


Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
'· • ·. • • • . . - . ' ' ' • < C W~MPION CQRf)WAaN CQVE.II f;M$b$QI;> J.-EATHCR FJNISH .2'.2 .\AO UI • ...PUiflit . • 1938 • ' "' } . ' ' THE STORY OF PAPER - ---Told in pictures-- - ' Picture No. 6--- Bleaching . ~~fter the plrl!D or wood fibret pass thtmvned the land on which the Re'ed mine is located. Its discovery was entirely accidental. It is said that the boy, in company with a sister and a younger bro-ther, went to a small stream that ;ran through t he farm, on a Sabbath day while their par­ents were at church, for the purpose of shooting fish with a bow and arrow. The boy shot at a fis:h in the W3!ter , the point of the arrow struck a ro,ck, and. the:r Old Reed Mine North ' observed where the arrow struck a yellow streak on the . stone. They picked up the fltone and carried it home. polished it and used it as a door c:he-ek fo r a :tlumber of years. In the year 1803 Mr. Reed went to Fayetteville,. took the metal with him aml showed it to a jeweler. The jeweler informed Mr. Reed it was g·old. Mr. Reed s.oid the nug:get, which was, perhaps, worth several thous­and dollars, to· the jeweler for $3.50. In 1804 the Reed mine was opened and many la.r 'e .nuggets of gold were found. Tl1e nugget shown in the pictu:re above weighed twenty-four pounds.. The man in the pictl;tre is A~ M .. Cox, 81 yea:rs of age. Mr. Cox was present when the twenty-four pound mlgget wa3 found. · A report of the ·mineral :resources of the United States by the Department of the Interior in 1914, states that "from 1804 to 1825 practically all o:f the gold produced in the United States came from Norlh · Carolina. The estimated total output -of gold fr om North Carolina ·to the end of 1914 is $2!3,416,357. Tl1e largest nugget found at the Reed mine weighed hventy-eight po.unds, and was found in 1803. In 1804 g·0ld Irugw~ts were found tha.t weighed 9. 7, 3 and 2 pounds eae:n. In 1824, 16:. 91/2, and 8 pounds·. In 1835, 13lj~ and 14 ~!:!- pouncls. Since that time several companies have worked the Reed m..i.He and removed large qu::mt ities of gold. ThePe are a number of gold mine in Nor th Caro­lina in op~ration ~oday, . One of the n:iost successful mines 'is in the ·City ot' Charlotte, and we understand mo:r·e tha.n $50,000 worth of the. llow metal 1>va taken out of that mine during 19,85. ' The p.resent-day method of extracting g·old from the o.re i • quite an imp:rov,ernent over the method llSIE3d d'Ul'­ing · tbe early clays in· America. The quart-z or ore when t ak 11. from the mine pa ~m~ through a set of crusher , then thra.ug;h baU mills horizontal rotating · cylin­ders whi h Gontain it'!Qn balls. 1.lle e balls g:rinne into powder. During the grindh'l.g a . ~...am of w .ter flows into the ball mill, and as the powd n~d st<'me and gold flow ou.t of the nun {)i] i added which pToduces a foam that gathers the. powder­d gold. rrhi J)3 es Uuoug.h a flotation machine that - 2- • • ' ff the P:~~rites stone dust and gold, which is nried a d shipped to the smelter. The fir t branch of the Philaaelphia mint was erect-d in Glu.trlotte, North Carolina in 1836 and o-pened in . Dec mher, 1 37. At that time Gbarlo-tte was the cente1· · f th -vold inh~I·e ·t in the country. Coinage from De­cember. 1 37, until operations were suspended in l\1ay, 1861 am.ou11ted to over $5,000,000. During the war h~ een the tates the mint building at CJ1a.rlotte wru; used as a Confederate hospital. For a. time after the war it ·a,s used as an assa · office. ·Thomas A. Ecli.so11 worked in t.he mint at Charlotte for severaL months, experimenting in exti·aeting gald from ore. The gov­ernment ordered wo,rk discontinued in 1913. · In 1932 the old mint building; was demolished to make way for the new post office. TI1e material in the build­ing was purcha ed b~r the Art Departmen of the Wom­an's Club. Three acres of land in Eastover, the fash­ionable residential ection of Charlotte, was donated a a site upon 'Which the building has been erected ''in au of its original beauty and massive architecture." . The main floor of t-he building· contains a lobby, ten small roon1s and a large gallery. The ground floor, or basement, walls and vaulted c:eilings, ar·e of eolored nativ-e stone. The old mint building, now tB.e mint museum of art, will contain a Queen Charlotte room, named in memory of the wife of King George III of England · a room fol' the u e of Cl1arlotte artists and a. room for the Char­lotte Camera Club and general exhibits of obj.ect, of art. A Tourniquet A TOURNIQUET is a11 instrument used to com_pxess ' an artery and-arresting hemor:rhage. . A handkerchief, piece of cloth, cord, leather strap n1· anything which can be bound around the arm or leg¥ !n case of a lacera~ed wound, to stop the flow of lood, is called a tourniquet. . Where an artery or vein js, -sevel"ed there is dangel' of death being ~au.sed by losing too much blood, there­fore, jn ord-e:r t o. stop the flow of blood a tourniquet i u ed to shut off the blood. When a tourniquet is used it is better to . place a wad of cloth, a stick or something underneath the tour­r1iquet directl over the artery ()T vein· .so that a greate~ pres . w·e v.ri.ll be on Una artery or vein. Remember, the tourniquet should be placed near the wound, betw·een the heart and woundi if an artery .has been cut. If a vein has been severed the wound sho.uld b between the heart and tourniquet. The blood from an artery is .a bright red and spurts -out like water from a hose. The blOOd from a vein is dark red and flows slowly. A ton.rniquet .· should ·be loo~ened up every twenty ·minutes for a few seconds to allow the blood to flow. Cll' th€ part cf the body where the blood supply is cut off \Viii die. T op: A. M. Cox holding a p icture of 24-pou nd nu99et Bottom : Old United States mint, Charlott e, N. C. The mistress of the house heard the bell ring- and saw a Chinese vendor standing at the open front door. Stepping to the back of the hall .she called out to the maid: "There's a Chinaman at the door. Y~u go, E lla." This was too much for the Chinaman, who tuck hi~ head into thc.e doorway and shouted indignantly: "You go 'ella yourself." ~------------·~------ . Discovery . . Old lady meeting a one-legged tramp on the street~ ~'Po~r man, you have lost a leg, haven't yot1 ?'' Tramp, looking down : Well, I'll be darned if 1 haven't." Florida Times-Union. · • Dividend • lOll "-Jtore Pay. Continuin tvhat ll s pro ed to an ev r-.incr • ing annual cu tom, 'fh Champion Employees' ' tot·e, o~vn - e-d and oper ted b. the ton Divi~ion of The ('h· mpJOn P· per and Fibre C~-pnny will on Monday, ovem-r qO. di -tt; ute ame>u it approximately 1,600 1· gular patron · . 4-0,000 in dividends, or trade disoo1mt coupon..::, it h b n o ficially announ ·d. That tb 11> business of thL , one of tb · "tate', out tanding organizations of it kind, i gradually increas­i with ea h year - operations i e idenced by t he fact that in 1935 exactly $36,400 in trade discount, were L ~ued to i · list of sati fied customers. In 1930 the stOle paid 12,643. 6 in trade di count coupons, while in 1931 this amount increased to 13,- 4&2.59. In 193:.. the trade discount distribution jumped to $20,800 while 1933 saw the tore pay out $25,200 a result of increased sale In 1934 the trade discount f igure climbed to exactly $30,000, while 1a t year the figure was stepped up mo.re t han $6,000. Cu tomers are urged not to rush to spend their t rade discount coupons immediately after payment is made as this will result in a congestion within the store which will be hard to relieve. Customers will have full 60 day in which to spend their trade diseount coupons and all are ur.ged to spend them graduaUy as the store has not in- · creased its personnel to take cat·e of a sudden trading episode. The store management announces that all coupons are to be t·eceived not la ter than January 30 and while customers are m·g~ not to r ush the matter fhey are also requested to spend their coupons within the 60-day period. - Deductions will be made from trade discount envelopes covering all indebtedness of any customer at the ' time the distribution is made, the management announced. ' - Suggestion Awards· Improved method of application of water in Thorne Bleacher stock r egulator $5.00 Kims Collins and J. C. Campbell. Safer method of starting No. 8 conveyor chip belt-$2.00 W. 0. Murr. Installation of additional light socket at pulp loading platf or m for safety of liners. $2.00 0 . E. Stan1e -. Installation of telephone booth at Extract Boiler House. $1.00 P aul H at t, Power. Separate water line to winder jacks on paper mactines. $2.50 C. A. Murr. Improved spreader bar for paper machines. $2.50 T. E. Shook. Improved method of handling grit from sulphate cau ·bcizing classifier. $5.00 ...,harlie Setzer, R & A. Change location of causbc outlet on E. B. eel].. $1.00· H. W. Mears. Utilization of dis carded journal bo es on iron din~;: ys. $2.00 'Turner Hall, R & A. Build coal bunker for cranes and locom tiv s.--$10.00 . P. Smith. Conservation of' ste m n s hutdown of Badg -r -w;; porators. $2:00c..-Dewey Fletcher. Improved method o -washing Black Ash boil r n r ·pair d·:t .- $2.00 P. G. Kinlum, oda. Improv,ed method Of samplin · caus tic at Thorn Bl ach. rs.. $2'.00 . . C. Row . Application of a ditional ~ ir to No. !} 1_ in gr t s tok<'x from th f;;t.n on No. unit. $r->.OO P. G. IUn1\: n, Soda. New meth d of r pairin .. transmission h. in . 5.00 W. F. Smith. Rearrangement of equipm nt for oper ting " ., ~i nd r . $2.00-Srniley arv r, R & A. Improvem. nt to dra"' chajn at ' tra t chi p r. . 2.00· T. F. Sharp, R & A. Additional lighting for walk rVay I tw en I oard and Bo k Mills. $1.00 1\1. V. Bramlett, R & A. ' "'1. 'GerJJzan Bttlld' .' Composed E:rclusiz~el; o Anzericans Plays in Carzton, 1\. C. • ~ ecial Feature to the ~' unday h s ue. . Canton N. C., Jub 4th . German musjc has become er~· populat· in Canton aHd Western North Carolina. About one year ago a band was o1·g-anized under the naiUe 'Alte Kameraden" and German music ha been played a:lmo t exdu.sively since. Hat ld E. \ ~right, the organizer of this band crune from Vi isconsin t€) accept a pos ition with The Champion Fibre Cor1pany. He was familiar with .Germ-an music and thought highly of it. The thought occurred to, him t.hat a band playing German musk offered sornething out of the ordinary in the line of entertainment to this part of the country. The idea appeal f t. It was an emer ­gency job and a vet· hazard us ne. The pipe was mad up in ction , each joint w ld d and placed on the 1 aching room l ' . f with the e1·ane. The section xtending ac oss th h . n ical tr tl nd r ailway t r acks is 57 f t lonO', and is uppori cl b. tt·us$ od.s weld d und rneath the pip . The pipe line wa in t all d witl ut a min r ccident and ahead of sch edu,l ti e. C. A. Hild brand and members of hjs cr \ re to be congratulat ed. The ham pion irit ahva y, ·,in ··. No­bod. v hurt. and completed ah ead o"f : ch du l i,_ a record that make ever vbod \· f el f'od. • • a e ' .. WE_ N .make va ·t mechanical improvemen ts, but I t ' e do not Improve the h uman being at the same time we ga.in no ground. Indeed, cientific progress, \Vithou'~ a rre pond1ng progr es in the moral and emotional life of our pe p1e, may be a menace. Whil we have improved travel conditions t remen­d u ·ly in the last decade elimjnating danger pot,.. from our concrete highwa¥.s and increas.ing the depend­ability and me ·hanical safety of mot or car death · and injur ies from accidents to the pas.sengers of pri~ vately driven cars are on the increa e. Thousand arc killed or serjously injured every day on American high­ways, in spite of all our mechanical precautions. \Vhy '; Because of .selfishness and our indifferent and even h os­tile attitude toward fellow travelers. We are not prov­ing ourselves spiritually worthy of our material prog­ress. We have not b-een neighborly, courteous, and kinrl . upon the highway. Our lack of decency toward our fel ­low men is a definite blac1{ mark against us. How, then, can safe road habits and the proper social attitude toward the rights of oth er t ravelers be devel­oped? The mind which is unwilling to accept restric­tjons for the benefit of society will take chance on hill and on curves. To develop social attitudes which will bring more safety we must begin to inst ruct children, emphasizing the moral issues invol'ved in the national problem of reckless and careless d.I"iving. Children learn, partly in churches and schools, to be considerate and to interest themselves in other peo­ples' welfare. But most of their moral standards., which. through use, are built into habits and attitudes, a1·e acquired in lessons taught by thoughtf ul parents around the family fireside. Attitudes .are likely to be deep-seated and difficult to change. Habit s must b ~ embodied in our nervous .structure to enable us to act in a firm and prompt way in emergencies. They con stitute our c.hara.cter. All institutions which have re­sponsibility for children should strive through contin­uous training to prepare them to be safe and consider­ate drivers. And that i accomplished through the ef­fective moralizing and humanizing of native irnpul es. Plans are being gradually developed to provide more adequate assistance for those who are injured on the htg·hways. Red Gross Emerg·ency First Aid stations are being established at many strategic places along the mai.n }ljg~hways throug'hout the country, like dressing station on a batlefield. What a comment ary upon our civilization! These s-tations are . uppHed v ith medical quipment and ar mann d by worker b·ah1ed in firs. aid m t.hods. This i a very i m ortant and necessar:> n. ov m nt and should re ult in a marl ed r eduction jn th lo of life and suffering which occurs from high­way a id nt .. But, in addition to aiding th injured. w ha a "ocial obligation to fost r and develop a na-ional charact :r that will recognize the strang' ron th road a a n ighbor and a friend. Am rican Magazin . 0 t b r, 1936. "Have you a bit of your grandmoth er's lace to wear with your wedding gown, my dear 7'; uNo," but I'm carrying grandma's cigarette case. ' -6- l!JU,OOO Killed • lJt 19.35 E VEfY hour during 1985 elev~n persons in the Uwted tate met death by accident ana .about l,- 10 other were nan-fatally inj·ured. In addition to tha . : measurall.e , orrow and suffering v1rJ1.ich resulted from the death"' and injuries there was also an ac­tual money lo s e ·ery hour from accidents amounting 0 ~ :soo,ooo. In each 24-hour .period these lo.sses added up to 274 death , 26 .• 000 injuties and an economic cost of nine and one-half million dollars. And when the accident books we ·e clo.,ed December 31, the years' totals had !'nounted to 1{)0,000 death.s, 9,340,000 non-fatal i:njuri.es, and a co t of 3,450,000,000. Onl • half as many American soldiers met dealli :in -he V\rorld War as were killed by accidents last year. r ho.se perma1~ently disabled in 1935 accidents exceeded .in number the total population of Rochester, New York. 1\Iotor vehicle accidents were tbe ... number one" cau e in the 1935 accident list, accounting- for 37,000 fatalities, 105,000 permanently disabling injuries and 1,180,000 temporary disabilities. Home death tot alled 31,500; there were also 140 (}00 permanent disabilities .and 2,100,000 teinporary dis-abilities . - . · Deaths in public accidents not involving a motor ve­hicle numbered 18,000 · there were an additional 60,000 permaoont disabilities and 2,100,000 temporary dis­. abling injuries. The 1owe t death total was that of occupational ac­cidents, 16,500. Work accidents also caused 63,000 per­manent disabilities and 1,340,000 other inj urie . - The national death 1~te from aecifii.ents was- 78.4 per 100,000 population in 1935, compared with 79.9 in 19-34, 2.4 in 1933, and 71.3 in 1932. Twenty-four out of 46 r eporting states had rates below the national average of '18.4. There were also 22 state.s of the 46 which had }r,wer rates in 1935 t han in 1934" - outhern states~ and some others just west of the :Mississippi River , had 1·ates among the lowest. Arkan­sas reported only 50.9 deaths per 100,000 p0puJation, North Dakota a rate of only .54.6 and Oklahoma only 57.1. Florida is a notable exception in the south, having a high rate of 118.9. A consideration of individual state records over a period. of years proves condu ively that accidental death can be reduced. For example, the death rate on a populatio!l basis declined more than 10 per cent in New York from 1930 to 1935, New Jersey shows a drop of 16 l)er cent, Pennsylvania one of 15 per cent and Ohio one of 10 per cent. Other states, on the con­trary, . how rate incxeases dm.ing these years Alizona, Florida and California, ·13 per cent each, North O:tro­lina 17 per cent, Georgia 6 per cent. In many states public health campaigns have been nota:bJy effective in eliminating such diseases as small­pox~ ..t phoid fever diphtheria and others. Similar re­duction in accidents are po.ssjlYle with a reasonable In­vestment {)f time and money; . National Safety CounciL Apprentice Class The · Apprentice Ciass under the supelvisio? of. J. E .. Wilkinson, composed of fiftacJ'e:I" with a large circulatien . . Your letter made us hap;p:v. Again we thank you. · - ' !I a bits ' P 1 OF.E ... ·OR Willian). J am~s, g1·eate t . mer icn11 a u~ tho1;1ty on psyeholog , sa1d, ''Could th · yonng real­jze- how sooJ.il they will b come mere walkin.b· hundJ :;:;; of .habits, the would give more heed to their conduct while in the .r>·lastic state." . . . "lNe are spinning our own fate , good or evil, and ne er t0 be undone. Every small st strok of virt 1e oi· cf vice l e~wes it never-!S o-littl ~ scar." Good halits ar form d easily iJl y ou~h. and mean happiness. Bad habits are l'nore easily f'otmed and ca u.se much ~ ol'l'O\ and ufferi n °'. Habit enables us to do things in the da.rl and aJrn<)st withqut thinking .. The habit o:f thought before act ion, ·or areful planning before decision is a worthwhile habit. · · . ' E ery one of us I now what it iS" that is wrong with us, though we are not willing to admit it, nor are ~": willing to c.ortect bad habits . Da:> by day we are fo~rming · habits, training the mind, which soon vvorks automatically. Dr. Carpenter, an authority on the nervous system, compares it to "A .sheet of pa1)er or a coat, creased or folded, that 'tends to fall forever afterward. into the s:ame identical folds." These creases or folds are hard to obliterate · iron out. Still it can be done characte.r can be changed. .. · It has been said, ''nothing we ever do is, in .strict sci­( mtific literalness·, wiped out." There .is an old saying, ''Habit is .second nature." The Duke of ' ;v'ellington said, '·'Habit is ten times nature," meaning, perhaps, that habit once :fo1n1ed has ten times the power of our natural self. Professor James claims that: "Possibly nine hundred and ninety-nine-thousands of our activity is purely au~ tomatic and habitual, from our rising in the morning until our lving down each night." If Professor James is correct,~ shouldn't we be careful .about the kind of .habits we form ? • JOroti.uction J(ecortis ' During 06 P~riod several departments of the plant made very good production records. The paper machines hav·e been on the honor roll f ar three consecutive periods. No doubt the limit will ,soon be reached. · · The pulp machines also made a very creditable record. We are all interested in good production rec,,rds7 and always fee] proud of any department that shows a marked i.mprovemeJlt in production. ' ' Mrs. Fussy: Are you sure these are strictly fresh eggs ? Groce-r: .Certainly, madam. The farme11 who ]?r ings them to m~ refuses to keep ehiek ns which }~ · any oth r kind. LQve is lik a poker g:ame : It tak s a .pai t op u, h .~ets. a flu ·h . h e . ·how diamonds. and it nds w1th • f111l h u e. _g.- I ' • Good Road Habits to Develop "'ometimes driving seems to bring out the worst in human nature. Selfishly, a driver will hug the center of the 1·oad, refuse to let others pass, w€ave in and out of tl:·affic, or cut across a line of cars when .he wants to nake a turn. , The courteous driver is the better driver and usually gets places just as fast. He invariably .shows his driv­ing ability by adopting good road habits. He always gets into position well before turning. If he plans to make a right turn, he pulls o·ver into the Jane nearest the right curb ox- roadside and signals ·ell in advance. He approaches the turn slowly and makes it sharply. Wben approaching a left turn, he pull.s into the lane nearest the center of the road and gives the proper signal before he reaches the corner. He never cuts a left-hand turn short, as this is not only a dangerous t hing to do but is also djscourteaus: to other drivers as well as to pedestrians. He respects the rights of other motorists, keeping away over on the .right-hand side of the road and al­ways leaving plenty of room for oncoming and passing t raffic. Before overtaking a car he makes sure that he has plenty of room to pull out of line and to get back again with ease and safety. He never crowds other cars jnto the ditch. He gives warning signals with his horn but never uses it unnecessarily. \Vhen traveling· at 40 miles an hour on th o en road he keeps about fjve car lengths behind the vehi l ahead and more when b·aw~ling faster. He doesn't pass standing treet e< wh r n af '' zones exist and n v r pas e one on the l ft unl s o direct d. He realizes th t coa. ting is dang ou ' ;, nd that pa - ing another vehkle on a urve 0}' a hill is att . n pied only be extr · meJy poor dTiver . Man has less courage than a woman~ Imagin a man ·with fifteen cents in h'is pocket tryinO' on sev n suits of clothes. Owl Eyes Philosophizes l\n. ditor: 1 HEARD a number o_f peeche · on af~ty. In one ·of hem, the speake.r s.ru.d he could m>t understand why a company must spend money to educate their employ­ee . to exe..rcis the first law of mankind; namely, elf preservation. Prior to pondering over this for orne­time, and compa1ing what could be learned about acci­d nts, I thought this fellow must be all "wet." I was vjsualizlng a number of accidents called "contributa.ry cause ," however, the records show the greates t num­b r of accidents are caused by the injured, and this brings us right bacl{ to the first law of mankind, so what ? Well, something within ourselves has got to be con­trolled. That something may be, in some peroons, the so-called "sporting instinct;" that is, they will take a chance one time. In others, they do not see the danger, just like an illiterate person trying to read a newspaper. The thing does not register in their minds. There are all sorts of emotion within the human be­ing, and it behooves each person to determine which of these is likely to get them into the injured class, tl.nrl guard that emotion. Recently, I had an emotion. While walking through the Board Mill basement, I saw a man hunkered do\vn ' the shank of his shoe;s· resting on the edge of the broke beater, under the calenders of No. 2 machine. Two days later I saw another man doing· the same thing. That sent my mind back 25 years. I had a friend who was a ,mechanic in a paper mill up North. He was working· on a hot bearing over a beater. The ladder upon which he was standing· was accidentally struck by a careless trucker, knocking him down into the beater. Well. the company did the only thing they could thev buried the entire contents of that beater • as his remains. - Seeing those men hunkered on the intake side of tha:t beater sent cold chills over me. It may be that some alterations should be made there to feed the beater under certain conditions, or maybe a sharp­toothed rake would do the trick. An how, I hope the first law of mankind wi11 prevail. -Owl Eyes. Take a Tip From 17our Dog Spee-d! peed! peed ! Speed is the spirit of today! 'Ve must all leal'n to relax. Have you · ver notic-ed ·om· dog? After h is through running and playing, have , ' OU noticed how he completely relax and fall asleep on the rug at your f et? He lets down, rests ever nerve and mu le, and builds up his strength for the next run. You, too, n ed to relax. Tal a tip from your dog· and J t d wn. In th e high-tension days it is vitally imp r­ant to r Ia . Ohio Health Bulletin. Busy Man (using phone): Give me 2-2 double 2. Operator: Two-two-two--two? B.w;y Man: Yesl and hurry up. I'lJ play trains with you later! -10' .. ' • 1. C. A. Notes B-v G. C. Suttles " l J E' ~~·. .... 1• C' • A • ~quare Dance 1 eam j ourneyed to Tbe ChHokee l nciian Fair and pu11ed down fir.:l p' ace. Thi team is now under the leadership of Wade C. Hill, vd1o haci bt>tm getting splendid cooperation from members of t.be Square Dance Club. ~rr. Hill' efforts rue already bearing fruit as the team looks bet­ter than at an r time since the Club '\ as formed. Man~r people called the "Y' secretary to congratulate him on the pJendid .showing of the team at the fair. The Dance team is compo ed of the following: Frank Battle, caller; Hoyt Barton, Johnson Smith, Gu~· \'ell . Ellis Wells, Floyd Lowrance, James Sheffield, Hm·old Haynes, _jir . Hoyt Barton, Mis Daphne Queen, )Irs . .Geo. Smathers, l\fr . Ralph Mease, Jr., Miss Ollie TTant­ham, .Mis.s Anna Lee Kezziah, JHiss phie Fisher and Miss Edna Franklin. Ho,·t Barton deserves much cred­it for. his splendid volunteer service to the •ry" in getting the team to­g .ther for practice and competition in the Fair program. The ' Old Reliable' Smathers .. .'tring Band rendered splendid mu­te for the occasion and helped the team to victory. • rF•X· r .. The Y. M. C. A, Bowling pro­gram i now in full swing. The al­l- e. ·s have been put in first class condition, made A B C regulation and Pin Spotter.s have been in­~ talled. The Bowling League i in full \ ·ing with the following teams fighting for first place : Book Mill, Employee's Store. R. & A., Armory, Y' M n, Laboratory, S ulphite, i'lachine and :Finishing. Claude B. Witt was unanimously elected to swing thjs great "Y" progTrun. Claude i a very enthus­ia tic bowler and rates high in lea­gue bowling in \:Vestern North Car­olina. He is one of the "Y's" fine.:t • ton P atricia Ann, two -months -old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brookshire. Volunteer ·workers and the fans look forward to a good year under his leadership. . • - .. x ...... Larry Hartshorn, president of the Y. M. C. A. Skeet Club is al­ways planning something for the ''Skeeters." Just now he is plan­ning to journey over to Greenvil1e, Tenn., on Nov. 11 ,to try for hon­ors in a great Skeet shoot. Larry has a good team and has been able to hold his own with the best. The foil(}\ ~ing members will accompany Larry: Arlie Smathers, Earl Sma­thers, Jim Hardin, C. S. Owens, J. M. Deaton, Lee McElrath, G. C. uttles and several others. This promises to be a great day. We will tell you of the .honors won (or lost) later. Bryant Holtzclaw, president of the Champion Band, reports real progress with his organization. Frank Jacocks i instructor. Th Band render real service to the community, as they assi t in all large community events. They gave a very nne program on Labor Day, giving much pleasure t several thousand people on this occasion. They meet regularly for practice in the Plott building. -11- There i much enthusiasm for Lhe bar and 1\Iat program at the '·Y." Hildebrand js in charge of this program. Clyde is 1·ated < s one of the best on The Parallel and Hori­zontal bars as well as The Horse and Buck. lf you don't 1-.:now jusl · ·what th_is i~, come Qut and see fc r· Yourself. • M. B. Bazamore will be in charge of boxing and wrestling. Bazamorl:! is an experienced man in this li11e and is capable of running a g1·eat program for the men and boys in ­terested in thi sport. C. C. Poin­dexter, high school athletic direc­tor will also be on hand for this work. Members of the "Y" Hunting Club are just now enjoying a good season of hunting and many tales ~re told as they return from t he hunts. Discussion is usually led by C. R. Suttles. Mrs. A. B. Wiggington is doing a splendid service wjth the girl.s as she tra:ins them in swimming and health habits. Mrs. Wiggington will organize several girls' clubs a.nd will-take them to. camp in the sum-mer. Mrs. Wiggington also serve.: as Y. M. C. A. hostess, rendering .service to all clubs and group meeting at the "Y." ..-.x- . J. lVI. Chambers (Jimmie)), ph y­sical director, :is getting ready for a very busy season as the men, wo­men, boys and girls flock into th . "Y" for bathing, swimming, basket­ball, volley ball, bar and mat work, setting up exercises, fendng, bad­mjnton, and many other games. Hi volunteer leaders are on hand and ready to go. . rrx~ The board of directors of the Y. M. C. A., under the leadershi·p of W. Lee McElrath, met at the "Y" on Thur.sday, 0 tober 19, at 4 :Hi p. m. The attendance t this meet­ing wa v ry g'OOd, Financic 1 re­ports were preL en ted y the gen­Cl'al seer tary and approved. Pr ~ gram for the winter season wa. • \ r. lVI. C. A. Note pre~ented and apprQved. This board is renderin o- reaJ servi e to he com­munity in volunteer leadership. -~ - -x· r•· - The Y's l\1 n's elul>, under the leadership of Dr. A. V..T. Bottoms is steadily growing in membe.nship and ervice. 'this is a "Y" project club composed o.f the outstanding young men ·of our Industry and City. The main pToject of the above club is the development of Camp Hope. This property on Pigeon r iver was purchased and given to the "Y' for the purpose of serving our boys and girls with a religious, edu­cational and recreational program. This camp is in need of many im­provements to make it .serve the above purpose. Plans for this de­velopment are underway and will be announced later. The Pioneer and Pal's Boy's clubs are now under wa v for the s·eason ~ with meetings Tuesdays and \f\7 ed­nesdays at 6 p. m. -The boys plan their programs for good community service. They pay dues and save their money for a period of camp­ing in the .summer. ....,_X• .. There is much talk by several young men of a "Little Theatre' ' group for the winter. Also a public speaking class. All right, Jet's go. V. e will find room for this some~ where. ~ -x ,. -- ~ h a# • A group of young fellows are try­ing to organize another band. Why not? There is need for it for the splendid training that it will give and the service that it can r.ender. Suttles is trying to make a plan for them. Maybe we can make this a high school project. This would round up the "Big Time" high . school program that is in full swing under the leadership of Dr. J. R. \Vestm.oreland and committee. Can~ . . ton should be very proud of this project. The general secl~etary' worrie : A growing and expanding coopera- Heard The Around Plant An Und\te Disturbance A judo· , wi1Ue trying a case, was di ·turbed by a oung man who ke'J;)t r 1ovil'lg about in the reax of the court, lifting chairs. and peering under the seats. "Young man,;, exclaimed the learned j udg·e at last, "you are mak­ing a good deal of unnecessary nose. What tire you doing?" "Your honor," replied the offend­er, "I have lost my overcoat and am trying to f ind it.'' "Well," came the reply, "people often lose .suits here without mak- · ing all t hat fuss." 'Is this the Fidelity Insurance Company ?" "Yes, ma'am, it is .. What can I do for you?" . "I want to arrange to have my husband's fidelity insured." ·Li ttl.e Johnny had been .to school for the first time. "Well, darling, and what did you ~ lE.:arn ?" asked his mother on John-ny's return. ~ , "Nothing," sighed Johnny hope- . lessly. "I've got to go back tomor­r ow." Haymond: If you had ten dollars in your pocket what would you do? Godfrey : I'd think I had some­body else's pants on ! tive program, a building much too small, inadequate budget, nearly 3,000 members. But, tell us what you like. We will do our best. .-.x•a . Gym classes, Bowling leagues, volley bali leagues, basketball lea­gues, bo ·ing and wrestling clas es, dances, swimming, bathing, bil­liards, Sherrill Dance school, vo­cational classes, afet.. meetings, saving and loan groups, hospital g-roups, skeet lub, hunting club, Pi one · r club, Pal's club, Champion band, Golf Club, Woman's. club. Business and Prof ssional Women's lub, Chureh g:r·ou11 , chool g-roups, For m I)'s m ting ,, ''Y" board, uy" otnrni



“[Untitled],” Center for Knit and Crochet Digital Repository, accessed May 18, 2024, http://digital.centerforknitandcrochet.org/items/show/25529.
