt. or t R a i n ~ Master !;)gt. Al vin Ratliff S/ gt. Cha . H. Reiff S!'t. Rooer t Rennie PFC Will iam . Rentschler gt. J oseph Reynolds p ,.t. G rge F. Rhodis, Jr. Ca<1d . Sylvester F. Riehemann Pvt. Clarence Ringly Pvt.. Alben Rish Pvt. Homer B. Roach Pvt. Robert H. Roa rk Sgt. Ch"rles Robbins 1st Sgt. Alvin C. Robert's Capt. Reuben B. Robert on, Jr. g-t. Lawrence Robinson Sg t. Louis M. Robinson Pvt. John Roesel PFC Arvie Rook. Pvt. Leo J. Rose AS Edward Charl es R uddle Pvt. H erbe rt L. Sa lyer PFC Noel Samuels Army Am•r rm}' Army Army Na'-y Armr Army Army Army Army W AC Navy Army rmy Army Armr rmy Army Armv Army Army rmy Army Army Army Army Army Army Army rmy Arm)' Army A.rmy Army Army Army i\rmy Nnvy Army Army , Sea 1/c Theodore Saudel ius Coast Guard Army Army Army Army Pvt. E. B. Sanders Pvt. Robert J. Schantz Pvt. Clifford F. Schl otterbe k Pvt. Donald A. Schmerr Av . C. Edwin S hmitt S/ gt. H a rold Schm iu Pvt. Geo. F. Schneider Pvt. Eciw. Schoening Pvt. E:rven Schroer Sgt. Franci E. 'Schwab Av. C. Wil fred Seal Pvt. j ohn H. egers Hi\ I jc John Semone .l st Sgt. Joseph H. Senger avy • fnl'T Army rmv Marines Army Arm;r Arm)' Navy QM 3jc J ames P. Sh;t rp Coast Cpl. Earl Shepard Army Guard Army PFC James H. Shields Pvt. .Tames L. Sholl en barger Pvt. Thomas F. She ll enba rger Pvt. Charl es Sibert P vt. Fred Simpson Pvt. Kenneth B. Simpson Sgt. John P. Sing leton " * Kii.J ed in ac tion 1/3 0 / 43 Cpl. Philip Singleton P vt. Sta nl ey Si pc Pvt. Harry Sl ipher Pvt. Ray E. loneker Pvt. George Smith Cpl . J olm I· . Smith Pvr. Si l:ts Smith Sj Sg r. Theodore G. Srnidt P vt. Morev · oehn er f>vt . P ennon owcll P vt. Willi ~ m E. , pel sbcrg A.. S. Albert George Staa rm an P vt. Alb~rt W. ta ll , J r. Pvt;. Fo d Ste le Cf')l. Richa rd . r.ephen son Pvt. Foed Stewon P vt. Ost·ar Stew;..-r S·· t /c Ri charJ H. St wart Coast P vt. J ohn \V. LOll<' p,, 1'. 1-k•-w J rd St< r f1'l ,pl. f a m e.~ Str icker S 2 /c lyde ~h11nser Army Army Arr~y Army Armv Armi• Army Army Army Army Army Armv Army Armlr rmy rm}' f arin es . rmy Nuvy Army An:ny Army A~my Army G't•ord rmy Army Army Novy Lt. Herbert V. "u t r, J r. " ·t. L t r : 'l'!en • pl. \ 'ictor ~ we-en e P t. j a Fran · Tanner llar\ ld T al l t~r PFC J roes H art T ·lor Pvt. Tom J. Ta ~·lor •ns. \l 'i ll i~m A. T l) l r . R tl~n Pvt. Hanley B. Ashe T hos. S. A ~kins Pvt.. J ames B. Bagwell Pn. ]enning F red Ball Pvt. Dewey L . Ba iley , Jr. Cpl . J. \\ . Barefoot I .t Lt. John M . Ba rnes ] . Walter Belcher Pf.c. Edward Bel.i Pvt. Charles Best A/ C Elmer Bishop P t. Paul C. Blackwell H illiard Blanken sb(p P vt . J ames WiJ I is Bl alock p,,t. James Q. Bla lock W. A. Bl azer P t. Gerald Blythe AIC J ack M. Bly t he Lannie Blythe • rm -· rm fill \rmy rro)r rfll \1' .\ rm)· '•n rm~~ \ r ~­rm · rm « . Arm 1arines rmy rmy Army rmy avy Army brines a y l\1a rines Air Corps Army Army. A rmy Army 1a rines Army Air Corps Army avy Army Army Army Marines Army P • Fred Gl enn Bolden Herman F. Bolden G. W. Bohnsd a hl P t. H arry D. Boone J. B. Boydston, ] r. Pfc. J ohn Bramlett AIC P hil L. Bra nson Army Army Coa t G uard Air orps Navy Army Air Corps Pvt. Clyde B'fown P fc. E lder BonneJI Brown J ames Br-own Pfc. J ohn H. Brown P vt. Bu rder Bright Pvt. M ark M a rv in Bmyl t Lt . P o rter A. Broyles Lt . W. F. Bryson Pfc. Jatne.s f'ranklm Buell Pvt . Ruu ell B•J t kner , vt. P aul Burn ,:;ardn er MISgl. J ~e Alb rt Burnett Sebal lshmtJs Bumeu pl. Crady L. Burr II ha rles Burres.& IC Earl Cab P vt. J rl i 'able l>vt. Evan ·Cablt L. J I. ~~r~l e , S t I .l nmes "tlrl 'a nrpb II l'fc. Lee , a.mpbell F red a rupbell Pv . Tb mat r~ i • ampbd1 P vt. Percy ampb<:cll PI , Wilburn A. ' amp ell P te. Elb rt a rp ·nt r Pf . Rodnt. E. ..rr 'pl. Edwa 1d J a ~p r • swell P vt. Cla r<'ne Cathey I rne& W. they M aj or Wah r K rr J thcy Pf. M arlyn .f. 'a·vao u h Lt. W · ,. r . 'h. prn .on pl. Fra11k M . hilcl e r~ H ward hild. r M prsh 11 h.ild rs Pn. 'h rl s 1". lark Lt. P aul S. lark Pvt. P d G. l;uit Ai r Ai r Air Air A rmy AFmy Army Army Corps Corp$ 'orps i \rmy Annv Army ArmY rmy Army Corps Air orps Army A11uy N3VY Navy Auny Army Army Afm>' Arnw Arrny Marir, ~"' Army Army .i\ir C rp Army M'u iues Air A io Air avy avy orps rmy rmy · ll are>IJ Ju niN' Timl r Jh bert F.. i.'c" •k I \' . Will iam Tri lett • !'L D<>n T fC>u man <1 f1L ] . K. Truitt . • 1. 1/ W. R . urner pl. Walker oger ,·~re.tt Vano er i t.1r h.a ll . augbu I nald idolo r k P vt. R ay f. \ ner avy s rmy rtn rmy Gu ard A my rnw Army Army Army CANTON Pn. Frank Cl ntz Cpl. Samuel J. Cody Sgt. J obii Edwin Cogdill Sg t . Thomas Lavada Cogdill Wall ace 1. Co le a pt. J ames F. Coleman ecil D. Coll ette Cpl. W. W. Coll ins Claude H. Conard, S 2 IC Pvt. Monroe H. · Conard Pvt. R aymond E. Conard Pvt. AI bert Con ley Pvt. James R. Cook Pfc. Roy L. Cooke Bobby Coon Cpl. Grover W. Cooper C. C. Coo ley, 1 r. J ames T. Cooper Pvt. Loren J. Cooper Lt. Wood row W. Cooper Marsha11 G. Cooper C. A. Corzine Pvt. Fred Crane Pvt. Cbarles Archie Cri p Pvt. romer Lee Cri sp Pvt. H arlin Cay Crisp Harvey C. Crisp Cpl. H arry S. <;o·umley Pvt. J ohn Curtis Pvt. Cecil D a rnell Lt. · 'arl B. Davis Pv t . R obert E . D avis Ra M. Davis Pl -. L. A. Deaver P vt . harl es W. D vlin AI fred ) . Deschamps fl o )'d Dev lin P. D. Deweese Pv1. R b rt Jt. Dewee e les.e Jlill ard J>fc. Will i :~ m D on ald on Pvt . · loyd D I'.Ofl .P t. fll,wa rd Douon J ack T>ot$ n .Pvt . J. m L. D r kt> Pvt. J·m s H urold 1),, k t t. Pvt, }(Jhn 1 u ·I ll Pvt. Edwa rd Du kwon h H . D . D u1 worth , S - 1 L . redr ick DnlJney , Jr. Army Marines Air Corps A rmy Army Army Army Ma rines Navv Army Army Army Army Air Corps Army Army Air Corps Air Corps Army Army Sea Bees Navy A rmy Ai.r Corps lVIarines Army Army Air Corp Ai.r Corps Army Arm)· Ma rine I (J VY lVl a ri n ~s Mar i ne~ :ovy Army avy Arm y Ai"r :orp Arrny Army l:o ri nes Ma ri n ~ rmy Army orp Arm Air I my Lt. Bru P. Ell n M.ojnr Ci t Milqn P vt. .I ••c (' . J.:st a F.ll iJ, Cost fr. o ard J\1o oy fT)S 'pJ . J"e l~v rmy Army J\ I I'll .ir C 1 • • 1. .. rin rmy ,\rr Y (4) 'vt. H omer Waters I ' t. P u.l l.. W ald rick :Pv . la reu ce Weaver Pvl. John Weaver . It Dcdb n · u~r ne W ~hrl ey ITDY A rmy Army rmy Navy .f'vt . 11~ld . Weis Army Pvt. h· d es White, Jr. Sg . f ra11k Whit e P vt. ' imon Wiersema Cpl. R ynoond C. Wiggill! Pvt. R a lph Wild r P vt. II:m y Will'it pl. L uther · . Willough by Pvt . !bert L . Wilsoll Pvt. Earl Wilson l'v t . R us$ell Wilhro1v DIVISION Cpl. Clyde E. Gillis Lt. Edward J. iJlespie Pvt. J ohn W. Gl a nce Pvt. Dock Allen Gragg Pvt. R a lph Go forth Pvt. E llis Gragg Willi am McKillley G reen, Jr. Pfc. Cha rl es B. Gregory W. A. Grigsby E . D. Gudger. S. F. 2/ C Pvt. E lbert B. Guy PJc . George H . H a ll R obert H . Hall Z.ane G. Hall , E. M. 3 / C J n,g Cpl. Vernon L. ZeLlner Pvt. Fred Ziegenhard R 3 /c eodore Ziiio Pvt. T hos. L. Ziliox P vt. Carl Zlmbe~m an Army Army uny 'avy At-,n~ y A rmy rmy Army Army f arines Coast Guard rmy Army P vt. Vernon Knig-ht Air Corps Plc. ugustu H. K uykendall Army .Pvt. H arold F. Lawre£ce Edward Bruce Leatherwood, . M. M. ZIC g t. W. B. Lee Sgt . J ames E. Lester Aux.. Edith Lewis Army N avy Army '·rmy J. Gordon Lewis, A. M . 3 / C Pfc. R eid Lovelace, Jr. WAAC ' avy Army E nsign F redr ick Maiw urm Pvt. D ae V. M ann Lt. G. P. Mann Willard L. M a bburn P vt. H . J, Math.ewn P vt. Roy . Matteson Cpl. Grover T . 'M.a uney P vt. ]. B. M auney David Albert M cCants lake M cClu re M alcolm M cD onald, . p,,t. J ohn R ay McDo,-velt Air " avy rmy Corps Army Army Arm· rmy Coast Guard o.tst Tech. Sgt. Roy M . i\IcKinnish Pvt. George V. M cGee rmy Gua rd Army rruy Army rmy AMlly Army p,,t. Leroy Mears J oe L. +Iedford l ames !fred Melton ewey Met alf r: nl eSL M ess&r Pvt . Henry T . Mi hael [ I Sg t. ' I mer Miller R .1y I ill er Willi ,un l 1ilne p ,,t. J arne R. -lintz . ~ t. Fred rvlitd 1 II Pv t . M ni E. lVlitchell Pvt . Rex Mitchel t Cpl. harles '\ . M oles . tr • .~. avy tH' Y Army Arm · Uerald W. · 'f ne . •L £. '!. / Sherl ey F. l\t[oone • rmy rps Arm)' . rmy fMines Army . ·f:o ri u e~ t •• vv Nj": P f c • rad · \ . o re I "L M:oud Sgt. Ern .~ I \ • Air Arm. rm Y' Army nrp r :H".)"' . -~ tr orps .udK~r ' ' · P lm t ' rmy Li t d P :~ rhi1m, Jr , \ trny [,ojor Willi afO r :~ k J':'l tt n rm P r . Eln \'r . P a1 ker Air \>IPS J• !. .1<101 ~ l' rker rm · j , mes VlllJQ,' P a ( n, l<':. ' 1 • Roy H. P a c n ( u!Org<• l'eg r m L.twrero ce J cmbr k Lt. '. Cline Ptt e r~ I l. Pre 1 n rh rm P~yto n apt. R yal :F.n r Phillip Ia <-n ee PI mmon pl. J ohn E. PI ~ , Pvt. Cl a rcto l • f>o ton • PF . Carl • dll!erton P vwell Pvt. H ar ld G. Pre sle P vt. Hubert W. Pres I , avy •f.u·.i n es Air orp rmy Air orp Arm Army A IllY M. rines Air orps Army 1r Corps An:ny • Earl P. Pria­.. lter Pnce Coa~t Army Guard p,-t. .une! Qu..en . li Eha ll Q•.1een p, . Woodrow Queen ~u-If Sgt. Hazel W. R arrue)' C - Ray J. Rector Marines Armv Army Armv Armv p, L Jen in 'S B. Reece Army PYt.. William Garrett ReeveB P '1. Craig K . Re:en$ Pn. Wiley Howard Reeves Pn. Dan H. Reno Air Corps Air Corps Air Corps Pfc. Gordon Glemn Reno Lt. Col. Carter L. Rhinehut :Pvt. Claude Rllinehart Pvt. )effer on .M. Rhinehart p,·t. Grover D. Rice Army Army Armv Aml~' Armv ir Corp.s Lt. Robert C. Robeots ~gt. Flr ]0hnwn et. Wm. MiT:chell J"hnson Edgar Huard ] one;, G M 1 /C Pvt.. Walter Hicke,· Kaul. Jr. Ches•er Mouroe Kniph1 , M·. \if. Navv Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army rmv Army Army Navy Army Army Na>oy Army NaV)' Army 1/C Navy Lt. R0bert A. Koe.nig James Hurlock Krohn, S l /C Cpl. Q. Woodrow Land . A /C Robert Harvey Lavery Lt. (j .g.) George A. Lill ey Sgt. Ja ck Mil ton Maywald Pvt. Robert Willie McCraw Pvt . R obert Lawrence McCray H arold Clifford McFarland, A. 0. M. M. 2/ C Cpl. Duard Garrett McWhorter Pvt. Joseph Nelson Mease, Jr. Pvt. Cl ifford I vy Mel l Pvt. Robert Ashley Milam, Jr. Pvt. M orris R ashell M il ford Fvt. Pat elf Moore PvL. John C. Morner Sgt. A. Millon Morrison Army 'avy Army Navy Navy Marine Army Armv 1 avy Army Army Armv Army Army Army Army Army Willi am Henry letrle>. S 1 / C Sea Bees Clifton Lott Ni>ton. C .. t 3/C N avy P fc. Geor e Ol ive P vt .. Ralph Albe_rt Palmer Eo -.gn j ohn OITver P arrott • gt. .ll arold R. Patterson Pvt. Wal ter Philpot A htan ] scpl1 Pi tre, Jr., Ph. M. 2/C J ohn w~rner Pr Lridge, C. M.. 3/C Lt. Hugh B. R a in e5' Army Marines ~ avy Army Army Navy Navy Army SANDERSVILLE DIVISION Cpl. Tom \ 1ot on T•noer Pvt. Erbie Lee J ohnson • rmr Army Woodrow WilsoJl Jordan ( olored) Naovy (5) • Pn. Frank W. Vetoe l.ester Leroy Ward John P. Ward Sgt. Charlie W a:rren Pvt. William Warren Lt. Carl r , Wa ll n rthin gton. C. Leonard Zeiger, G. M. 3/C Pvt . Robert ATm & lrnn~: P vt. Rolph Walker Army Army Army Army Navy Army N avy Army Army Marin es rmy Army Sp. N avy Navy • rmy Army • • e 1 re • • • • • IS e ssen 1a c 1v1 tes T he \~t'· ar l\1anpower Comn is ion United Stat s Employment Service has Ji ted the Hamilton, Ohio ; anton N rth arolina; and I-Iou ton, Texas, Divisions of T he Cham­pion P aper and Fibre Cornpany a essential activities, because, as stated in t he ruling of the l\!Ianpower Comn1ission, "you are ful fi ll ing contracts for government al agencies engag­ed in the '" ar effort and that you supply materials for contracts, directly concerned with maintenance of es ent ia! civilian activities ." The Impregnable Island of Malta An Important Naval Base • \'Ve look at the map, \Ve realize why the British have clung o tenaciously to th at litt le island in the ~1editer­ranean Sea, ca lled !Ialta. While ·it is only about 18 miles ion and eight miles wide, . . yet it occu pies a most strategic pOSltlOn. l\fa lta is a stopping-off point for traffic between England and Ind ia. It is about equal di stance between Gibraltar and Alexandria, each a thousand miles a'~ ay . But Sicily is only 58 mile away, and the di stance to the mainland of Europe is 140,- to Africa 180 miles. N apoleon ca lled it "the fulcrum of the l\!Iedite rranean." Cicero at one time con ide red it a p lace of exile for himself, and an Italian Admiral poke of it as " an unsinka ble a ircraft carrier, permanentl y a nchored on Italy' doorstep." The pop ulation of Malta consist s of 270,000 per ons. They are d eeply reli ious and whi le under French ru le, prior to 1798, resented the reforms b rought a bout by the F rench, a nd broke out in open rebell ion, ap pealing to Lord Nelson and the Bri t ish for help. As a wholP-, it is said, the Briti sh ha e t reated the . f altese people pretty good, o-ra ntin more and m re home ru l , and the local ·governin r officials are, fo r the mo t part, elect d by the people. In 19 19, fo r a limited time the I land wa g ranted s-elf-gove rnment, but that ha " been ~ u p ended and M alta has resumed it s statu as a rown C Jon . Soon after Italy nter d into th e present war-\Vorld \ ' ar 2, bombs from th sky be an t rain ttpon this i la nl. Since th en 1\.t!alta ha been bombed mo r than th re thou - and tirne s,-no oth er area of comparable size ha$ t en. s much punis-hment and ·urvived. T day M a lta' famou itie ar in ruins. \Ve re ii - forme.d that ever y city and vill j · pra ti · lly d ~ tr y d, and th e whole 1. opul ation live in ubt rran n c r bomb sh elte rs a hu nd red feet ben ath th udace of the earth. H er e_ fa mi lie a re born and rea red; chool are c n­ducted and lif goes on a fe f o.m the bomb which are hmv­er d u pon them continually by the enemy. \Vh n ~-! a lta \\'a ~ fir t bombed, th ~faLte e h d nly thr e fightin planes hat could off r re i, , howe ·e r, since t hen E ngland decid ed to defend P. l alta at any co· t, and today the Brit ish -Malte e anti-aircraft corps is consid­ered the be t in the world. The I sland of Malta , b ecau e of it pivotal position in the Mediterran ean, is of the utmost strategic importance to the Allies a s a naval base to attack military in tallations in Sicily and Italy, also convoy ca rr yi ng men and munitions to the enemy. The l\!{altese, under the most f rightfu l condition have defended Malta so effectively , it is gen erally conceded a · one of the most brilli ant and outs tandino- military feats of hi story . It has magni ficen t h arb ors and bay and a plendid base for undersea craft. In the last three tbou .. and year , .i\r1alta has been in the poss ess ion of most of the leading I ovve rs · of E urope. The ea rli er known inha bi tants \vere North Afri cans, and they, and not the P hoeni cian , it i said, e rected the famous monu­ment which stood on t he I sland bcfor the r re-ent war began. Reader's Digest Sent to Former Champions in Foreign Service We have arranged to send the Reader's Digest, one of the most popular magazines published today, to all former Champion employees in the Armed Ser.:. vice of our country who are on foreign soil. This is to be a ·gift from The Champion Paper and Fibre Company. But, before the Reader's Digest Assoc:a­tion, Inc., Pleasantville, New York, can mail the Digest to the boys in foreign service each soldier must make a formal request in writing that the Read­er's Digest be mailed to him. Write a letter addressed to the Reader's Digest Association, Pleasantville, New York, requesting the Reader's Digest be sent to you and mail the letter to the editor of The Log and arrangements will be made for you to receive the magazine regularly. · This magazine is a digest of the leading topics under discussion each month,-in fact it gives one a • diqest of the most important news of the times. Hope that you will derive much pleasure from reading u. (6) ' - - ... - · - - .. Reading from left to right in the picture. front row. seated. Dusty Rhoades, Francis Grinstead: standing, Gladys Hodges. Louis Hodges. Jessie Cook and Boh Northington; kneeling. Willie Thomas. Second row. left to right. seated. Clyde B. Hutchison, Ivey Chapman. Archie Dug'gan; standing. Bubber Smith. Louie Lord. Third row. lett to right. Lawyer Evans. Lenard Chester.. Nobe Jenkins. William Battle. Alton Stephens, Sam Wright. May Gilmore. Buhber DanieL L. C. Chester. Jr .• B. L. Harris and Jessie Clay. OUR HONOR PAGE In rh picture above the operators of The Champion Paper and Fibre Company's day plant, ande1 ~ville Geor­gia, are proudly di ~ playin the ''\Iinute Man Flag" which as pre ·ented to them by the 'Cnited tate~ Trea ury De­parunent: for their plendid cooperation in the "War Bond Wives of Soldiers Need Not Worry About Losing Their Husbands' Affection lf your soldier-hu band is in ~or th Africa, you need not v.o·qr about lo-ing hi aff ction,-for accordina to an old s om the \ toslem women of _ · orth Africa are not allowed w t lk to ran er . ln. fact, ~ 1 odem \¥omen are excluded from the aa herina of men. o trict i · her seclu ion that _b i not even allowed to eat in the company of her hu band. \ 'h n a man en er the house where a woman i , a ignal i ;)ven to over \1p her face ancl :protect he rself from the gaze vf mcn,- wherever she goe h i requ.ired to wear a veil. uanze as it mav seem o us a ~1 ~1em oirl never sees . . .er - ance until the very clay of b r v eddina. lt matter not whether she admi re- his ap earance or nGt, she bel nl! r the man a - lon a he want her. [or he ha b en pur­ch stJ from her pare nt~ by the bride room. The o ul ation of ~' rth Africa i ~ lar ·ely made up of Ber' r op~ ra ti n, 1 ' th s. Capital, with ut lab r to 1 Tat th r tachin ~ , r do certain wor n · ssary in th pr lu irm f roo ls or 1 andling and sal c f am , is usel ·ss .. , - •. Labor i d p d ·nt up n capital and rnanag ment to provi.de job f ,. t.l w rk r5 and d ire t th busin ss ffi i nt ly. ~ - - and 1~ma g men wrt hout capita l o r la bor, would be like ( thr ~ . j .0 d . tool with two legs m is in . Thu$ we sc h w im ortant it i to industry, b usine , a nd t he o ial o rld that Lab r, . apital and Nfanagement-WE THREE, work t gether in peace and harmony. · (8) "Be Not Dismayed Because of This Great Multitude· For the Battle Is Not Yours But God's' One of th convincing argumen s 1n favor of victory for he l!i ·s, is h - fact that both sold ~ers and civilian are b gi1ming to rc Iize th t there i~ a Suprem Ruler of the tmiverse, and th· t H e will help us triumph over our en mie· i [ w will only trust H im and ~; rve Him. [ course, we all realizt that Hjtlcr is not altogether re­sponsible for the pre ern World War, but hat he peoples o f the world hav Jargely forgotten od, and as a result we a e b eing punished for our sins and perhaps the Great Crea tor i m r ly h ping that we will turn to Him for heJp in our pre ent need. It is interes ing to n te th e following newspaper state­ments attributed to our soldiers, sailors and members of the Air Corps. l t is said, in an official army communique, Maj or-General George . Patton, Commander of United St a tes fo rces in French-Morocco, stated: ' It is my firm con­vi ction that the· great success attending the hazardous opera­tion carri ed out on sea and on land by the western tank force could only have b een possible through the jntervention of Divine Providence manifested in many ways." A pilot who r escu ed his crew from a cracked-up bomber, under extreme hazardous circumstance , aid: "I know that some power greater than mine guided my every action. I am glad that I was able to do the job but do not want any false glory to be sent my way over it." The story of Captain E ddie R ickenbacker and hi com­panions who spent twenty-one day in rubber rafts in mid­ocean, after his plane had been forced down, is another interesting incident which c o nvi nce~ us that God is able and will care for us if we only trust Him. After a few days drift­ing hither and thith er, t ortur ed by a tropic sun, without food and water, they realized that their only hope wa in a Divine Providence and God came to t heir re cue and gave them food like the manna which was miraculously supplied to the I ralites while wandering in the wilderness three thousand, five hundred years ago. Private J ohn Bart ex, who was on the raft with Ri .I enbacker , p r fe sed faith in · ad and a.id: " I've d ecided to become a minis ter of the ospel after th wa r .1 over ." Clifford Ande rson, an avia ci n acLet, iovho rna a blind em T -ency la nding at night n the . untr r_ id r • liz d ht r th.at hi · pla ne ju r mi · d a fannb use by onl a f '" { -ct. A i 'ttion Cad t Ander on aid : ' I would n :V r hav" attempt d a landing th ere in L. li ht- it wasn't humanJo­p · s ibl e. I've b .. n 'i k d ho\<\r l dtd it, nd ther 's · nJ · on answcr-th ~ Lord di l it for me." 'fh b ,adliue of this a rtie! is a s riJ: tu r q u tati n fr m rh • 15th ver of Lhc ... Oth ~h a p te r < f II h rouicl s. Th J(iJ'lgdom of J h sh aph at h ad bC'cn in ad d by th Mo bit s ~th ~ l in and hi p lpl f a red tl " n .m -, and pra d t Gc l I . r 1 li rave . R "d Lh whol t: hapt r and ~ ·e ' h at hnpp n. d- t h -. •nem y \ as :::; mitten and -a r igned thr ugh ut th Jan 1. Perh aps th cy n r · turn t · .d for h ·1 n in rdy tru t Him, tb s ner the war wdl b . A THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH '·Jn Lhec, Lord lo I Jut :m tru st ; let mc' u . r be nshamcd : d li r 1ne in thy rj ght ousu · ·s,' - The Bible : Psalm, 31:1 ' U. S . . A. NATION They came from all parts of the earth . A.nd founded thi, gloriou · Nati~n, , The ' traded the bound of the1r btrth For 'joy of their freedom's posse ion. vYe are a , ' ation, (nited Nation \Yhose heroes died for our liberty. \Vho dares to challenge u our pos ·es-ion \'ill meet the heroes in you and me. They tru-ted in G d and His Might And gave Him their simple devotion When making their camp for the '!light Or going from ocean to ocean. The, landed with courage and grit ~:hich now is America's forever. In making the unfit to fit Thev- fulfilled all human endea\·or. Through , tru!Iale within and without. Their freedom they o-allantly o-uarded. The weak people's battles they fou , ht And justice their action· rewarded. How can we our Countr but love, Our History, our Constitution \Vbich reads as if written above nd gives to all mankind solution. :\lo tyrant hall ever an



“[Untitled],” Center for Knit and Crochet Digital Repository, accessed May 18, 2024, http://digital.centerforknitandcrochet.org/items/show/25504.
